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French Lorry Driving Muslim

Guest Snatch

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

We need more people practicing Catholocism and more Churches.

Onward Christian soldiers !

and those fuckers are backwards, torturing, child abusing cunts as well...

...fuck off this is WASP country!

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2 minutes ago, deebom said:

These attacks have a point. It gives us a reason to hang around in Iraq, Syria ect.

You are so fucking cynical. However, I did ask myself why all this shit didn't happen a few weeks ago when the European football was being played. I am not a conspiracy lover, but with these slippery bastard political turds, you never know what is genuine and what is smoke and mirrors.

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Guest Manky
3 minutes ago, deebom said:

These attacks have a point. It gives us a reason to hang around in Iraq, Syria ect.

And it gives us a good reason to close our borders to unwanted immigration.

I don't think the EU will relish the discussions with David Davies about free movement after Schengen has imploded.

Blair started the problem with Iraq and welcomed mass immigration and is still fucking breathing. The cunt.

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7 hours ago, Snatch said:

Bubs,it's not been 24 hours. Let's see what transpires over the next few days.

I admit I only know what's been said on the news but unless someone here works for MI5,I know no more or less than any other cunt here.

With the possibility of Police and security services being sued by families of the dead from the Paris attacks,maybe they want to keep it quiet. Who knows?

I had an uncle who worked for MI5. He used to get us furniture on the cheap.

Oh hang on! Sorry he worked for MFI.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
11 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Never trust a muzzie, he'll fucking try to bomb you!

Shut your fat beery mouth dung-dipper.

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Guest I know that Cunt
3 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

I don't advocate killing anybody. Ban the religion in our country and dismantle the mosques. Those who don't like it can go live in an islamic country.

Exactly the cunts, lets organise the "transportation" right away.......

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Not everyone on the watch list goes on to plan an attack. I don't know the figures but I'd bet a lot of money that the majority of people ever put on a watch list never commit an attack. You are the one living in a fantasy world where the government should be massacring everyone who enters Finsbury Park mosque. 

He is talking shit. We do have a judicial process, and it is innocent until, regardless what was "known" about anyone in hindsight, one cannot dip in and out of our process like fuckin' fondue just because one doesn't like some cunt, for if anyone here got in shit with the law they would be pissing and moaning if they'd been fast tracked. Maybe we should cut all their heads off in Picadilly square, while we look on jeering and slurping cider.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The nuns at my school told us that all protestants were evil and would burn in hell for all eternity. Then they would beat the shit out of us.

No sense of humour.

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