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Richard Branson


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Another annoying billionaire with selfish reasons to stay in, the cunt is everywhere championing the in vote. However he does not even own a home here and has been a tax exile for 7 years, nice to live on your own island in the Caribbean and tell the great unwashed what's good for them, dyslexic cnut. 

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Guest Snatch

I'm sick and fucking tired of everyone who is anyone going on and on about this fucking in or out bollocks. There was even some shoe maker from Portugal who said if the UK comes out it could affect his importation of his shite shoes. If the UK does come out people will still buy his shite shoes. People will still buy shite from abroad,the UK will still export shite etc etc.

I don't give a fuck either way. 


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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Snatch said:

I'm sick and fucking tired of everyone who is anyone going on and on about this fucking in or out bollocks. There was even some shoe maker from Portugal who said if the UK comes out it could affect his importation of his shite shoes. If the UK does come out people will still buy his shite shoes. People will still buy shite from abroad,the UK will still export shite etc etc.

I don't give a fuck either way. 


Have you been on them motorways in Portugal and Spain we paid for?

Fucking amazing roads, big sweeping banked curves in beautiful countryside, perfect for racing like a cunt on because there is no one on the fuckers except you, no traffic, no cops, no cameras.....

...what a fucking waste of money.

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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Would you invest a few million quid in a Virgin Galactic ticket from this hairdresser-looking fanny, on the slim chance that it might actually take off one day, and the even slimmer chance that it wouldn't scatter your atoms into a thin ring in lower earth orbit?


3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

PS Is it just me who was really, really disappointed that Tim Peake didn't burn up on re-entry?

Thin ring, scattered atoms, burn up, re-entry. 

MikeDwarf would have had a field day. 

RIP you little cunt. 

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3 hours ago, Snatch said:

I'm sick and fucking tired of everyone who is anyone going on and on about this fucking in or out bollocks. There was even some shoe maker from Portugal who said if the UK comes out it could affect his importation of his shite shoes. If the UK does come out people will still buy his shite shoes. People will still buy shite from abroad,the UK will still export shite etc etc.

I don't give a fuck either way. 


Nobody gives a shit about you either.

Go and fuck yourself crossways.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

PS Is it just me who was really, really disappointed that Tim Peake didn't burn up on re-entry?

Never mind 'baws. This will hopefully be eclipsed by some miserable looking, lanky Scottish wanker getting knocked out in the first round next week.

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10 hours ago, Bubbles said:

Thin ring, scattered atoms, burn up, re-entry. 

MikeDwarf would have had a field day. 

RIP you little cunt. 

Reading this back it brings to mind John Carpenter's immortal "Dark Star", with the Phoenix Asteroids and the surfboard re-entry scene. I'll be humming "Benson, Arizona" all night now.

Let there be light!

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9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Reading this back it brings to mind John Carpenter's immortal "Dark Star", with the Phoenix Asteroids and the surfboard re-entry scene. I'll be humming "Benson, Arizona" all night now.

Let there be light!

Loved that film. You're the first person I know who's seen it.

Well I don't know you but you know wot I mean?

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18 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Reading this back it brings to mind John Carpenter's immortal "Dark Star", with the Phoenix Asteroids and the surfboard re-entry scene. I'll be humming "Benson, Arizona" all night now.

Let there be light!

Loved that film. You're the first person I know who's seen it.

Well I don't know you but you know wot I mean?

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20 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Loved that film. You're the first person I know who's seen it.

Well I don't know you but you know wot I mean?


11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Loved that film. You're the first person I know who's seen it.

Well I don't know you but you know wot I mean?

Repeat bollocks. 

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12 hours ago, Snatch said:

I'm sick and fucking tired of everyone who is anyone going on and on about this fucking in or out bollocks. There was even some shoe maker from Portugal who said if the UK comes out it could affect his importation of his shite shoes. If the UK does come out people will still buy his shite shoes. People will still buy shite from abroad,the UK will still export shite etc etc.

I don't give a fuck either way. 


I was in two minds what to vote: Remain in or opt out. Sleepless nights fretting over this but lo: there appeared a figure, was it a bird? Was it a plane? No, it was that doyen of political and social comment Sir David of Beckham, exalting the benefits of remaining in, by his anecdotal stories of his world travels and pearls of wisdom. One if which was something about "everyone should stick together blah....blah....blah." So now I can sleep soundly in bed, free of angst. Thank you David, god bless you (tugs forelock) and all who sail in you. Belm. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
8 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I was in two minds what to vote: Remain in or opt out. Sleepless nights fretting over this but lo: there appeared a figure, was it a bird? Was it a plane? No, it was that doyen of political and social comment Sir David of Beckham, exalting the benefits of remaining in, by his anecdotal stories of his world travels and pearls of wisdom. One if which was something about "everyone should stick together blah....blah....blah." So now I can sleep soundly in bed, free of angst. Thank you David, god bless you (tugs forelock) and all who sail in you. Belm. 

I heard that on the radio today, "we're a team" etc etc...

What, like England in Euro 16?  Doing well as a team there aren't we... as per fucking usual...



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Guest DingTheRioja
11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Dunno Ding. Don't watch it as football's for irons etc etc.

Er, yeah, footballs' for poofs, irons, chutney ferreters, girly diving pansies, etc....


But that blokes nose... pmsl...

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  • 2 months later...

Virgin Care has become a major player in the market for NHS services since it entered the healthcare market in 2010. Over the past five years the company has been awarded contracts worth over £1 billion, with several large contracts in community health.

Virgin Care continues to be highly active in tendering for NHS contracts, despite the company showing no signs of a profit: since 2010 the company has recorded an annual loss of £9 to £10 million.  As Virgin Care Ltd makes no profit in the UK, according to its accounts, the company pays no tax in the UK. However, Virgin Care Ltd is a small entity in Richard Branson’s Virgin empire.  Virgin Care’s ultimate parent is Virgin Group Holdings registered in the tax haven of the British Virgin Islands.

The ultimate owners of Virgin Care are trusts registered in the British Virgin Islands where no tax is paid whose beneficiaries are Richard Branson and his family. Questions have been raised over where exactly any of Virgin Care's profits would go and if tax would be paid on profits in the UK.

Beardy fucking cunt that he is.

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