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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's time we had a break from all the casual racism on here, so here is the ultimate in colour blind cunting. African, Asian or European, it matters not, all colours and creeds can unite in their visceral loathing of these translucent pink-eyed bastards.


Especially the wide nose ones 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Nothing that some UV light wouldn't cure. 

We knew one of these cunts when I was younger. We nicknamed him Chalky for some reason. 

From memory his attitude was, what can only be described as, negative. Lol

Edited by Drew P Pissflaps
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Guest Fatty
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's time we had a break from all the casual racism on here, so here is the ultimate in colour blind cunting. African, Asian or European, it matters not, all colours and creeds can unite in their visceral loathing of these translucent pink-eyed bastards.


For a proper Cunt I applaud this nom

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's time we had a break from all the casual racism on here, so here is the ultimate in colour blind cunting. African, Asian or European, it matters not, all colours and creeds can unite in their visceral loathing of these translucent pink-eyed bastards.


I wish that they were all dead.

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There's an entire football team of the cunts in Tanzania, Albinos United, formed to raise awareness of the tribulations albinos suffer in Africa. You know, bullying, harassment, name-calling, being hacked to death by machetes and set on fire, that sort of thing. They seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that dressing up in conspicuous strips and gathering together in a small field somehow makes them less of a target.


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Guest Manky
4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It probably goes without saying, but for the avoidance of doubt, Michael Barrymore is a cunt.

Ive sent Spunkape an invite to his next pool party.

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Is that picture a "twenty five years after" photo-shoot of Bros and one quarter of ABBA? These cross-eyed, inbred Village of the Damned cunts look like they all have the attention span of a fucking Zika baby. 

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

There's an entire football team of the cunts in Tanzania, Albinos United, formed to raise awareness of the tribulations albinos suffer in Africa. You know, bullying, harassment, name-calling, being hacked to death by machetes and set on fire, that sort of thing. They seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that dressing up in conspicuous strips and gathering together in a small field somehow makes them less of a target.


They look like a set of photo negatives in that picture.......that's negatives. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Cracking nom.  I can't stand to look at these utter ocular cancers.  Somebody needs to put some colour in their lives, perhaps with a weed wire, or a cat-o-nine tails.  

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Guest Lady Penelope
5 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Cracking nom.  I can't stand to look at these utter ocular cancers.  Somebody needs to put some colour in their lives, perhaps with a weed wire, or a cat-o-nine tails.  

Isn't their blood white?

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1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

Are the trio of pastey faced fuckers aliens? Zoom in on the middle one, it's definitely got fangs.

I think the one in the middle is female. I'm off to view some albino porn. I'm looking for albino/ dwarf/ auto-asphyxiation obsessed outdoor lesbians. Perhaps a bit niche, but there's got to be some of the fuckers out there. I think I'll be better equipped to make a properly reasoned judgement on the freaky motherfuckers after viewing it, although I'll happily go out on a limb now and characterise the Milky Bar bastards as cunts.

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