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Cunts who leave their dogs out at night to cry - cunts!

Guest Fuckmewhatacunt

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Guest Fuckmewhatacunt
7 hours ago, Eddie said:

I bet you work in construction.

It would be a contentious payout (bookies are cunts anyway) but I think you would collect. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
16 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Two inch cock, four foot neck:D

Gobbs, using emojis?  We will both be slated for it, you realize?  :lol:

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Stalking me already you arse bandit?  I'm barely signed in and you're following me about. Got your orders for the day then, you utter simpleton?  :lol:

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21 hours ago, Rick_B said:

I really don't know what you're trying to say there, people who hate dogs deserve what? You don't have to hate dogs not to want them howling and barking outside your window all night. I certainly don't hate dogs, I hate people who get them and aren't prepared to put the work in to look after them properly. Dogs are hard work, but it's worth it. I would love to have a dog of my own, but I can't because I'm not able to put the time in to look after it properly so I just act as a sort of fosterer to other people's dogs weekends and holiday time.

I hate to say this rick, but that's the most tragic post I've seen on here in some time. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Fuckmewhatacunt said:

Why didn't someone say using emojis fucks people off 

I woulda started sooner ??????

Try this fucker on for size then, there'll be a few "meltdowns" and "buttons pushed"..



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Guest nobgobbler
40 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Try this fucker on for size then, there'll be a few "meltdowns" and "buttons pushed"..



Ding, that's only Frank's face away from being a Jazzy jibjab!

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Guest Fuckmewhatacunt
47 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Try this fucker on for size then, there'll be a few "meltdowns" and "buttons pushed"..



That's another level. I stand humbled by your use of these cunt things. 

I want to ask how, but I have to pretend I don't give a fuck. 


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Guest Fuckmewhatacunt
1 hour ago, scotty said:

I hate to say this rick, but that's the most tragic post I've seen on here in some time. 

Your jokes on that shit arse sickipedia wannabe forum are far far worse. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
39 minutes ago, Frank said:

Big crowd in tonight, quince. Give it your very best.

I'm afraid I'm off my game. I painstakingly made a completely authentic vindaloo last night and fucked it up, contaminated, and have been writhing over the pan squirting fire gravy and weeping all day. Wish you were here.


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Guest Ollyboro
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:



Any time you fancy a cheap "like", mate, just dig this quote out from the embarrassing wardrobe from Hell. Shameful from the Corner's ex- hard man .

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Guest DingTheRioja
31 minutes ago, Fuckmewhatacunt said:

That's another level. I stand humbled by your use of these cunt things. 

I want to ask how, but I have to pretend I don't give a fuck. 


Piss easy, but that info will cost you...

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Fuckmewhatacunt said:

What did happen to this mighty Decimus chap everyone wanks over? 

He had one of his "famous meltdowns"...

I missed it, but I beleive he started calling people nonces again... one of the few things not allowed on here that is actually policed...

..and the site is a fuck load better since he went, "normal cunting" is resumed, except for you of course.

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