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The Need for a new God Person

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, Degenerategambler said:

I think Usain Bolt is the nearest to a God-like figure nowadays. He can do no wrong.

I agree. It's people like him that need to be put up as role models, not the likes large arsed Kim  Kardashian and Justin bastard Bieber.

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Guest Gong Farmer
Just now, scotty said:

Anyone else notice that this unusually religious debate is taking place on a Sunday?  Makes you think. 

Only until the pubs open.

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Guest Lady Penelope

Vera from number 73 told me that it was god who guided the surgeon's hands when I had the cataract surgery .. this perhaps explains why I am having problems and where the fluid in my left eye came from .. perhaps he pissed on me :o

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, deebom said:

I wouldn't say religion itself is a bad thing. Humans are predisposed to question, wonder, make things up, believe. The problem is monotheism, the belief in only one god and that god being the only god, thus meaning that belief in any other god is a bad thing.

From what I can gather this is a relatively recent thing amongst humans. Ancient people had loads of gods, a god for every occasion if you like. You have a plan of some sort, you make offerings ect to the appropriate god and hope that he favours you. This was a personal thing, done by you and you alone, if you had a bigger problem then you might go to see the local Shaman and he put on his costume, took some drugs, did a little dance, talked to the spirits and finished by having a party. Amazingly, this seemed to actually fucking work.

Somewhere along the line, someone decided (Most probably the Egyptians.) that this was a load of bollocks and decided that what was needed was one big god who created everything and we should all be bloody grateful for what he had done for us. Somehow, this stupid fucking idea took hold, spread throughout the middle east and we've been fucked ever since.


Polytheism wasn't much better. The western idea of one all knowing God who loves all, forgives all and who sent his only begotten son to die for us....versus the many gods of old who would destroy and wipe out entire civilizations because mortals didn't pay proper respects or went to a different God for help?  They're all hypocritical, lying, jealous, spiteful, greedy cunts. They'd punish humans for doing exactly as they did. The west just eliminated the lackey dieties and condensed the unbelievable bucket of shit into one imaginary cunt. Islam and the other religions did the same thing and then came the "my god is better than yours" bollocks which keep humanity at war with each other and weapons builders in private jets and hand woven tailored suits with toilets cast in gold. 

Religion is a cult and followers are easily fooled fucking idiots who should be first in line to test new weapons. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

The Crusades were about reclaiming Christian lands from invading Islamic hoards. The Catholic church had had a gut full of Muslims invading formally Christian lands and so did something about it. Can't see anyone having the guts to do that now. Western law and the legal system is based on the Christian religion, that's not something that's only applicable to consenting adults behind their own front doors. How about replacing it with Sharia law, see how that pans out in the long run.    

Hence my comment about banning the fucking lot, most "christian" laws are normal common sense, as are a lot of laws from other religions, just "ours" have less stupid shit than the others.  However, is you take christianity from history, they were happy to stone people for slight misdemeanours, or even just deviating by 1% from the catholic doctrine, take the Cathars for instance, burnt alive as heretics, despite being what one could probably call "closer to god" by living the simpler life, and not all the gold braided money grabbing priest cunts telling them to do as I say, not as I do....

Fuck them all.



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3 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

Vera from number 73 told me that it was god who guided the surgeon's hands when I had the cataract surgery .. this perhaps explains why I am having problems and where the fluid in my left eye came from .. perhaps he pissed on me :o

Stop it pen, I'm getting excited. 

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Guest Gong Farmer
2 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Hence my comment about banning the fucking lot, most "christian" laws are normal common sense, as are a lot of laws from other religions, just "ours" have less stupid shit than the others.  However, is you take christianity from history, they were happy to stone people for slight misdemeanours, or even just deviating by 1% from the catholic doctrine, take the Cathars for instance, burnt alive as heretics, despite being what one could probably call "closer to god" by living the simpler life, and not all the gold braided money grabbing priest cunts telling them to do as I say, not as I do....

Fuck them all.



I'm not sure about banning Christianity and pissing on it's adherent's freedom of expression on the basis of what a few religious maniacs carried with glee centuries ago. That sounds about as draconian as your average failed communist state, not to mention North Korea. I suppose one could go off and live in a religious free totalitarian state utopia like North Korea where they've banned everything including religious freedom of expression. You sound like one of those 'gold braided priests' you've mentioned telling other people to as you say. What else would you like to see banned while you're at it? Freedom speech. the freedom to think even? Excuse me for being a tad glib but I don't think you've really thought this one through have you?

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Guest DingTheRioja
30 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

I'm not sure about banning Christianity and pissing on it's adherent's freedom of expression on the basis of what a few religious maniacs carried with glee centuries ago. That sounds about as draconian as your average failed communist state, not to mention North Korea. I suppose one could go off and live in a religious free totalitarian state utopia like North Korea where they've banned everything including religious freedom of expression. You sound like one of those 'gold braided priests' you've mentioned telling other people to as you say. What else would you like to see banned while you're at it? Freedom speech. the freedom to think even? Excuse me for being a tad glib but I don't think you've really thought this one through have you?

Thought it through?

Yes, ban anything psuedo sky-fairy bollocks that preaches harm, or condones harm to others, especially innocents.

As I said, inside your own home do what the fuck you like, just don't preach to me about some bollocks that never existed...

...or in 2000 years time will we be all be worshipping some Jeffrey Archer novel?

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Guest I know that Cunt

We've got two fucking popes and thousands of cardinals and priests and that's more than enough fucking god botherers and pedos to go around. Cunts

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

Thought it through?

Yes, ban anything psuedo sky-fairy bollocks that preaches harm, or condones harm to others, especially innocents.

As I said, inside your own home do what the fuck you like, just don't preach to me about some bollocks that never existed...

...or in 2000 years time will we be all be worshipping some Jeffrey Archer novel?

The last time anyone preached anything to me they happened to have been an obnoxious evangelical atheist in Speakers Corner in Hyde park several years ago telling me what to think and when to think it. I haven't had any run ins with Christians preaching to me, it's never happened let alone condoning harm to others. Christians seem to be a pretty tame lot nowadays,  they're more about church garden fetes, raising money for a new church roof and Stars On Sunday, they're not really about  decapitating 'non believers' and throwing gays off of high buildings. so I think it might be safe to exclude Christians from your purge. So that leaves us with one other  psuedo sky-fairy load bollocks that does preach and condone harm to others, that's not compatible with western christian based cultures, and therefore should be included in your purge.


Amen to that.

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22 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

The last time anyone preached anything to me they happened to have been an obnoxious evangelical atheist in Speakers Corner in Hyde park several years ago telling me what to think and when to think it. I haven't had any run ins with Christians preaching to me, it's never happened let alone condoning harm to others. Christians seem to be a pretty tame lot nowadays,  they're more about church garden fetes, raising money for a new church roof and Stars On Sunday, they're not really about  decapitating 'non believers' and throwing gays off of high buildings. so I think it might be safe to exclude Christians from your purge. So that leaves us with one other  psuedo sky-fairy load bollocks that does preach and condone harm to others, that's not compatible with western christian based cultures, and therefore should be included in your purge.


Amen to that.

It's about time heathen cunts like you started going to church on Sundays and start setting  a proper example to the young.

I went to Church this morning then I played golf really well. I thanked God for my great round .

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28 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

The last time anyone preached anything to me they happened to have been an obnoxious evangelical atheist in Speakers Corner in Hyde park several years ago telling me what to think and when to think it. I haven't had any run ins with Christians preaching to me...

I had a couple of run ins with the Jesus Army in London during the eighties, thankfully before the days of CCTV. They wore camouflage jackets and Doc Marten's and the poor cunts thought that made them God's mighty warriors, hassling people in the street. I reminded a few of them of the wisdom of turning the other cheek.

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Guest I know that Cunt
5 minutes ago, Punkape said:

I went to Church this morning then I played golf really well. I thanked God for my great round .

Did you get to confess your may sinful and perverse acts commited against god's will? Did you have to say a few Hail Mary's when you told him you had been dreaming of butt fucking the members of the golf club?

Commit any crime you want, say three hails mary's and a bless me farther and all's OK. Fucking romany cunts



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5 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I had a couple of run ins with the Jesus Army in London during the eighties, thankfully before the days of CCTV. They wore camouflage jackets and Doc Marten's and the poor cunts thought that made them God's mighty warriors, hassling people in the street. I reminded a few of them of the wisdom of turning the other cheek.

You wouldn't get into my club because you're a pleb and gay.

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, Punkape said:

You wouldn't get into my club because you're a pleb and gay.

Aren't they the two main requirements at your pleb gay golf club?

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, Punkape said:


It's about class, manners and breeding none of which you possess.

It's also very expensive but that's not an issue for me....




No, its for gays and idiots which is presumably why you like it so. I researched your golf club, do you know its a free club, they just charge you lots of money because they know you're cunt enough to pay it..no-one else does.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You don't want to diss the mighty Darkseid on a thread about the New Gods. He might kick your cunt in.


I've often wondered how I would kick a cunt in when it already represents an invagination. Please message me when the above scrap is imminent CB

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