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The United States Of America

Guest Lady Penelope

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15 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

I agree. The Chinese finance sector is sitting on a huge debt timebomb. Beijing is quietly nationalising failing banks and imposing withdrawal restrictions to mask how bad the problem is but with the Anglosphere countries and Japan squeezing their economy it's only a matter of time before the bubble bursts. At which point, China's only option will be to ask the West for help.

Trump may agree to take the thumbscrews off but I suspect the price for doing so will be one Beijing won't be willing to pay and that is a permanent end to its currency manipulation which has given Chinese exports an unfair advantage for the last 20 years and China publicly relinquishing its claim to the Nine dash line along with any other territorial ambitions. The only other escape route would be for China to cosy up to the EU backstabbers but as Europe is on its knees due to Beijing's deliberate negligence, they would probably find it impossible to gain a consensus on the EU council and Trump appears to have already fired a warning shot at them to toe the line by withdrawing 12000 US troops from Germany.

Another interesting thing of note is that the UK has decided to fire up it's Magnitsky style legislation intended to target foreign individuals who commit human rights abuses. The first wave of sanctions have been directed at Russians and Saudis but something tells me that the hundreds of billions that senior CCP members and their families have stashed in British tax havens are the real target and Boris wants them to know it.

The most revealing thing over the last several weeks has been China's inaction in response to the UK threatening to depopulate Hong Kong and Huawei's ejection from 5G. If the UK had pulled this a year ago Beijing would have gone fucking apeshit and threatened us with economic annihilation but besides a whole lot of piss and wind clearly intended for an internal audience, there's been fuck all, which would suggest the yellow sadists know that their pension funds are going to bankroll the UK response to any shit they throw at us.


13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yeah, that was a typical Trump smoke and mirrors exercise. In a move that will reportedly cost "billions", US troops are being withdrawn from Germany ostensibly as a punishment for not maintaining the 2% GDP spend on defence. In fact the troops the troops will stay in Europe and will be be redeployed to Belgium and Italy where both countries pay even less on defence as a % of GDP.


12 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

I believe it has to do primarily with a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Now, the Donald's not too keen on this idea, as its going to be cheaper than importing his liquefied natural gas. 

Thats the yanks for you... 

A lot of good, valid points. 
In terms of the 2% GDP spent, not being honoured by Germany, I think the target was to be reached by 2021, if I’m not mistaken, so there is lot going on besides Trump’s “complain”, just like noted above.

 I would like to add, Trump must have orders to get Poland and other now developed Eastern European countries into a reliable dollar sphere, and keep them clear off of the euro zone, in case any one of them choses to join in the future, thus weakening the influence of EU financial block on the periphery. With UK at the western wing, Czechia and Poland at the east, perhaps Hungary and Slovakia in the basket it makes a strategic sense for US interest within Europe;  it will throw a spanner in the Brussels works. 

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2 hours ago, White Cunt said:



A lot of good, valid points. 
In terms of the 2% GDP spent, not being honoured by Germany, I think the target was to be reached by 2021, if I’m not mistaken, so there is lot going on besides Trump’s “complain”, just like noted above.

 I would like to add, Trump must have orders to get Poland and other now developed Eastern European countries into a reliable dollar sphere, and keep them clear off of the euro zone, in case any one of them choses to join in the future, thus weakening the influence of EU financial block on the periphery. With UK at the western wing, Czechia and Poland at the east, perhaps Hungary and Slovakia in the basket it makes a strategic sense for US interest within Europe;  it will throw a spanner in the Brussels works. 

The fact that your average Yank doesn't know that Trumps got them by the bollocks just confirms the stereotype of a Septic. If those fucking idiots don't re-elect him, that cunt Biden will be rolling out the red carpet. 

I think trying bring back engineering, and manufactures a solid idea. 

Edited by Major Cunt
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25 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

The fact that your average Yank doesn't know that Trumps got them by the bollocks just confirms the stereotype of a Septic. If those fucking idiots don't re-elect him, that cunt Biden will be rolling out the red carpet. 

I think trying bring back engineering, and manufactures a solid idea. 

Biden's 77. At least put up a candidate whose gonna live the first turn or who dont end up with dementia. Frank looks in better shape then him. 

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I'd like to think so. I get it from two places, schools i attended. One was an awful place full of mini thugs and low lifes from council estates. One of whom went down for murder in later life. My parents took me out of the dreadful pikey infested shithole and packed me off to a very nice upper class boarding school in Shropshire. Although, one of the kids, a prefect no less, older than me, was expelled for sleeping with a dead fox he'd found on a cross country run. It's hard to say which was the most depraved. 



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8 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I'd like to think so. I get it from two places, schools i attended. One was an awful place full of mini thugs and low lifes from council estates. One of whom went down for murder in later life. My parents took me out of the dreadful pikey infested shithole and packed me off to a very nice upper class boarding school in Shropshire. Although, one of the kids, a prefect no less, older than me, was expelled for sleeping with a dead fox he'd found on a cross country run. It's hard to say which was the most depraved. 


Punkers claim to fame. I might start a thread where punters can suggest a fair maiden and only you, Neil and the Rev can offer an opinion as to whether you'd batter their dung holes or not.

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22 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I saw M People live and they were abyssal.

Mrs Small can’t sing live for toffee.I would rather listen to a pack of Hyenas howling having ingested a carcass laced with potassium chromate crystals..

You mean the Village People. Was it at Greenwich Village, New York City? Off your tits on poppers and ketamine? Completely numb from toes to sphincter. You should get tested for aids Punky... 

Edited by Major Cunt
Not San Francisco!
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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

You mean the Village People. Was it at Greenwich Village, San Francisco? Off your tits on poppers and ketamine? Completely numb from toes to sphincter. You should get tested for aids Punky... 

Greenwich Village is in New York MC.

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15 minutes ago, Arthur Dick said:

Go back to being a reptile?? Eh?? are you fucking high?

Teh last encounter I had with a reptile was a couple of months ago when I nearly stepped on a baby adder.

The Jimmy Savile avatar isn't altogether sitting comfortably with me, Reptile.

A penchant for fast cars beyond your means, the go-to obnoxiousness before sophistication or humour... it's all making sense.

How did this cunt slip the net, @Mrs Roops?

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13 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The Jimmy Savile avatar isn't altogether sitting comfortably with me, Reptile.

A penchant for fast cars beyond your means, the go-to obnoxiousness before sophistication or humour... it's all making sense.

How did this cunt slip the net, @Mrs Roops?

He must have used his army of gamer mates and their combined interweb savvy to pull the wool over the witches eyes

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20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The Jimmy Savile avatar isn't altogether sitting comfortably with me, Reptile.

A penchant for fast cars beyond your means, the go-to obnoxiousness before sophistication or humour... it's all making sense.

How did this cunt slip the net, @Mrs Roops?

She's already admitted giving him a previous blank passport. So I see no reason for her not issuing a second. 

This is Roops after all. 

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3 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

She's already admitted giving him a previous blank passport. So I see no reason for her not issuing a second. 

This is Roops after all. 

One wonders what goes through the silly, biff flashing mares brain? Allowing a thick as shite cretin like reptile to return yet again makes me realise she's no real interest in humorous and lively debate that sometimes breaks out here. Only the puerile posting of wankers like this gets her frothing at the sardine slot

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10 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

One wonders what goes through the silly, biff flashing mares brain? Allowing a thick as shite cretin like reptile to return yet again makes me realise she's no real interest in humorous and lively debate that sometimes breaks out here. Only the puerile posting of wankers like this gets her frothing at the sardine slot

OTOH, your reputation for being happy only when you have a victim to pick on precedes you.

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If you keep allowing these poor victims to return to this site again and again, what do you fucking expect?

I've alluded to this before - if you and your fellow pitch-forkers had their way The Corner would be down to five punters. The CC Moderation Service plays the long game and punters who do not make the grade despite words of advise will be placed in the incineration chamber.

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Just now, Mrs Roops said:

I've alluded to this before - if you and your fellow pitch-forkers had their way The Corner would be down to five punters. The CC Moderation Service plays the long game and punters who do not make the grade despite words of advise will be placed in the incineration chamber.

And yet Frank continues where he left off before his "complete ban" and Lady P still trots out its utter shite with impunity. You're full of shit. 

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24 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

And yet Frank continues where he left off before his "complete ban" and Lady P still trots out its utter shite with impunity. You're full of shit. 

Fortunately the site isn't managed according to who you like or do not like. Tell you what Stubbs, why not set up your own site where you can apply the Stubby sieve according to your own myopic sensibilities? I guarantee after one or even ten years your own personal Corner would resemble an echo chamber of four to five voices.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Fortunately the site isn't managed according to who you like or do not like. Tell you what Stubbs, why not set up your own site where you can apply the Stubby sieve according to your own myopic sensibilities? I guarantee after one or even ten years your own personal Corner would resemble an echo chamber of four to five voices.

Keep up with current times darlin'; I've been exchanging PMs with Rick for the last few weeks where he's been testing me for suitability of join the moderators team. Off the many scenarios he's run past me such as dealing with vendettas, acrimony and just plain thick cunts, I've passed all with flying colours. My final requirement is to kill off an existing member of admin who stands in my way

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15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Keep up with current times darlin'; I've been exchanging PMs with Rick for the last few weeks where he's been testing me for suitability of join the moderators team. Off the many scenarios he's run past me such as dealing with vendettas, acrimony and just plain thick cunts, I've passed all with flying colours. My final requirement is to kill off an existing member of admin who stands in my way

vendettas, acrimony .. could you explain what you understand those words to mean .. have you been affected by exposure to swamp gas?

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