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Islamic hate preacher cunts

Earl of Punkape

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3 minutes ago, mothra said:

I don't remember their names, but about a million of the fucks died in the potato famine. I don't know if that helps at all.

 Classic joke.

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

Answer:  None.

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Guest nobgobbler
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Gurkhas, Sherpas, Oompa-Loompas, they all look the same to me.

Sherpas are easily distinguishable because they run on diesel, have 4 wheels and are driven by Man With Van.

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Guest Bill Stickers
10 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Don't fucking care. 

If someone "from" Country A sits in Country B and tells people from Country A or Country B to kill people from Country B for reason of "I said so" then remove the cunts from Country B and probably Country A as well.

You preach death to innocents, expect death.

Fuck 'em.

Ding, how can I get you, Beta-Cunt, to be killed in Country B by someone from Country A in a horrendous and embarrassing manner? This is the crux of the issue the entire forum is waiting for.

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Sherpas are easily distinguishable because they run on diesel, have 4 wheels and are driven by Man With Van.

What about the ones with 1.7 and 2 litre petrol engines .. are they insurgents?


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Guest Wizardsleeve
19 hours ago, neil298 said:

Wrap the cunt in bacon and feed him to the fucking pigs

RSPCA would have animal cruelty charges filed before the next call to jihad. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Ding, how can I get you, Beta-Cunt, to be killed in Country B by someone from Country A in a horrendous and embarrassing manner? This is the crux of the issue the entire forum is waiting for.

Who gives a fuck what you think?

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I wanted to build a massive house with towers on each corner. 5 stories tall with nice golden domes on top. Painted in nice sandy and tan colours it would be known as Manky  Castle. The council wouldn't give me planning permission.

I resubmitted the plans with it painted puke green and renamed it Al-Shitbag bin Cuntface Mosque, they gave me a grant.

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Guest deebom
On 16/08/2016 at 7:22 PM, The Beast said:

Have you any evidence he works for or is handled by the security services?

Well no, because they are all about not leaving evidence lying around and doing things in secret you stupid cunt. That's why they are known as the secret services...

If you cant see that this stereotypical cunt is part of the game, then you need to open your fucking eyes a bit more.

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45 minutes ago, deebom said:

Well no, because they are all about not leaving evidence lying around and doing things in secret you stupid cunt. That's why they are known as the secret services...

If you cant see that this stereotypical cunt is part of the game, then you need to open your fucking eyes a bit more.

I never said he did or didn't work for them. I just asked what evidence you had to back up your assertion.

As for leaving evidence lying around, I think more than a few laptops have been left on trains by employees of said services.

Calm down old boy. Rather unlike you to come over all queer.

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Guest deebom
4 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I never said he did or didn't work for them. I just asked what evidence you had to back up your assertion.

As for leaving evidence lying around, I think more than a few laptops have been left on trains by employees of said services.

Calm down old boy. Rather unlike you to come over all queer.

I think the evidence is plain to see. This 'hate preacher' ex right hand man of the other stooge Abu Hamza, mate of the manufactured  Omar Bakri, has spent years as the public face of 'radical Islam' being trawled all over the TV and newspapers whenever they need a 'Radical Muslim' to talk some Radical Muslim-ish bollocks.

Unemployed, on benefits for years despite his large media presence, and DWP dont bat an eyelid?

Oh and his bestie Siddhartha Dhar is the new 'Jihadi John' despite being arrested here under the terrorism act, he managed to escape to Syria with his wife and 4 kids. Slippery fella indeed.

The show must go on...

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Guest Lady Penelope
2 hours ago, deebom said:

I think the evidence is plain to see. This 'hate preacher' ex right hand man of the other stooge Abu Hamza, mate of the manufactured  Omar Bakri, has spent years as the public face of 'radical Islam' being trawled all over the TV and newspapers whenever they need a 'Radical Muslim' to talk some Radical Muslim-ish bollocks.

Unemployed, on benefits for years despite his large media presence, and DWP dont bat an eyelid?

Oh and his bestie Siddhartha Dhar is the new 'Jihadi John' despite being arrested here under the terrorism act, he managed to escape to Syria with his wife and 4 kids. Slippery fella indeed.

The show must go on...

There are a few other religious fruitcakes living the life and doing "god's work" on benefits .. The J Edgars Hoover's Witnesses being one lot.

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Guest Lady Penelope

There is a local christian fruitcake at 58 years of age he has never worked, he is to be seen at most of the local protests about the rights of goldfish in Accrington & Belper etc. Seemingly he goes in to the DWP interviews with his advocate from Care Watch and tells them all about how the good lord helps him through each day, sadly the DWP people have never told him to ask the good lord to pay his benefits.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
23 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

A friend had one with a 1.7 petrol engine, used to have trouble wth "O Rings" .. just like Christa McAuliffe did.

Punkape has trouble with his O ring ...every sunday morning it's more like a C ring.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 16 August 2016 at 10:26 PM, Manky said:

 Classic joke.

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

Answer:  None.

Baked ones are harbouring "mash" within their environmental envelope , or "skin".

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 16 August 2016 at 4:20 PM, Punkape said:

Yes......big sentence please...lol.

Anjem ChoudaryImage copyrightPA

Anjem Choudary, one of the most controversial radical cleric cunts in the UK, has been convicted of inviting others to support the so-called Islamic State group, it can now be reported.

Choudary, 49, encouraged support for the militant group in a series of talks posted on social networking site YouTube, the Old Bailey heard.

He faces up to 10 years in jail.(not enough).

The verdict was delivered on 28 July, but for legal reasons can only now be reported for the first time.

Choudary was convicted alongside his close confidante and cunt, Mohammed Mizanur Rahman.

The trial heard how the men decided in the summer of 2014 that the group then known as Isis [Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham/the Levant] had formed a "Khilafah", or Islamic State, that demanded the obedience and support of Muslims. 

They then invited others to support IS through speeches and announced their own oath of allegiance to its leader. 

Counter-terrorism chiefs have spent almost 20 years trying to bring Choudary to trial, blaming him, and the proscribed organisations which he helped to run, for radicalising young men and women.

Excellent result. A cell with Charles Bronson perhaps.....

Yeah. IS are cunts and so are wank stains that support them. Not exactly corner news. Gayboy.

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Guest Bill Stickers
14 hours ago, deebom said:

I think the evidence is plain to see. This 'hate preacher' ex right hand man of the other stooge Abu Hamza, mate of the manufactured  Omar Bakri, has spent years as the public face of 'radical Islam' being trawled all over the TV and newspapers whenever they need a 'Radical Muslim' to talk some Radical Muslim-ish bollocks.

Unemployed, on benefits for years despite his large media presence, and DWP dont bat an eyelid?

Oh and his bestie Siddhartha Dhar is the new 'Jihadi John' despite being arrested here under the terrorism act, he managed to escape to Syria with his wife and 4 kids. Slippery fella indeed.

The show must go on...

Occam's razor suggests he is just a lunatic Islamist nutter, and that you have done far too much 2c-e and lost your critical faculties. 

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