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9/11 Conspiracy Theorists


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8 hours ago, mothra said:

I thought you'd reached your zenith yesterday Deco, but now you're seeking an even more rarefied apogee. This is because of Frank's death isn't it? You blame yourself but we all could have done more

I've been a shambles ever since he passed, Ratty. I've taken to the bottle and started proceedings to get my eldest child's name changed to Frank, and I can't get erect with Mrs. D unless she dances around the room in a wig like a stupid fucking spastic.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've been a shambles ever since he passed, Ratty. I've taken to the bottle and started proceedings to get my eldest child's name changed to Frank, and I can't get erect with Mrs. D unless she dances around the room in a wig like a stupid fucking spastic.

I happen to know your eldest child is 25 and a woman, so good luck there old friend. As for Mrs D, whenever I've visited (usually when you are away) I just put some Vangelis on the gramophone.

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Guest luke swarm
On 20/09/2016 at 5:48 PM, Decimus said:


1 hour ago, witheredscrote said:

My knob is just like Ian Dury's arm............................dead

I am sorry to hear that Withers...any estimation on when the rest of your body catches up with it.......After Franks funeral, we are getting quite experienced in dealing with Cunts perishing online.

But just like the Messiah,they are always resurrected to cunt again.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

...something or other, but I can't clear the earlier quote from my fucking phone. 

So I'll risk the wrath of roops by altering a quote, and suggest baws that if you're a Dury fan, google linda smith ian dury great lives bbc iplayer. A wonderful listen. Linda died far too young as well. 

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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

There's nowhere left to hide, 
With lazy skin and ash tray eyes, 
A perforated pride. 

Where the fuck have you been CB? We've all been grieving on here and taking care of arrangements for Frank's funeral. Maybe you could do the food you always get after the send off. Frank liked racist ginger nuts if I remember rightly.

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8 minutes ago, mothra said:

Where the fuck have you been CB? We've all been grieving on here and taking care of arrangements for Frank's funeral. Maybe you could do the food you always get after the send off. Frank liked racist ginger nuts if I remember rightly.

I've got hugs for you, if you were born in the 80's.

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1 minute ago, mothra said:

you really are fucked up at the moment Deco. Have you considered a career in the church?

When I was at school, I was told by one of my mates that it was legal for the bishop of Rochester to boil his cock. That's always stuck with me, and I've wondered for years why a non-clerical man such as myself can't dip his cock in hot water without the old Bill getting involved.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 21/09/2016 at 7:47 AM, Decimus said:

Tuesday appears to be the new Saturday judging by last nights antics. Quincy was blatantly anally administering massive doses of turps periodically throughout the evening. Meanwhile, you were supping from a can of Tennant's in your dank underground lair, a lone candle illuminating your twisted form as you furiously flicked through the latest edition of Aircraft Disaster Monthly.

Astonishing scenes, and only made bearable due to the fact that I was also absolutely cunted.

Tuesday was awesome. No cunt in the house and I was hitting the party leftovers , making cocktails, dusting the table, chuckling insanely.

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 22/09/2016 at 7:02 PM, Decimus said:

When I was at school, I was told by one of my mates that it was legal for the bishop of Rochester to boil his cock. That's always stuck with me, and I've wondered for years why a non-clerical man such as myself can't dip his cock in hot water without the old Bill getting involved.

Only Rochester?

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

I subscribe to Alan Moore's philosophy, ultimately. It is somewhat alluring to believe ultimately that there is an underlying conspiracy, or framework, that links what would otherwise appear to be random events. Some people go so far as to try and find hidden numbers or symbols in mundane objects and events. The terrifying, and far more likely, scenario is that there is in fact nothing linking any terrifying event together. People claim that anarchy would never work, simply because the big fish would rise to the surface and take control. What, then, if this is exactly how our current form of society has come to fruition? We trust governments, the military and the police with a position of power, but if nothing actually happens for a reason then the notion that we must observe these institutions of perceived authority must be considered as somewhat farcical. The truth therefore is that conspiracy theorists are the least open minded, regardless of what they may say, because they cling to the safety net of believing that events are linked rather than accept the notion that we actually live in an anarchist state where there is no real justice or reason for horrifying events and actions.

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38 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I subscribe to Alan Moore's philosophy...

This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

And I'll whisper,


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