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Baby boomers and their shit music tastes.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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2 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Humans have walked the Earth for around 200,000 years. For the best part of that time they have made music. Astonishingly the best music ever made during that 200,000 year period happens to be the music made in the ten year period most baby boomers went to college or university. The music made in the preceding 199,960 years, and the thirty since, is all garbage. 


So, as a non baby boomer, I have to endlessly hear about how demonstrably shit bands like Emerson Lake and Palmer, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Brotherhood of Man and Slade are somehow the pinnacle of musical form. Yeah? Fuck off. Most of you are nearly dead, hurry it up and take your shit music with you.

I don't care if you saw The Sweet opening for Jethro Tull at Charlton Athletic's ground in 1974, having hitchhiked down with your brother and nearly had your ring-piece tickled by a sexually aggressive lorry driver. I don't care if you drank too much Watneys Red Barrel, or smoked too much of that piss-weak bullshit weed you had back then, and fell asleep during Manfred Mann's Earth Band's set. I don't care that the tickets cost "nine bob" (whatever the fuck that means) or that you had to buy them three weeks in advance having seen some advert in the back of the NME. I don't care that you had to burn fence posts to stay warm, got cracked about the head by the police or had to eat lentils from some hippy-samaritan organisation because the toilets overflowed during Van Der Graaf Generator's set.

It is wistful nostalgia about a time when the entire country appears to have been either grey, brown or pea-green, when the electricity only worked half the time and when the shattered remains of heavy industry and the hangover from WW2 still loomed large over a country teeming with apparently untouchable paedophiles in pretty much any position of power. The most hardened and iconoclastic of your musical acts back then still went giddy at the notion of appearing on Top of the Pops, with its tinfoil sets and (yet more) apparently untouchable paedophiles doing the presenting.

Fuck off, it was all bollocks. Die off already and allow some much needed objectivity to enter the room concerning this dark period of human history.

I think you need to take Dr Feelgood's advice and go down to the Doctors for a shot of R and B.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

The OP seems to know an awful lot about prog rock for someone who so despises the genre. I hate gabba and techno so therefore know fuck all about it. We have a disgruntled ex member of Budgie here I think.

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You are the sort of person that would ask someone which is their favourite Beatles,Stones,led Zep album and then tell them nah,thats rubbish ,not as good as blah blah blah....Music preferences are like most tastes, subjective.The only question not in doubt is if you are a cunt,dont think there would be too much discussion about that

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16 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Humans have walked the Earth for around 200,000 years. For the best part of that time they have made music. Astonishingly the best music ever made during that 200,000 year period happens to be the music made in the ten year period most baby boomers went to college or university. The music made in the preceding 199,960 years, and the thirty since, is all garbage. 


So, as a non baby boomer, I have to endlessly hear about how demonstrably shit bands like Emerson Lake and Palmer, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Brotherhood of Man and Slade are somehow the pinnacle of musical form. Yeah? Fuck off. Most of you are nearly dead, hurry it up and take your shit music with you.

I don't care if you saw The Sweet opening for Jethro Tull at Charlton Athletic's ground in 1974, having hitchhiked down with your brother and nearly had your ring-piece tickled by a sexually aggressive lorry driver. I don't care if you drank too much Watneys Red Barrel, or smoked too much of that piss-weak bullshit weed you had back then, and fell asleep during Manfred Mann's Earth Band's set. I don't care that the tickets cost "nine bob" (whatever the fuck that means) or that you had to buy them three weeks in advance having seen some advert in the back of the NME. I don't care that you had to burn fence posts to stay warm, got cracked about the head by the police or had to eat lentils from some hippy-samaritan organisation because the toilets overflowed during Van Der Graaf Generator's set.

It is wistful nostalgia about a time when the entire country appears to have been either grey, brown or pea-green, when the electricity only worked half the time and when the shattered remains of heavy industry and the hangover from WW2 still loomed large over a country teeming with apparently untouchable paedophiles in pretty much any position of power. The most hardened and iconoclastic of your musical acts back then still went giddy at the notion of appearing on Top of the Pops, with its tinfoil sets and (yet more) apparently untouchable paedophiles doing the presenting.

Fuck off, it was all bollocks. Die off already and allow some much needed objectivity to enter the room concerning this dark period of human history.

Fuck my boots solid, that was way too long for me to digest on a Sunday afternoon..are you a scholar..?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, ThunderCunt said:

Fuck my boots solid, that was way too long for me to digest on a Sunday afternoon..are you a scholar..?

He is a disgruntled Budgie roadie who never got to be with the big boys like ELP or Genesis. He will be moaning about the modern prog revival movement next. Probably a Take That fan.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Right... buckle up!!! *

18 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Fuck off, it was all bollocks.

Have you seen the shit that infests the charts/radio/mtv/fuck knows these days?

I have shit better noises than 90% of them.

17 hours ago, Manky said:

Music is all down to personal taste so who the fuck are you to criticise anyones taste in music. You are one arrogant fuckwit if you think your taste trumps anyone else's. These old cunts like myself and a number of others on here have sampled music from 6 decades so are going to have a more valid opinion of the changes over the years.

Did you like the shade of black of your Fiat 500 from Mr H Fords "Any colour you like as long as it black, used car emporium"  Fucking dicksplash.

I fucking hated 60's music.

I fucking hate the beatles, overrated shite.


So Tata...

17 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Stone Roses are a shit Byrds ripoff for fat chavs on Eccies. If they were actually good then the speedy drugs wouldn't need to be a prerequisite. Listened to by boring old chav Dads now. Their frontman looked like a monkey.

Oasis are a shit Beatles ripoff for fat chavs drinking Carling. If they were actually good then the heavy drinking wouldn't need to be a prerequisite. Listened to by boring old chav Dads with that cringy Paul Weller haircut. Their frontman looked like a monkey.

10CC. Not a real band. The studio creation of two gobshites and whoever they could rent to fill in the other places. Had a song that went "I'm a Neandertal Man" which explains their enduring popularity in Manchester to this day.

Alberto y los trios paranoias - another band (like the Buzzcocks et al) that thought singing fast punk songs with that stupid northern accent made you sound like anything other than Alan Bennett on a speed bender. A pointless, irrelevant and completely forgettable band. Only Radio 6 Music types still pretend to like them.

Bee Gees. Miserable poofters with beards and scary teeth.

The Hollies. Their one good member was poached by CSNY.  

You say the Byrds, the Beatles and Crosby were good?  You fucking old fart, die already!!!!

17 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Enlighten us then, what passes muster on the musical front chez Dan? Not Clannad, surely?

Justin Beleiber probably, such a nice boy.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
5 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Justin Beleiber probably, such a nice boy.

Typical boomer blunder. if your music was any good then you wouldn't need to denigrate any other artist. Go on Youtube and look up some shit old band, like Grand Funk Railroad or Status Quo, and some stupid old boomer cunt will be right there in the comments section saying "Best band ever, so much better than the crap on radio these days". You find some song that is basically some dude with a mullet from Barnstaple wearing double denim and singing about the merits of underage sexual intercourse in a faux American accemt over a three-chord tune stolen from the African Americans, and you claim it has more soul, feeling and talent than anything recorded from 1980 onwards... get a fucking grip.

If your '70s rock was any good then you wouldn't need to quantify the quality of the music by trashing another genre, artist or era of music. Do you ever see an art historian talking about the merits of Rubens by simultaneously laying into the work of Francis Bacon? It never happens. I detect nothing more than a massive insecurity on the part of baby boomers. By dint of being the greediest, laziest and most arrogant generation of people, the baby boomers think that all their favorite music must be better than anyone else's, but secretly they know that it isn't, that the world keeps spinning and that they are slowly losing their grip on power. Excellent!


Take note, I've not stated my own personal music tastes in this discussion as they are irrelevant. My point still stands; it seems unlikely that the best music cooked up by the human race was written and recorded between 1967 and 1979. 

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Guest luke swarm
1 minute ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Typical boomer blunder. if your music was any good then you wouldn't need to denigrate any other artist. Go on Youtube and look up some shit old band, like Grand Funk Railroad or Status Quo, and some stupid old boomer cunt will be right there in the comments section saying "Best band ever, so much better than the crap on radio these days". You find some song that is basically some dude with a mullet from Barnstaple wearing double denim and singing about the merits of underage sexual intercourse in a faux American accemt over a three-chord tune stolen from the African Americans, and you claim it has more soul, feeling and talent than anything recorded from 1980 onwards... get a fucking grip.

If your '70s rock was any good then you wouldn't need to quantify the quality of the music by trashing another genre, artist or era of music. Do you ever see an art historian talking about the merits of Rubens by simultaneously laying into the work of Francis Bacon? It never happens. I detect nothing more than a massive insecurity on the part of baby boomers. By dint of being the greediest, laziest and most arrogant generation of people, the baby boomers think that all their favorite music must be better than anyone else's, but secretly they know that it isn't, that the world keeps spinning and that they are slowly losing their grip on power. Excellent!


Take note, I've not stated my own personal music tastes in this discussion as they are irrelevant. My point still stands; it seems unlikely that the best music cooked up by the human race was written and recorded between 1967 and 1979. 

 Although I cannot recall anyone here claiming what you say about 1967 and 1979. I am willing to concede and agree with you....on the condition that you shut the fuck up with this pointless manufactured argument....who gives a fuck, its like arguing which actor played the best James Bond....its a personal preference you cunt..................Brosnan by the way.  

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
26 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Indeed. Buffalo Springfield formed in 1966.

I think I have a Best of CD somewhere. Surprisingly it isn't complete silence for 70 minutes. Their only tune of note is 'Something's Happening Here', but even then it is lazily overused by hack documentary makers on BBC4 trying to cram in a 60s zeitgeist segment by having that tune, or All Along the Watchtower, playing over scenes of civil unrest, JFK being shot, Hueys zipping over Vietnam, Hendrix at Woodstock etc... 

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On 10 September 2016 at 9:46 PM, Tata Steely Dan said:

Humans have walked the Earth for around 200,000 years. For the best part of that time they have made music. Astonishingly the best music ever made during that 200,000 year period happens to be the music made in the ten year period most baby boomers went to college or university. The music made in the preceding 199,960 years, and the thirty since, is all garbage. 


So, as a non baby boomer, I have to endlessly hear about how demonstrably shit bands like Emerson Lake and Palmer, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Brotherhood of Man and Slade are somehow the pinnacle of musical form. Yeah? Fuck off. Most of you are nearly dead, hurry it up and take your shit music with you.

I don't care if you saw The Sweet opening for Jethro Tull at Charlton Athletic's ground in 1974, having hitchhiked down with your brother and nearly had your ring-piece tickled by a sexually aggressive lorry driver. I don't care if you drank too much Watneys Red Barrel, or smoked too much of that piss-weak bullshit weed you had back then, and fell asleep during Manfred Mann's Earth Band's set. I don't care that the tickets cost "nine bob" (whatever the fuck that means) or that you had to buy them three weeks in advance having seen some advert in the back of the NME. I don't care that you had to burn fence posts to stay warm, got cracked about the head by the police or had to eat lentils from some hippy-samaritan organisation because the toilets overflowed during Van Der Graaf Generator's set.

It is wistful nostalgia about a time when the entire country appears to have been either grey, brown or pea-green, when the electricity only worked half the time and when the shattered remains of heavy industry and the hangover from WW2 still loomed large over a country teeming with apparently untouchable paedophiles in pretty much any position of power. The most hardened and iconoclastic of your musical acts back then still went giddy at the notion of appearing on Top of the Pops, with its tinfoil sets and (yet more) apparently untouchable paedophiles doing the presenting.

Fuck off, it was all bollocks. Die off already and allow some much needed objectivity to enter the room concerning this dark period of human history.

You seem so very angry about nothing much at all.  Are you a complete and utter fucking arsehole? One does wonder what you'd be like in a real crisis.

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Guest luke swarm
6 minutes ago, Hector said:

You seem so very angry about nothing much at all.  Are you a complete and utter fucking arsehole? One does wonder what you'd be like in a real crisis.

Hector, he is in a real crisis...only he cannot see it, most patients cant   

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I was a Roadie for Rush briefly. Then The Beastie Boys. Then was security for the Manic Street Preachers in the 90's. I thought they were all shite. I just play "All Kinds of Everything" by Dana on a permanent loop. You cant go fucking wrong with that.

Incidentally, I was staying in a hotel in Oxford about 15 years ago, and Daniel O'Donnell was staying there. His security guy and I got chatting, and he claimed he did Dana up the wrong 'un in 1975. I believe him to this day. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On September 10, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Tata Steely Dan said:

Humans have walked the Earth for around 200,000 years. For the best part of that time they have made music. Astonishingly the best music ever made during that 200,000 year period happens to be the music made in the ten year period most baby boomers went to college or university. The music made in the preceding 199,960 years, and the thirty since, is all garbage. 


So, as a non baby boomer, I have to endlessly hear about how demonstrably shit bands like Emerson Lake and Palmer, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Brotherhood of Man and Slade are somehow the pinnacle of musical form. Yeah? Fuck off. Most of you are nearly dead, hurry it up and take your shit music with you.

I don't care if you saw The Sweet opening for Jethro Tull at Charlton Athletic's ground in 1974, having hitchhiked down with your brother and nearly had your ring-piece tickled by a sexually aggressive lorry driver. I don't care if you drank too much Watneys Red Barrel, or smoked too much of that piss-weak bullshit weed you had back then, and fell asleep during Manfred Mann's Earth Band's set. I don't care that the tickets cost "nine bob" (whatever the fuck that means) or that you had to buy them three weeks in advance having seen some advert in the back of the NME. I don't care that you had to burn fence posts to stay warm, got cracked about the head by the police or had to eat lentils from some hippy-samaritan organisation because the toilets overflowed during Van Der Graaf Generator's set.

It is wistful nostalgia about a time when the entire country appears to have been either grey, brown or pea-green, when the electricity only worked half the time and when the shattered remains of heavy industry and the hangover from WW2 still loomed large over a country teeming with apparently untouchable paedophiles in pretty much any position of power. The most hardened and iconoclastic of your musical acts back then still went giddy at the notion of appearing on Top of the Pops, with its tinfoil sets and (yet more) apparently untouchable paedophiles doing the presenting.

Fuck off, it was all bollocks. Die off already and allow some much needed objectivity to enter the room concerning this dark period of human history.

A friendly word of advice. Their is a not so fine line between a cracking cunting nom and a Lon-winded diatribe pile of shit. This time, you missed the mark on a proper cunting. 

Please try harder. 

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