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Jean Claude Junkers

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Now this unelected arrogant fucking cunt is a first rate shifty bastard.

More prominent than ever now his steely gaze has been slapped collectively by the uk referendum.  He walks with his head tipped back and snout in the air.  Addresses people when he meets them by slapping them on shoulders then the face, to show them who's in power and to demean them.  A common tactic employed by past dictators when you watch old film footage, Herman Goering was a fine exponent of this and Sepp Blatter.

They stopped the rotating of the Euro Presidency amongst member states and gave it this Luxembourg right wing twat on an unelected permanent basis in 2013......alarm bells ringing everyone!

his most famous quotes to date are "when it's seriously going wrong ...lie"  along with here's 30 years of austerity Greece. Now Britain, France and Germany's people empty your pockets to bail them out...and fuck off Scotland we don't speak to shitty little countries like you. No referendum JImmy Crankey.

All dished out with the empathy of an unelected Eurocrat who does not give a shit about the people, just so long as the dream / nightmare survives a few more wobbly years until everyone wakes up and smells the coffee.

i know we have our own cunts, but at least we can get rid of them with a vote. However once we have gotten rid of our unelectable useless cunts like Neil Kinnock, Mandy Mandleson, Kiddy fiddler Leon Brittan they end up on the euro unelected gravy train. That's why so many MPs wanted to remain.  Funny that.

It's actually a shame the project didn't turn into an elected United States of Europe......could have worked that way with an elected senate and president.  But it only started as a common market, so was doomed to go this far without a serious rethink.

However, Jean Claude Junkers is a proper unelected cunt and we will see more of his cuntdom in the months ahead as he tries to bully us unsuccessfully, whilst putting the fear of God into other countries who he thinks may step out of line.  What a charming friendly euro policy to us and others that is unfolding before our eyes.  Even Merkel is trying to keep him from wearing a black shirt and jack boots to much in public.  Fucking dispicable posturing cunt.

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1 hour ago, Monumental cunt said:

.......i know we have our own cunts, but at least we can get rid of them with a vote. However once we have gotten rid of our unelectable useless cunts like Neil Kinnock, Mandy Mandleson, Kiddy fiddler Leon Brittan they end up on the euro unelected gravy train. That's why so many MPs wanted to remain.  Funny that........

Its been established that Leon Brttan was not a "kiddy fiddler".

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I therefore retract the kiddy fiddler comment about Leon Brittan and replace it with he was a fucking oribble cunt....who looked like Jubba the hut.   Still fits the bill of unelectable in uk so left to take up an unelected very well paid unanswerable to uk job....just like Mandy Mandleson. Very shifty

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Guest DingTheRioja
5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Its been established that Leon Brttan was not a "kiddy fiddler".

I met him at our school, came to talk to 6th Form when he was still an MP.  In person a nice bloke, clever and quick.

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4 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

I met him at our school, came to talk to 6th Form when he was still an MP.  In person a nice bloke, clever and quick.

Indeed, very sharp. The way he was reduced to a wreck in his dying days was shameful. I'm sure his death was hastened by the slurs. I'm not sure Tom Watson has apologised either.

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Guest nobgobbler

You're right MC, Juncker's a cunt, and as Nigel said, he's not laughing now, along with the rest of the Brussels sniggering jeering po-faced cunts.

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8 minutes ago, Degenerategambler said:

I just wish Farage would give his smug fucking face a couple of slaps, on top of the cunting he gave all the Eurocunts.

Jean-Claude (hyphenated) Juncker (not fucking "Junkers") has a reputation as a pisshead of Charles Kennedy proportions. He's doled out a few slaps of his own while off his tits on cognac. 


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Guest DingTheRioja
8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Jean-Claude (hyphenated) Juncker (not fucking "Junkers") has a reputation as a pisshead of Charles Kennedy proportions. He's doled out a few slaps of his own while off his tits on cognac. 


I thought that big lass in blue was going to clock the cunt, don't think she could believe the way he was acting... a violent, obnoxious, slobbering letch... and this cunt leads the EU..?

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Guest DingTheRioja
54 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's not like anyone actually voted for him.

I've travelled through Luxembourg and it is most definitely not a place you'd want to spend much time in sober.

Me too, went there on Interail with a mate, got off the train, looked around, we for some food and a drink, the place was closed, we saw 2 people in 3 hours, this was midday on a midweek... got back on the train and went to Brugges... got pissed and met some girls...

The only positive things I could say about Luxembourg are that there was no litter anywhere, and the photos I took of the place were good because there were no cunts in the way on any of them!

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Guest Bill Stickers
36 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Me too, went there on Interail with a mate, got off the train, looked around, we for some food and a drink, the place was closed, we saw 2 people in 3 hours, this was midday on a midweek... got back on the train and went to Brugges... got pissed and met some girls...

The only positive things I could say about Luxembourg are that there was no litter anywhere, and the photos I took of the place were good because there were no cunts in the way on any of them!

What a boring story.

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Guest Ahriman
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Jean-Claude (hyphenated) Juncker (not fucking "Junkers") has a reputation as a pisshead of Charles Kennedy proportions. He's doled out a few slaps of his own while off his tits on cognac. 


Someone subtitle this shit.

I don't speak Beaner.


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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

What a boring story.

It would be boring to you, having never left the end of your road,  you're about, if not more, boring than Luxembourg itself.

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4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Me too, went there on Interail with a mate, got off the train, looked around, we for some food and a drink, the place was closed, we saw 2 people in 3 hours, this was midday on a midweek... got back on the train and went to Brugges... got pissed and met some girls...

The only positive things I could say about Luxembourg are that there was no litter anywhere, and the photos I took of the place were good because there were no cunts in the way on any of them!

Fascinating, honestly. 

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Juncker's a prick, but he has one redeeming quality. He told Nicola "Fucking Ugly Commie Lesbian Bastard" Sturgeon to fuck right off yesterday. The fucking dwarf bitch came back today declaring her trip a huge success, after Spain, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Denmark and Hungary told her to go and fuck herself.  I want her dead.

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