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Finding a big enough bag

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest I know that Cunt
4 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

No matter what I buy me bag is never big enough :(

Me bag.......... for fucks sake did you have an education? Who gives a shit about your fucking bag anyway? Shit nom.

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2 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Could get a bag made of foreskins. .give it a rub and it'll get bigger 




It's a good job you signed off with your username, otherwise no one would have had a clue who posted this absolute gem. Thanks for stating the obvious.

You stupid fucking cunt.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's a good job you signed off with your username, otherwise no one would have had a clue who posted this absolute gem. Thanks for stating the obvious.

You stupid fucking cunt.

Oh, I don't know. a bit of fucking politeness wouldn't go amiss around here sometimes.

Love, Baws.

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5 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Ya know that's what I was thinkin myself

For the avoidance of doubt, "thinkin" involves chemically-triggered electric potential shifts across the gaps between neural synapses. Sadly, you need more than one neuron for this to actually take place.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I'm sorry but this by far and away the worst, most tedious, inoffensive and pointless nomination to ever grace these hallowed halls.

If you don't have that most basic mental aptitude to select an appropriately sized bag before undertaking a bag-requiring task, it is you who is the cunt, nobody else.

Not only are you a cunt, you are a crust-cutting, mouth-breathing, door-blocking, radio 1 listening, impulse buying, Wonga loan customer cunt at that.

Fuck you. 

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On 24 July 2016 at 1:47 PM, Panzerknacker said:


It's a life problem. ..who amongst us hasn't gone in somewhere with the intention of purchasing one item but have been cajoled by cunning marketing men no doubt into a string of rash need now items?...search your heart's fellow cuntfaces 



Me, as I'm not a complete fucking idiot, fuck off. 




Bubba C'Unt Esq.


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Guest Manky
30 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Although I too feel your pain and frustration lady penelope when I'm doing the shop in one of the many vatterland discount stores i find myself purchasing additional bags that I don't need that invariably end up jammed down the side of the washing machine



Konen sie nicht der doodlesacpfeifer Horen?


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Guest Manky
1 minute ago, Panzerknacker said:

Da..  baby



Well what the fuck does it mean? Some Kraut says it in 'The Longest Day' when a hand grenade bounces off his head.

I don't speak foreign.

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