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Fucking boiling hot hotels

Guest Quincy Cockfingers

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

The last five hotels I've stayed in, all five have been fucking boiling hot beyond belief with fuck all to be done about it. Yes there have been other hotel posts but this is specifically about why the fuck are they so cunting hot.

this is no Yacht, only a whinging fuckin moan, sorry, but it's such a fucking cunt. Why are these places so fucking hot? Had a weekend of family shit, 12 of us, last night in the fairly flash Fonab castle hotel, tonight and tomorrow in the lesser but still decent Crieff hydro- both fucking roasting. Fucking so very roasting.

Paying for inlaws, so it's expensive to be locked in a hot tin sweat box- particularly in Fonab it was fuckin fortunes- lying there in "luxury" , sweating like a mancunian immigrant , fucking boiling. Check the radiators - off. Check the bathroom - underfloor off. Check the window- wide the fuck open, though it's as if there's a force field in place . Fucking roasting . Wake up half pissed in the morning , mouth like an Arabs bread bin. Fucking boiling . 

Anything we could do to enhance your stay sir? Yes- turn off your fucking boiler you polish pack of pricks, for this I blame Europe and look forward to an eternity of damp cold drizzle. Every Cunt coming down in the morning bitching about how fucking hot this shit hole is. Hot as fuck. It's midsummer. It wouldn't be as hot inside a wicker man. Jeeeeesus chriiiist!

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
12 minutes ago, Frank said:

You do talk some drivel, quince. Go to bed you overbearing fuckwit. 

It's so fucking hot. How? Lanky mince matron.

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20 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Christ that was fucking hard to read.

The boy is clearly suffering, gyps. He's bandied about all day, crunching numbers and shoving heaps of coke up his disappointed and puffed-up EU nose since this morning. Now the haughty cunt is boiling up. I hope he swallows his own tongue. 

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18 minutes ago, Frank said:

The boy is clearly suffering, gyps. He's bandied about all day, crunching numbers and shoving heaps of coke up his disappointed and puffed-up EU nose since this morning. Now the haughty cunt is boiling up. I hope he swallows his own tongue. 

I'm watching some cunt called Phillip Glass on Glastonbury waiting for the brit synth documentary showing after. Christ, it's going on and on. 

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

The last five hotels I've stayed in, all five have been fucking boiling hot beyond belief with fuck all to be done about it. Yes there have been other hotel posts but this is specifically about why the fuck are they so cunting hot.

this is no Yacht, only a whinging fuckin moan, sorry, but it's such a fucking cunt. Why are these places so fucking hot? Had a weekend of family shit, 12 of us, last night in the fairly flash Fonab castle hotel, tonight and tomorrow in the lesser but still decent Crieff hydro- both fucking roasting. Fucking so very roasting.

Paying for inlaws, so it's expensive to be locked in a hot tin sweat box- particularly in Fonab it was fuckin fortunes- lying there in "luxury" , sweating like a mancunian immigrant , fucking boiling. Check the radiators - off. Check the bathroom - underfloor off. Check the window- wide the fuck open, though it's as if there's a force field in place . Fucking roasting . Wake up half pissed in the morning , mouth like an Arabs bread bin. Fucking boiling . 

Anything we could do to enhance your stay sir? Yes- turn off your fucking boiler you polish pack of pricks, for this I blame Europe and look forward to an eternity of damp cold drizzle. Every Cunt coming down in the morning bitching about how fucking hot this shit hole is. Hot as fuck. It's midsummer. It wouldn't be as hot inside a wicker man. Jeeeeesus chriiiist!

That is one of the best moms I have read on here and you are a cunt as we all know.

particularly enjoyed "as if there's a force field in place"

had similar experience last week, lost 8 pound overnight in sweat, looked like fucking Ghandi in the morning.

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8 hours ago, neil298 said:

Quincy,you have either left out an 's' or changed a 'v' for a 't',you have never stayed in a hotel,they are for people with money not big issue sellers,goodnight and fuck off 

Neil, you've just made a post excluding the violent rape of a sentient being. Are you unwell?

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Guest nobgobbler

I'd rather drive through the night to get home than stay in a hotel these days. The thought of sleeping in a bed with only a sheet between me and half a million cum stains gives me the creeps. Especially the ones with "Bill S woz ere" smeared in shit.

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3 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

I'd rather drive through the night to get home than stay in a hotel these days. The thought of sleeping in a bed with only a sheet between me and half a million cum stains gives me the creeps. Especially the ones with "Bill S woz ere" smeared in shit.

You must question your own choices when trawling through tripadvisor Gobs, if you end up at a hotel where even the cum stains are mostly made up of shit.

Anyway, I know Sticks well enough to appreciate that even a man who shits the bed as often as he does, wouldn't dare leave such an obvious signature detailing his insidious proclivities. It sounds to me like he's being framed by Punkape. Which would explain the semen.

Were there also numerous shit covered tees in the sink?

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

I'd rather drive through the night to get home than stay in a hotel these days. The thought of sleeping in a bed with only a sheet between me and half a million cum stains gives me the creeps. Especially the ones with "Bill S woz ere" smeared in shit.

I must firmly ask you to retract your libellous statement. My spelling is nowhere near that bad. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
11 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

I'd rather drive through the night to get home than stay in a hotel these days. The thought of sleeping in a bed with only a sheet between me and half a million cum stains gives me the creeps. Especially the ones with "Bill S woz ere" smeared in shit.

A wise decision, I think. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

That is one of the best moms I have read on here and you are a cunt as we all know.

particularly enjoyed "as if there's a force field in place"

had similar experience last week, lost 8 pound overnight in sweat, looked like fucking Ghandi in the morning.

I'm afraid you are alone in this regard, every other cunt hates it, and I do a bit now too. I was drunk as shit.

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Guest Bill Stickers

I'd love it if you died in a hotel fire Quincy. Seeing your travelodge go up in flames would fill me with glee. On that basis, I declare this nom 'not a cunt'.

It must be quite likely that you'll die in a budget hotel fire, you must spend a lot of time in them, inbetween working as a travelling sponge salesman and moonlighting as a transsexual rent boy.


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
19 hours ago, Frank said:

The boy is clearly suffering, gyps. He's bandied about all day, crunching numbers and shoving heaps of coke up his disappointed and puffed-up EU nose since this morning. Now the haughty cunt is boiling up. I hope he swallows his own tongue. 

What have I gone and done frank ?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

Get a fucking hotel with fucking air-con you tight cunt!

It was a decent hotel, but originally a Victorian spa resort, hence difficult to retro fit air con. You cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It was a decent hotel, but originally a Victorian spa resort, hence difficult to retro fit air con. You cunt.

So a Blackpool B&B then.

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4 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I'm afraid you are alone in this regard, every other cunt hates it, and I do a bit now too. I was drunk as shit.

Yes...on reflection it was a fucking hideous nom. I was on class A drugs at the time obviously !

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

It sounds more like an old folks home. Was there also an aroma of stale piss and did the meals mainly comprise corned beef sarnies and cabbage soup. 

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