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People who add the milk to the cup before pouring the tea or coffee

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 26 August 2016 at 7:10 PM, Panzerknacker said:

Black coffee myself. .no sugar..splash of cold water..only cunts have milk in tea n coffee


I'm glad you signed that off. Arsehole.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Panzerknacker said:

Black coffee myself. .no sugar..splash of cold water..only cunts have milk in tea n coffee


Is this the racist hot beverage thread? To accompany the biscuit thread.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Is this the racist hot beverage thread? To accompany the biscuit thread.

No, he's just telling us he takes his coffee black, like his men.

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Guest Bill Stickers
14 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Yes, just been seeing/spying how fit my old girlfriends on FaceFuck still are, some goodlooking milfs around still, not that it would interest you,

You really are a fucking tragic case.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

You really are a fucking tragic case.

You're only jealous, there's no ex's in your life and anyone who had the misfortune to know you once upon a time has you blocked and on 2 mile restraining order.

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Guest Bill Stickers
24 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

You're only jealous, there's no ex's in your life and anyone who had the misfortune to know you once upon a time has you blocked and on 2 mile restraining order.

The only one exhibiting stalking behaviour worthy of a restraining order is you, stalking people on Facebook.

Its a strange thing to brag about how many exes one has, wouldn't you agree?


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Guest DingTheRioja
29 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

The only one exhibiting stalking behaviour worthy of a restraining order is you, stalking people on Facebook.

Its a strange thing to brag about how many exes one has, wouldn't you agree?


Did I say I had loads?  No, just that they're still fit.

..and you still look jealous with that last line... I take it Billy was chosen for being a No Mates?

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Guest Bill Stickers
16 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Did I say I had loads?  No, just that they're still fit.

..and you still look jealous with that last line... I take it Billy was chosen for being a No Mates?

Ding just because you say you had a fit missus doesn't make it true. You're a bit like Jay from the inbetweeners, with far flung and utterly unbelievable tales about having gangbangs with supermodels at the caravan club:

Oh no ding, please don't mock my fictional screen name. Please for the love of God. 

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1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

The only one exhibiting stalking behaviour worthy of a restraining order is you, stalking people on Facebook.

Did you ever chance upon "Project Harpoon" which photoshopped fat cunts into thin cunts? The original Facebook page is long gone but this piss-take may give you a sense of just how much said fat cunts failed to appreciate this kind gesture.


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10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I always use Yorkshire Gold leaf tea. I make sure the strainer is rinsed thoroughly before use as I usually check my urine for stones first thing in the morning.

Anyone for crumpet?

For some reason this reminds me of the joke where the monkey sticks the cherry up its arse before eating it, following its earlier unfortunate ingestion of a cue ball.

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1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

Ding just because you say you had a fit missus doesn't make it true. You're a bit like Jay from the inbetweeners, with far flung and utterly unbelievable tales about having gangbangs with supermodels at the caravan club:

Oh no ding, please don't mock my fictional screen name. Please for the love of God. 

I often wake at night in a cold sweat, taunted by the echoes of my nightmares.

"Dickipuss, Dickipuss, Dickipuss."

Perhaps we should start a support group, I worried for your sanity when you were labelled Bill Stupid.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I often wake at night in a cold sweat, taunted by the echoes of my nightmares.

"Dickipuss, Dickipuss, Dickipuss."

Perhaps we should start a support group, I worried for your sanity when you were labelled Bill Stupid.

It's better than "Dung".

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Guest Piston
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Ding just because you say you had a fit missus doesn't make it true. You're a bit like Jay from the inbetweeners, with far flung and utterly unbelievable tales about having gangbangs with supermodels at the caravan club:

Oh no ding, please don't mock my fictional screen name. Please for the love of God. 



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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Ding just because you say you had a fit missus doesn't make it true. You're a bit like Jay from the inbetweeners, with far flung and utterly unbelievable tales about having gangbangs with supermodels at the caravan club:

Oh no ding, please don't mock my fictional screen name. Please for the love of God. 

Oh no Bill, don't mock my fictional life... for the love of Darwin, you fucking sky fairy cunt.

1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I often wake at night in a cold sweat, taunted by the echoes of my nightmares.

"Dickipuss, Dickipuss, Dickipuss."

Perhaps we should start a support group, I worried for your sanity when you were labelled Bill Stupid.

That one wasn't me, and we didn't label him Bill Stupid, it was Bill is Stupid.

1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It's better than "Dung".

It's the only thing they can come up with.

15 minutes ago, Piston said:



Did they do Sailing on the Seven Seas?

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Guest Piston
47 minutes ago, mothra said:

Jazz and the equally unstable Rothers, with his hilarious public meltdowns. Was it him or Jewdy who thought I was having leaflets delivered to his house? Paranoid cunts.

A 'Like' from Bill!...it bodes ill (the desperate dolt...QED).

Don't settle for a like, demand a lick from the obsequious crawler.

Rothers was rather 'other', bless.

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1 hour ago, mothra said:

Jazz and the equally unstable Rothers, with his hilarious public meltdowns. Was it him or Jewdy who thought I was having leaflets delivered to his house? Paranoid cunts.

I can't remember much of Rothers, but he did have a brief incarnation during my time here. I have to admit to being impressed with how he tore to fucking pieces a member who I can't recall.

Usually the old timers are a massive fucking disappointment when they swan back in, yourself excluded, but he lived up to his rep, despite being northern.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Heathen gay peasant.

Heathen is only a meaningful word for those of religion. For those of us free of delusion, heathen is truly no insult. Sir's favourite botty boy.

I am comfortable with my sexuality and am not phased by the activities of others. You sir are too obsessed with queerdom and all things pastel shaded, it is more than suspicious, more repressed really.

I also have a very nice house fully paid for in the expensive South East, not a room above an estate agents in poxy minging fucking Cheshire.

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58 minutes ago, Alfie Fucking Noakes said:

Heathen is only a meaningful word for those of religion. For those of us free of delusion, heathen is truly no insult. Sir's favourite botty boy.

I am comfortable with my sexuality and am not phased by the activities of others. You sir are too obsessed with queerdom and all things pastel shaded, it is more than suspicious, more repressed really.

I also have a very nice house fully paid for in the expensive South East, not a room above an estate agents in poxy minging fucking Cheshire.

Stay out of Cheshire or else.....

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