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Online vigilantes


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I watched a documentary last night about Stinson Hunter, who is an online vigilante. The basic premise is that he pretends to be an underage child on social media, and when he is contacted by older sexual predators, he sets up meetings with them and films the subsequent results. Evidence is then passed on to the police who investigate the perpetrators for online grooming offences. I've no doubt that his heart is in the right place and that he is attempting to be proactive in making the internet a safer place for children.

However, not only can his actions jeopardise ongoing police investigations, he has also been responsible for the suicide of a man who he confronted. No great loss you might say, but taking the law into your own hands still raises ethical questions, and I for one do not agree with the lynch mob mentality that he espouses. Paedophiles should be tried in a court, and if found guilty imprisoned, not paraded in front of a baying mob without any consideration for the law.

I found a video on YouTube today by one of his contemporaries, "The Hunted One". Although there is evidence that the man confronted is a risk to children, he has quite obviously got severe learning difficulties and I felt uncomfortable watching it. 

So what's the corner's verdict? Righteous heroes, or reckless vigilantes who not only endanger victims of child abuse by disrupting police investigations, but also the lives of men who have yet to receive a fair trial?

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I think it's a pile of bollocks. If the cunt was that much of a hero, why not become a certified officer of the law and exact justice and prevent crime, legally. 

I seem to remember a yank cunt.......just googled him, Chris Hansen; doing something similar a few years back. 

I'm not accusing anyone of anything, for fear of the wrath of the Internet police swooping in on CC and shutting it down, but for one to take such an avid interest in this particular subject, as per Messrs Hansen and Hunter, is surely suspect in itself. 

Hiding in plain sight and all that.


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I can't abide this pathetic liberalism. For fucksake, if someone is accused of child abuse on the internet they should be locked up or killed immediately, why waste time on something so mundane as a trial? And think about this; while he's awaiting the trial, how many other children could he assault, even if he didn't assault the first one?  It beggars belief and I despair for our system of justice. 

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5 minutes ago, scotty said:

I can't abide this pathetic liberalism. For fucksake, if someone is accused of child abuse on the internet they should be locked up or killed immediately, why waste time on something so mundane as a trial? And think about this; while he's awaiting the trial, how many other children could he assault, even if he didn't assault the first one?  It beggars belief and I despair for our system of justice. 

I agree to an extent, Scotters, and I'm not advocating leniency if they are truly guilty. But there is a reason the old bill don't approve of this. All it takes is for one paedophile to realise these vigilantes are on to him, and then they can leg it and destroy evidence, evidence which could lead to more victims being safe guarded. Likewise, if they then go and top themselves, you risk losing any evidence of collaboration or accomplices. The dead don't tell any secrets.

By all means, lock them up for life if found guilty, but often the grooming of a fictitious child is only the tip of the ice berg, and these cunts are risking the bigger picture being revealed.

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He's a cunt,no matter what the crime just imagine what a fucking free for all it would be if this was extended to other crimes.Leave it to the old bill,they sorted that Dalian Atkinson out good and proper

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Guest Bill Stickers
17 minutes ago, scotty said:

I can't abide this pathetic liberalism. For fucksake, if someone is accused of child abuse on the internet they should be locked up or killed immediately, why waste time on something so mundane as a trial? And think about this; while he's awaiting the trial, how many other children could he assault, even if he didn't assault the first one?  It beggars belief and I despair for our system of justice. 


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Guest Bill Stickers


This is why we have a system of law and order in this country, and probably the best in the world too.

This is why these moronic peadophile hunters cannot be endorsed. They are neither professionally or mentally suitable for the task they are undertaking. 

Usually they like the attention and praise they receive from other equally thick and misinformed individuals. 

Report it to the police. Get everyone you know to report it to the police. Write to your MP.  

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6 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:


This is why we have a system of law and order in this country, and probably the best in the world too.

This is why these moronic peadophile hunters cannot be endorsed. They are neither professionally or mentally suitable for the task they are undertaking. 

Usually they like the attention and praise they receive from other equally thick and misinformed individuals. 

Report it to the police. Get everyone you know to report it to the police. Write to your MP.  

Well said. It's sensationalist fucking bollocks that is designed to give narcissistic cretins with a hero complex more likes on Facebook.

By all means they can collect and submit evidence to the police, but there is absolutely no reason for them to film and publicise names and addresses of people who have not been convicted in a criminal court. It's one step away from lynching, and as we don't live in the Wild fucking West, it has no place in a civilised democracy.

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If the cunts are guilty, string 'em up. If not quite guilty, string 'em up in case they start thinking about it.

They always claim they are not at fault, they blame sexy kids.

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Guest nobgobbler
26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I agree to an extent, Scotters, and I'm not advocating leniency if they are truly guilty. But there is a reason the old bill don't approve of this. All it takes is for one paedophile to realise these vigilantes are on to him, and then they can leg it and destroy evidence, evidence which could lead to more victims being safe guarded. Likewise, if they then go and top themselves, you risk losing any evidence of collaboration or accomplices. The dead don't tell any secrets.

By all means, lock them up for life if found guilty, but often the grooming of a fictitious child is only the tip of the ice berg, and these cunts are risking the bigger picture being revealed.

I saw something like this a while ago and the vigilante had been sexually abused as a child and received no help, so I can't condemn him for doing what he thinks is right. Paedos are everywhere, including within the police force, so he's possibly doing a good job x2. 

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17 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:


This is why we have a system of law and order in this country, and probably the best in the world too.

This is why these moronic peadophile hunters cannot be endorsed. They are neither professionally or mentally suitable for the task they are undertaking. 

Usually they like the attention and praise they receive from other equally thick and misinformed individuals. 

Report it to the police. Get everyone you know to report it to the police. Write to your MP.  

I don't agree with the vigilante approach, but I'm not too sure upper echelons of plod and our right hon parliamentarians have a good track record in adhering to the law when it comes to sex with underage children.

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I fucking hate nonces but I felt uncomfortable when this cunt exposed someone on film and the geezer topped himself after being filmed leaving a wife and young child at home none the wiser,it sort of felt right but very wrong 

Gary glitter is a cunt

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A man with learning difficulties can still harm a child. .what I find a bit disconcerting is he actually turned up to meet this phantom child...proof enough for me to merit one behind the ear with the good ole break top webley mk4 with pre Geneva convention softy expandy sluggys 


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Guest DingTheRioja

The yanks have, or had, a TV programme doing exactly this.  They'd have "behaviour experts" with online accounts as a 14 year old girl targetting paedos, invite them over to a house "because my parents are away" and this actress who was 18-21 or so was dressed up younger and would basically chat him up until he said the wrong thing, cue TV presenter with mic who'd give him the This Is Your Life treatment before the cops came in and arrested him at gunpoint, on tv.

What makes it worse, is the girl/actress is obviously not a kid, she's pretty, and continually suggestive in what she wears, says and does around him.

This is a country which has strong anti-entrapment laws and the police were actively involved in the programme... they make uncomfortable viewing because some of them you can see are desperately lonely and wierd/ill, some are just obvious fucking perverts who should be shot on camera.

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12 hours ago, Decimus said:

I agree to an extent, Scotters, and I'm not advocating leniency if they are truly guilty. But there is a reason the old bill don't approve of this. All it takes is for one paedophile to realise these vigilantes are on to him, and then they can leg it and destroy evidence, evidence which could lead to more victims being safe guarded. Likewise, if they then go and top themselves, you risk losing any evidence of collaboration or accomplices. The dead don't tell any secrets.

By all means, lock them up for life if found guilty, but often the grooming of a fictitious child is only the tip of the ice berg, and these cunts are risking the bigger picture being revealed.

I see my dripping sarcasm has gone unnoticed, decs. Again. 

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8 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

The yanks have, or had, a TV programme doing exactly this.  They'd have "behaviour experts" with online accounts as a 14 year old girl targetting paedos, invite them over to a house "because my parents are away" and this actress who was 18-21 or so was dressed up younger and would basically chat him up until he said the wrong thing, cue TV presenter with mic who'd give him the This Is Your Life treatment before the cops came in and arrested him at gunpoint, on tv.

What makes it worse, is the girl/actress is obviously not a kid, she's pretty, and continually suggestive in what she wears, says and does around him.

This is a country which has strong anti-entrapment laws and the police were actively involved in the programme... they make uncomfortable viewing because some of them you can see are desperately lonely and wierd/ill, some are just obvious fucking perverts who should be shot on camera.

Was that the programme where they trapped a bloke at a petrol station and it turned out he was a cop with the sherrif's department? 

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Was that the programme where they trapped a bloke at a petrol station and it turned out he was a cop with the sherrif's department? 

Dunno, only watched a couple, too fucking wierd. The blokes were obvious pervs and should be shot for it, but the girl didn't half lead them into it, I'd have thought any good lawyer would have got them with entrapment on the entire premise of the programme, nevermind the scripts being written carefully to avoid certain phrases for it.

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Guest I know that Cunt

Good nom. These vigilante cunts are just thick cunts that risk compromising any police investigations. You only have to look at them to see that they are fucking crims themselves.

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32 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Good nom. These vigilante cunts are just thick cunts that risk compromising any police investigations. You only have to look at them to see that they are fucking crims themselves.

they are invariably thick and council estate scum to boot. It's also where places like Middlesbrough had networks of abusers ('uncles'). Filth.

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