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Fucking useless politicians

Guest DingTheRioja

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Guest DingTheRioja

So, when Emily Thornberry, the Shadow Home Secretary, was asked if she could name the French Foreign Minister, she accused the interviewer of sexism, she didn't answer because she didn't fucking know... her own "opposite number"... she added "can we talk about some serious stuff?" as if Brexit wasn't fucking serious... dumb fucking cow.


She suggested he ask about "serious stuff" like North & South Korea, she didn't know who the Foreign Minister in SK was either (Yun Byung-se since you ask), and didn't even know if the President was male or female, even though being asked is a big fucking clue....

Also, she later tweeted: "Seriously, though, sexism is still so rife and serious. This kind of thing trivialises it and makes it harder to fight."

No shit Sherlock!

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Guest Alfie Noakes
8 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

So, when Emily Thornberry, the Shadow Home Secretary, was asked if she could name the French Foreign Minister, she accused the interviewer of sexism, she didn't answer because she didn't fucking know... her own "opposite number"... she added "can we talk about some serious stuff?" as if Brexit wasn't fucking serious... dumb fucking cow.


She suggested he ask about "serious stuff" like North & South Korea, she didn't know who the Foreign Minister in SK was either (Yun Byung-se since you ask), and didn't even know if the President was male or female, even though being asked is a big fucking clue....

Also, she later tweeted: "Seriously, though, sexism is still so rife and serious. This kind of thing trivialises it and makes it harder to fight."

No shit Sherlock!


I didn't know Young Beyonce was South Korea's foreign minister.

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Alfie Fucking Noakes said:


I didn't know Young Beyonce was South Korea's foreign minister.

Poke-Em-Yung is not on the short list for the job of Education Minister..

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She is a fucking pleb. Though I think Watson is even thicker.

I saw him being grilled in an interview. He was wittering on about Corbyn being unelectable, the interviewer said "so how do you explain the thousands of people who turn up to hear every speech he makes? How do you explain 300.000 new members? The Labour party is now the largest political party in Europe. How do you explain that kind of mass appeal?"

The thick cunt Watson replies "Ah, his mass appeal applies to only a small number of people..."


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Guest Bill Stickers
On 11 September 2016 at 9:16 PM, Rick_B said:

People who complain about Corbyn being unelectable don't seem to be able to explain why "moderate" Labour has lost the last two elections. Surely if the Blairite Tory-lite approach was so popular Labour would be in power now.

The last Blairite they found was unelectable as well. Milliband and Corbyn both never stood a chance. It's like running a fight club of Guinea pigs and foxes.

The average unwashed doesn't really give a shit about policy, they want someone who seems decisive and looks the part. 

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On 11/09/2016 at 9:16 PM, Rick_B said:

People who complain about Corbyn being unelectable don't seem to be able to explain why "moderate" Labour has lost the last two elections. Surely if the Blairite Tory-lite approach was so popular Labour would be in power now.

The only way I would vote for Labour in the near future would be if Tony Blair returned as leader for the party. I don't particularly care about his record regarding the Iraq war and whether it was justified or not. What I do care about is his domestic record. Three elections won, building on Smith's legacy of moving Labour to the centre ground, and turning this country around after the woeful late Thatcher and Major years. He was a charismatic leader who had respect on the global stage, and was the last leader to cater for the needs of middle England.

Of course, the media has ensured that he is now unelectable, even if he ever did consider a return to politics. New Labour wasn't perfect, but it worked for the majority of the population and did not solely cater for either the dregs of society or the social elites.

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only way I would vote for Labour in the near future would be if Tony Blair returned as leader for the party. I don't particularly care about his record regarding the Iraq war and whether it was justified or not. What I do care about is his domestic record. Three elections won, building on Smith's legacy of moving Labour to the centre ground, and turning this country around after the woeful late Thatcher and Major years. He was a charismatic leader who had respect on the global stage, and was the last leader to cater for the needs of middle England.

Of course, the media has ensured that he is now unelectable, even if he ever did consider a return to politics. New Labour wasn't perfect, but it worked for the majority of the population and did not solely cater for either the dregs of society or the social elites.

you soppy little cunt.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only way I would vote for Labour in the near future would be if Tony Blair returned as leader for the party. I don't particularly care about his record regarding the Iraq war and whether it was justified or not. What I do care about is his domestic record. Three elections won, building on Smith's legacy of moving Labour to the centre ground, and turning this country around after the woeful late Thatcher and Major years. He was a charismatic leader who had respect on the global stage, and was the last leader to cater for the needs of middle England.

Of course, the media has ensured that he is now unelectable, even if he ever did consider a return to politics. New Labour wasn't perfect, but it worked for the majority of the population and did not solely cater for either the dregs of society or the social elites.

Thatcher saved us from a union dominated economic collapse and ruination.

You thick sodomite.

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6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Thatcher saved us from a union dominated economic collapse and ruination.

You thick sodomite.

I said the late Thatcher years. I agree that some of her earlier actions, although deeply unpopular with some, were completely necessary.

Anyway, I'm suprised you're frothing at the arse for her, I assumed you'd despise her for section 28, you disgusting little queen.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I said the late Thatcher years. I agree that some of her earlier actions, although deeply unpopular with some, were completely necessary.

Anyway, I'm suprised you're frothing at the arse for her, I assumed you'd despise her for section 28, you disgusting little queen.

I thought you'd totally identify with her because she was so lower-middle class.....

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

She was an uppity northern cunt who tried to ape the establishment and who everyone wished was dead. A proto-Punkape.

It's been confirmed by admin that PunkApe is actually a 17 year old American autistic male from Boston, MA, who enjoys Pokemon Go and disassembling household appliances. 

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Guest luke swarm
3 hours ago, Punkape said:

Thatcher saved us from a union dominated economic collapse and ruination.

You thick sodomite.

yes and we have been doing ever so well since especially in manufacturing industries. By the way is it true that you live in Massachusetts Pinky ?   

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22 hours ago, Decimus said:

The only way I would vote for Labour in the near future would be if Tony Blair returned as leader for the party. I don't particularly care about his record regarding the Iraq war and whether it was justified or not. What I do care about is his domestic record. Three elections won, building on Smith's legacy of moving Labour to the centre ground, and turning this country around after the woeful late Thatcher and Major years. He was a charismatic leader who had respect on the global stage, and was the last leader to cater for the needs of middle England.

Of course, the media has ensured that he is now unelectable, even if he ever did consider a return to politics. New Labour wasn't perfect, but it worked for the majority of the population and did not solely cater for either the dregs of society or the social elites.

I don't agree, all a load of pony.


Biggest welfare bill ever and dependance, white underclass as result.

Mass immigration

14 million cunts voted for Major, (not a majority of cunts in UK plc) Blair didn't quite amass this level of support.

Turn on the TV, look at the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, it started with the destabilisation of Iraq.

North of Ireland, thank the late Mo Mowlem not Blair

Middle England exists in the minds of election campaign managers and their friends in the press.

John Smith would have told Alistair Campbell, Mandleson and Charlie Whelan to fuck off.

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Guest luke swarm
43 minutes ago, The Beast said:


Turn on the TV, look at the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, it started with the destabilisation of Iraq.

Agreed, if only we could appoint someone experienced in middle east affairs and maybe create a new post of "Middle East Peace Envoy"

That would be a great idea to bring all the aggrieved parties together and sort this mess out.

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Guest Bill Stickers
52 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't agree, all a load of pony.


Biggest welfare bill ever and dependance, white underclass as result.

Mass immigration

14 million cunts voted for Major, (not a majority of cunts in UK plc) Blair didn't quite amass this level of support.

Turn on the TV, look at the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, it started with the destabilisation of Iraq.

North of Ireland, thank the late Mo Mowlem not Blair

Middle England exists in the minds of election campaign managers and their friends in the press.

John Smith would have told Alistair Campbell, Mandleson and Charlie Whelan to fuck off.


I can't believe you Decimus, Blair was a slimy cunt who fucked the country and half of the world. Your worst post I'm afraid, worthy of a spell in the cooler. 

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I'm sorry, but he was the best Prime Minister of recent years. The Northern Ireland peace process and the minimum wage alone are legacies that his government left us. Yes he might not have been the architect of these, but they happened under his elected government.

A large welfare bill? Maybe, but he raised millions out of poverty. Tuition fee introduction? The free system was not sustainable and to anyone who has been to uni, we all know this isn't a real debt where bailiffs come round and kick your fucking teeth in. It can only be taken through PAYE and is fuck all, even on a high wage.

I don't give a flying fuck about The Middle East or Afghanistan, I only care about his domestic record. I'm an out and proud Blairite and Labour ceased to be a viable, electable party the day he left office. 

Am I the only cunt on here who thinks he did a good job?

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Guest Alfie Noakes

His legacy is that of a war criminal who with bush sent half a million or more innocent Iraqi citizens to their death. The country could not afford the domestic policies and we were left broke. I cannot believe I am saying this as I was a labour voter until this year. It isn't necessarily Corbin that is the problem for me, it is the back stabbing shit that both sides get up to that has pissed me off. 

Cameron is a fucking quitter who's legacy is to have split the nation on an unnecessary referendum. He played political knock and run.

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