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England fans chant 'Isis, where are you?'

Earl of Punkape

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4 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Football is for Irons, right?

The English fans were all pissed.

So we have a bunch of gay alcoholics taunting ISIS, I mean if there were a smattering of women and trade unionists in there too, you'd pretty much have the ISIS target 'Top Trumps' card.


Your move, beardies.

And it's in France, how do I donate? 

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1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:
2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The overt racism is one thing, everyone's allowed the odd drunken faux pas. This shouty, ungrammatical hyper-punctuated drivel, on the other hand, deserves a spike through the foramen magnum.

No. A spike through the skull would be better. I don't think ruining their ice cream would do any good.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I had to tend to a bloke there. He was sitting outside a cafe and a gust of wind blew the sign above the door straight onto to his head. He sprawled forward crashing to the ground bringing the table and all its contents with him. I was just about to laugh when I realised the fucker wasn't getting up. So I had to swing into action with my nursing skills. I made off with his wallet and watch. 


Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch?


58 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

No, a spike. Driving a Mike through a skull would be difficult 

..but infinately more mind boring...!!


Fucking hell, I'm wasted here...

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Fuck off ISIS, fuck off ISIS.

"Yor gonna get your fuckin Mosques kicked in"

Allah was a wanker, Allah was a wanker....



Please join ISIS, and send us the co-ords immediately.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I had to tend to a bloke there. He was sitting outside a cafe and a gust of wind blew the sign above the door straight onto to his head. He sprawled forward crashing to the ground bringing the table and all its contents with him. I was just about to laugh when I realised the fucker wasn't getting up. So I had to swing into action with my nursing skills. I made off with his wallet and watch. 

How long did it take him to cum?

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Guest Snatch

I've just seen report from France and the reporter talked about the amount of rotting rubbish on the streets.

Surely that's no way to talk about the fans.

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Guest Manky

So England fans are getting drunk, fighting with police, attacking foreigners, having punch ups with rival fans and  bringing disgrace on themselves.

What a bunch of cunts.

I do that each weekend in Manchester without spending a penny on flights or hotels.

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Guest DingTheRioja
6 hours ago, Snatch said:

I've just seen report from France and the reporter talked about the amount of rotting rubbish on the streets.

Surely that's no way to talk about the fans.

You sure he's not talking about the locals?

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Guest Ollyboro

So, UEFA are charging Ivan for the chaos in the stadium; the monkey chants, the neo-Nazi banners; the flares. Rightly so. There is never EVER any excuse for bell-bottoms. No matter how poor or backward your country is.

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Guest Manky

Putin would love a naval base on the Med. If the froggie cops cant protect those innocent Commie tourists (don't we all travel with gum shields and face masks), then they should expect a quick long term visit from the 3rd Shock Army and Black Sea fleet.

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1 hour ago, Manky said:

Putin would love a naval base on the Med. If the froggie cops cant protect those innocent Commie tourists (don't we all travel with gum shields and face masks), then they should expect a quick long term visit from the 3rd Shock Army and Black Sea fleet.

Yep. Those Russian sailors are hard bastards 

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