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Pissing out of your arse

Guest Bill Stickers

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Guest Bill Stickers

I ate some dodgy chicken from some pretentious market stall in Soho yesterday, and now every trip to the bathroom looks like someone with Parkinson's tried to aim a supersoaker full of watery Bisto at the bowl. 


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26 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I ate some dodgy chicken from some pretentious market stall in Soho yesterday, and now every trip to the bathroom looks like someone with Parkinson's tried to aim a supersoaker full of watery Bisto at the bowl. 


And you have to talk out of the same hole.....

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42 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I ate some dodgy chicken from some pretentious market stall in Soho yesterday, and now every trip to the bathroom looks like someone with Parkinson's tried to aim a supersoaker full of watery Bisto at the bowl. 


That'll learn you, bill. Soho? Market stall?  Chicken?? What did you expect. 

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Guest I know that Cunt

Well you're a pretentious cunt aren't you? Ohhh, I had fucking chicken, from a fucking market stall in fucking Soho and it gave me the shits! Poncy Cunt.  It was probably some manky old road kill cat that had been laying out in the sun for 3 days and you had to fucking buy some like the cunt you are.

That's whats fucking wrong with you fucking London types, all modern and poncy with your fucking iphones and your fucking latte's. Next time go in a proper pub, buy a pint of fucking real ale and have a steak and kidney pie and fucking chips and don't be such a fucking bell end, you got all you deserve and I hope your ring-piece turns inside out and you blow your guts through it. Fucking pansy.

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40 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I ate some dodgy chicken from some pretentious market stall in Soho yesterday, and now every trip to the bathroom looks like someone with Parkinson's tried to aim a supersoaker full of watery Bisto at the bowl. 


If you went vegan like your better half you wouldn't be slowly dehydrating your self and starving your two brain cells of vital goo to float in. .they might end up touching 


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Guest Bill Stickers
3 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Well you're a pretentious cunt aren't you? Ohhh, I had fucking chicken, from a fucking market stall in fucking Soho and it gave me the shits! Poncy Cunt.  It was probably some manky old road kill cat that had been laying out in the sun for 3 days and you had to fucking buy some like the cunt you are.

That's whats fucking wrong with you fucking London types, all modern and poncy with your fucking iphones and your fucking latte's. Next time go in a proper pub, buy a pint of fucking real ale and have a steak and kidney pie and fucking chips and don't be such a fucking bell end, you got all you deserve and I hope your ring-piece turns inside out and you blow your guts through it. Fucking pansy.

I once nominated Chinese food being worse than Lebanese takeaway. I think you'd really enjoy it. Have a dig through the archives.

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12 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Well you're a pretentious cunt aren't you? Ohhh, I had fucking chicken, from a fucking market stall in fucking Soho and it gave me the shits! Poncy Cunt.  It was probably some manky old road kill cat that had been laying out in the sun for 3 days and you had to fucking buy some like the cunt you are.

That's whats fucking wrong with you fucking London types, all modern and poncy with your fucking iphones and your fucking latte's. Next time go in a proper pub, buy a pint of fucking real ale and have a steak and kidney pie and fucking chips and don't be such a fucking bell end, you got all you deserve and I hope your ring-piece turns inside out and you blow your guts through it. Fucking pansy.

Nothing wrong with eating roadkill.

The bike is a bit tough to cook and is a bugger to digest though

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Guest I know that Cunt
5 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

If you went vegan like your better half you wouldn't be slowly dehydrating your self and starving your two brain cells of vital goo to float in. .they might end up touching 


You know this from experience presumably?

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Guest I know that Cunt
7 minutes ago, scotty said:

That'll learn you, bill. Soho? Market stall?  Chicken?? What did you expect. 

It won't learn him, but it might teach him though.

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24 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You've probably caught that new H7N8 bird flu from the unhygienic little yellow fucks. You'll be dead by morning.


I wondered what they did with the hands of the thieves they cut off in Saudi Arabia.

Deep fry them in a light tempura batter, drizzle with maple syrup - and serve to Scotsmen by the fuckload!


Oh hang on - they've only got 3 fingers. Is Norfolk involved with this in anyway, {Calling Decimus, Calling Decimus}

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, ThunderCunt said:

More like pissing in the wind with this gibberish Billy Boy, what drugs are you on ?

I'm just reminiscing about some of your great noms past and present. I'm afraid I'm drawing a complete blank. Can you help jolt my memory?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

I ate some dodgy chicken from some pretentious market stall in Soho yesterday, and now every trip to the bathroom looks like someone with Parkinson's tried to aim a supersoaker full of watery Bisto at the bowl. 


Try supergluing your ringpiece shut.

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:


Oh hang on - they've only got 3 fingers. Is Norfolk involved with this in anyway, {Calling Decimus, Calling Decimus}

Have you ever had a handjob from a Norfolk girl? It's the closest anyone will ever come to being wanked off by Doctor Octopus. Bloody bootiful.

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Guest DingTheRioja
16 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Try supergluing your ringpiece shut.

That is a good idea in theory, but then all that shit will just back up and come out of his gob, which is probably worse than the shit that currently come out of it.

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Guest deebom

Why was it pretentious? I want you to describe it to me in detail. Were there people with beards? What kind of drinks did it sell? What was the chicken flavoured with? Was it organic? Did it come with salad? Why were you in Soho? What condiments were available? What about bread, was there bread, maybe it was artisan bread? What ethnic grouping was the vendor? Where in Soho, not near that nasty little fruit and veg market? Did you visit Blackmarket records? If not, why not? Was the salt and pepper distributed from a shaker, or a grinder? Were there any famous cunts around? There usually is up there. What type of container did it come in? Was it recycled, or recyclable?  Did you go to Oxford Street? Is it still an awful, god forsaken shitpit? Did they supply utensils? Were they plastic or wood? What else was on the menu? Was there a veggie option? What colour was the stall? I'm trying to build a mental picture here.

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2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm just reminiscing about some of your great noms past and present. I'm afraid I'm drawing a complete blank. Can you help jolt my memory?

How could you forget when the dopey cunt took over every nom with his self-promoting triumphant return to CC?

Every post showed us how thick we were, cuntbreeds no less, keeping us on tenterhooks as to his past identity, building up to a nail-biting crescendo. 

Then, with expert timing, when we were all bursting with anticipation, the grand reveal....he was none other than bender, or flidder, or something.  

We all sat back, gobsmacked, and thought, as a collective, "who?" 


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23 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

How could you forget when the dopey cunt took over every nom with his self-promoting triumphant return to CC?

Every post showed us how thick we were, cuntbreeds no less, keeping us on tenterhooks as to his past identity, building up to a nail-biting crescendo. 

Then, with expert timing, when we were all bursting with anticipation, the grand reveal....he was none other than bender, or flidder, or something.  

We all sat back, gobsmacked, and thought a collective, "who?" 


Yeah what a load of old bollocks that was..but Bill is still pissing in the wind with this two bob nom.

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