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Cunts who wear condoms

Earl of Punkape

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
42 minutes ago, Punkape said:

I'm a catholic so I'm not allowed to use them...

It was still on topic. He brought up condoms, and I explained to him how to use one. 

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Guest Snatch

Spunkers,if they stop people breeding idiots like you then I'm all for them. I believe your head Catholic,The pope,has said it's ok to use them now. Being the Modern hip cat that he is.

Before you buy them though,you need to find someone who will willingly fuck you. Good luck,you'll need it.

By the way,I'm on topic.

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Guest DingTheRioja

This nomination breaks Rule 12;

12. Do not make sexual references about other members' family and relatives.

I'm sure most CC members' use(d) condoms, at least the non-fugly ginger ones, therefore Prickape is insulting the families of members and their sexual practices.


Probably also contravenes Rule 7. No fomenting arguments or pursuing vendettas with other members. .

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Pope Francis has dismissed a question about whether condoms can be condoned in the fight against Aids by saying there are more important issues confronting the world, like malnutrition, environmental exploitation and the lack of safe drinking water.

Francis was asked about the church’s opposition to condoms while returning Monday to Rome from Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. Africa in general and Kenya and Uganda in particular have been hard hit by the Aids epidemic, and the Catholic church has faced criticism that its position has contributed to the problem.

Francis’s predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, earned the wrath of healthcare professionals, gay rights activists and the United Nations by saying on a visit to Africa that condoms were not the answer to fighting HIV and could actually make it worse.




Francis has made scant reference to Aids in his speeches this past week. He did, however, visit HIV-infected children at a Uganda hospital and kissed each one, listened to moving testimony from a girl born with the virus and thanked the church’s healthcare workers for caring for those infected.

A clearly irked Francis criticized the question directed at him during his in-flight press conference about whether the church should change its position on condoms to limit HIV’s spread. He said it “seems too small, partial”, when there are bigger issues confronting humanity.

“I don’t like getting into questions or reflections that are so technical when people die because they don’t have water or food or housing,” he said.

He said when those problems are taken care of, questions like condoms and Aids can be addressed.

Francis has previously signalled that he doesn’t want to get drawn into culture war issues over contraception or abortion, and his response Monday was very much in line with such comments.

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Guest DingTheRioja

..and the Catholic church is guilty as fuck off keeping the poor down, insisting on the lowest levels of society "donating" to the church what little they have got, lording it over them like the church is somehow morally and physically superior, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and that they should support a bunch of pedoes in dresses in the manner to which they have become accustomed...

..and the pope is kissing underage kids in public now?

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24 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

..and the Catholic church is guilty as fuck off keeping the poor down, insisting on the lowest levels of society "donating" to the church what little they have got, lording it over them like the church is somehow morally and physically superior, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and that they should support a bunch of pedoes in dresses in the manner to which they have become accustomed...

..and the pope is kissing underage kids in public now?

Have you kissed a child ?

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Guest Bill Stickers
47 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

This nomination breaks Rule 12;

12. Do not make sexual references about other members' family and relatives.

I'm sure most CC members' use(d) condoms, at least the non-fugly ginger ones, therefore Prickape is insulting the families of members and their sexual practices.


Probably also contravenes Rule 7. No fomenting arguments or pursuing vendettas with other members. .


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
9 hours ago, Punkape said:

These things are the work of the devil.

1. They are unsafe and messy.

2.  They are very working-class.

3.  They are used by secular groups to promote promiscuity and dangerous sexual practices.

4. Would James Bond have worn one ?

Wear one on your head and suffocate you fuck stick.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

One of the better aspects of being married to a lovely, fit lady, is no more condoms.  Fucking awful things.  We don't cheat on each other, we're both healthy, and she uses hormonal BC to even out her periods.  She's a right cunt when she's off her meds.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Have you kissed a child ?

Now, is that a reference to noncery and allegations towards me?

The last time I kissed a child I was under 16 myself... So take your Catholic Priest ideas elsewhere you fucking cunt.


1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:


Yes he is.

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Guest Manky

In Manchester, we are the new caring men. We let the women carry them so they can feel the satisfaction of contributing. I carry one under my bike saddle though. If I get stuck in the Gobi desert, I can use it as a water carrier. Best to be prepared.

Dib, Dib,Dib

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Punkape on one of his stuck record subjects. Poofery or Catholicism. The first is acceptable in an enlightened, forward looking, modern society, the second is an ancient fairey worshipping occultist, corrupted and eternally damaged bunch of dangerous claptrap.

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2 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

This nomination breaks Rule 12;

12. Do not make sexual references about other members' family and relatives.

I'm sure most CC members' use(d) condoms, at least the non-fugly ginger ones, therefore Prickape is insulting the families of members and their sexual practices.


Probably also contravenes Rule 7. No fomenting arguments or pursuing vendettas with other members. .

Your points of order are rejected on both counts.

2 hours ago, Punkape said:

Have you kissed a child ?

This line of enquiry can be taken several ways, however in view of your previous form I would urge you to not to revisit this.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your points of order are rejected on both counts.

This line of enquiry can be taken several ways, however in view of your previous form I would urge you to not to revisit this.


Nomination done purely to provoke a nonsensical argument.

Kissing kids purely to infer paedo tendencies.

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9 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:


Nomination done purely to provoke a nonsensical argument.

Kissing kids purely to infer paedo tendencies.

By your analogy with the Pope kissing a child and you suggesting he's a Paedophile you show how dense you are.

You're the sort of thick twat that would beat up a Paediatrician for being a paedophile.

Do as you are told and for good measure sod off as well.


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34 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Nomination done purely to provoke a nonsensical argument......

He raises some interesting points, not all of which I necessarily agree with, but he has a right to articulate them.

4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

This nomination breaks Rule 12;

12. Do not make sexual references about other members' family and relatives.

I'm sure most CC members' use(d) condoms, at least the non-fugly ginger ones, therefore Prickape is insulting the families of members and their sexual practices.

It struck me that the site's punters are able to punter because their parents didn't use contraception. Your rationale is tenuous at best. Anyway to the debate in hand:-

12 hours ago, Punkape said:

These things are the work of the devil.

1. They are unsafe and messy.

2.  They are very working-class.

3.  They are used by secular groups to promote promiscuity and dangerous sexual practices.

4. Would James Bond have worn one ?

1. Condoms aren't the most reliable form of contraception and they are messy and are a bit of a passion breaker TBH.

2. Really?

3. They are, in the main, promoted by secular organisations though I wouldn't agree they do it to "promote promiscuity and dangerous sexual practices"

4. Did John Wayne tuck into a diet of Quiche Lorraine and side salad on the Sands of Iwo Jima? I think not.


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Guest Lady Penelope

With reference to the original nomination, there is no hard evicence that the Devil has done anything or indeed that the Devil exists. Religious beliefs are based on the words written by scribes who either claimed that they were themself in diect contact with a god or of scribes who adapted these supposed words spoken into a form that somehow proved their belefs or were convenient for them to impose their beliefs or rules on others.

With refermce to Point 2 .. whether or not they are "considered to be "working class" is not relevant, some things the "working class" do are right in principle, especially the fact theat true "working class" people actualy work as against people who for various reason choose not to work. 

3 "Secular Groups", Secular groups are not in general using unconrolled breeding as a means to swamp other countries populations with people of their own belief. Defining what a "dangerous sexual practice" actually is, is not always easy however going forth and muliplying rather than controlling population numbers by responsible sexual behaviour and perhaps using contraceptives or protection as an "insurance" is irresponsible. As a side issue some muslims (who are none secular) who worship the same god as Jews and Christians are blowing themselves and other muslims up along with Christians and Jews (who worship the same god) and  indulging in other vile acts of violence. The muslims in turn are being blown up by god fearing folk using the rmed forces of the USA, UK and other Christian (and muslim) nations. Secular people in general do not seem to be either killing each other en masse or waging war en masse with other secular people.

Point 4 There is some evidence that James Bond was based on a real person, however the "James Bond" of film fame is fictional .. we have no hard evidence either way as to whether the fictional or "real" James Bond would or would not have used condoms, there is though little evidence of "baby Bonds" which implies that he was either sterile of that if he did not use contraceptives it is likely that the women he "scored" with did use contraception. The fictional James Bond was also promiscuous and if he did not use condoms then his sexual practices were probably dangerous had the fictional James Bond been a real person.

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44 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Point 4 There is some evidence that James Bond was based on a real person, however the "James Bond" of film fame is fictional .. we have no hard evidence either way as to whther the fictional or "real" James Bond would or would not have used condoms, there is though little evidence of "baby Bonds" which implies that he was either sterile of that if he did not use contraceptives it is likely that the women he "scored" with did use contraception. The fictional James Bond was also promiscuous and if he did not use condoms then his sexual practices were probably dangerous had the fictional James Bond been a real person.

Fuck James Bond.


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