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Australian/Scottish Fucking Nationalist Activist Bastards Facing Deportation


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A pair of Antipodean cunt-beards, Gregg and Kathryn Brain, had Nicola Fucking Dirty Commie Lesbian Bastard Sturgeon highlight their plight this week, in an effort to play political football with their case.

The cunts allege that their son's first language is Gaelic and that to deport them is depriving him and them of their human rights. Firstly, these utter cunts were here on a student visa, whose criteria they refused to fulfil and it has now in any case, expired. Their bastard son, according to teaching staff at his school is fluent in only four words of Gaelic. They were recently told they can stay no longer than August and are not permitted to work in the UK. The nationalist supporting Scottish media are now advocating that they should not be handed over to the authorities when they legally have to return to Australia.  The Sturgeon cunt has since secured a high-paying job for the bastard father, because he has oft publicised his hatred of the UK.

If he despises the UK so much, why doesn't he take his whore's breakfast-ugly wife and bastard fucking son and fuck right off back to Australia, who wouldn't have afforded him any of the privileges he's been shown here, had he been a British citizen on a student visa in Australia? These pricks are part of the self-entitlement, uneducated walking waste shower of shite infecting Scotland and are welcome to fuck off out of my country with immediate effect. Skippy was a cunt.

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Guest Manky
7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Fucking hell, the boy Lachlan's an ugly little cunt isn't he. It's as if someone had sculpted Alfred E Neuman out of earwax and then left him too close to a radiator.

What's that you say, Skip? They'd have kicked them out fast enough if they'd been fucking Abos?

Alfred R Neumann. Now there is a name from the past.

For some reason, we let anyone who hates us live off my taxes. Is it some kind of atonement the rich and powerful must observe to make up for being total cunts.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
39 minutes ago, Rev said:


A pair of Antipodean cunt-beards, Gregg and Kathryn Brain, had Nicola Fucking Dirty Commie Lesbian Bastard Sturgeon highlight their plight this week, in an effort to play political football with their case.

The cunts allege that their son's first language is Gaelic and that to deport them is depriving him and them of their human rights. Firstly, these utter cunts were here on a student visa, whose criteria they refused to fulfil and it has now in any case, expired. Their bastard son, according to teaching staff at his school is fluent in only four words of Gaelic. They were recently told they can stay no longer than August and are not permitted to work in the UK. The nationalist supporting Scottish media are now advocating that they should not be handed over to the authorities when they legally have to return to Australia.  The Sturgeon cunt has since secured a high-paying job for the bastard father, because he has oft publicised his hatred of the UK.

If he despises the UK so much, why doesn't he take his whore's breakfast-ugly wife and bastard fucking son and fuck right off back to Australia, who wouldn't have afforded him any of the privileges he's been shown here, had he been a British citizen on a student visa in Australia? These pricks are part of the self-entitlement, uneducated walking waste shower of shite infecting Scotland and are welcome to fuck off out of my country with immediate effect. Skippy was a cunt.

What's this? Fuck them! Those cunts downs under are on you in a second if utterly everything per visa etc isn't in order, they're harsh as fuck.  Southerncunt , what have you to say for yourself now, you upside down cunt?

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Guest DingTheRioja

Looking at those cunts we have 2 options

  1. Another referendum and us brits get to vote the scots cunts out, along with the ex-cons
  2. Build some more prison hulks, lock the fuckers up in them, point south, set sail, take aim...
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The best thing the rUK could do is dissolve our fucking Scottish Parliament, outlaw the SNP as traitors and ban all their current representatives from working in the UK. Half of the cunts are barely literate. There's one here in Glasgow (Natalie McGarry), who's currently under two seperate investigations for fraud and theft, recently had to publicly apologise to two public figures for her drunken Twitter outbursts, one of whom demanded that she donate £10k to charity because of slander and nearly got arrested at the Turkish border for being a thick cunt. This same bint traipsed around Scotland yelling her tired old anti-English hate-filled rhetoric, peppered with "Labour's in bed with the Tories", yet ironically has just married a Tory councillor. She has a vocabulary of around sixty words, yet is being paid £75k a year (before expenses) to do literally fuck all. She's never opened her fucking mouth in the HoC and has never once held a constituency surgery. I suspect she doesn't actually know that England is right next to us geographically. She is the Wad of politics. Fat, ugly and fucking stupid.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, Rev said:

The best thing the rUK could do is dissolve our fucking Scottish Parliament, outlaw the SNP as traitors and ban all their current representatives from working in the UK. Half of the cunts are barely literate. There's one here in Glasgow (Natalie McGarry), who's currently under two seperate investigations for fraud and theft, recently had to publicly apologise to two public figures for her drunken Twitter outbursts, one of whom demanded that she donate £10k to charity because of slander and nearly got arrested at the Turkish border for being a thick cunt. This same bint traipsed around Scotland yelling her tired old hate-filled rhetoric of "Labour's in bed with the Tories", yet ironically has just married a Tory councillor. She has a vocabulary of around sixty words, yet is being paid £75k a year to do literally fuck all. She's never opened her fucking mouth in the HoC and has never once held a constituency surgery. I suspect she doesn't actually know that England is right next to us geographically. She is the Wad of politics. Fat, ugly and fucking stupid.

Well said. These are the same breed of unqualified idiots as those rats in the council who manage to spend 1bn on trams and on an ugly building. These are only infrastructure projects, not running a country. Where else can someone end up in one of the top jobs in "their" sector, being housing, whatever, with fuck all experience in that sector. Fucking useless.

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20 minutes ago, Rev said:

There's one here in Glasgow (Natalie McGarry)...  the Wad of politics. Fat, ugly and fucking stupid.

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. In her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


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5 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. in her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


Yeah, she's another of them that banned me from her page. She said her boyfriend, who is himself currently under investigation on an unrelated matter, is having his human rights abused because the UK won't allow him to smoke cannabis, as it is part of his culture. I pointed out to this fucking ugly sow that cannabis is also illegal in his home country, which prompted her to ban, delete etc. They are shite-scared of accountability and fact. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. In her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


Fucking hell! It is as if an ugly pig of a woman has been ejected into space, tried to hold her breath, and expanded into a horrid, bloated, quivering mass of an ugly pig woman. I'm not sure about the yellow and black outfit either - she looks like a JCB, and I'll wager eats like one too, the fat fucking ugly fat fuck.

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2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

What's this? Fuck them! Those cunts downs under are on you in a second if utterly everything per visa etc isn't in order, they're harsh as fuck.  Southerncunt , what have you to say for yourself now, you upside down cunt?

We have plenty of these identity assuming fucksticks down here too, don't you worry. You only have to hint that you are even 1/36th Aboriginal or Torres straight Islander to be given special welfare treatment. You can be white, blue eyed and speak none of the language and you are home and hosed, as long as you "identify". Its bollocks.

As as for these 3 cunts, they can fuck right off. Fancy spelling Greg with 2 g's at the end. He is a cunt for that alone.

Entitled lazy as fuck shit stirring lefty cunts like that don't belong here either. We have far too many already.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
17 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

We have plenty of these identity assuming fucksticks down here too, don't you worry. You only have to hint that you are even 1/36th Aboriginal or Torres straight Islander to be given special welfare treatment. You can be white, blue eyed and speak none of the language and you are home and hosed, as long as you "identify". Its bollocks.

As as for these 3 cunts, they can fuck right off. Fancy spelling Greg with 2 g's at the end. He is a cunt for that alone.

Entitled lazy as fuck shit stirring lefty cunts like that don't belong here either. We have far too many already.

The best Greggs are spelt like that

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. In her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


Keep feeding this Jabba fat cunt fried mars bars....there's no grossly obese people over the age of 70 and no obese people over the age of 80.  Looks like this inflated, ginger,  black cock lover, is on her last 18 months then !   Anyone in politics is a cunt.  Just a question of how big.  This ones enormous.

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5 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Keep feeding this Jabba fat cunt fried mars bars....there's no grossly obese people over the age of 70 and no obese people over the age of 80.  Looks like this inflated, ginger,  black cock lover, is on her last 18 months then !   Anyone in politics is a cunt.  Just a question of how big.  This ones enormous.

Only weed to help numb the shame and disgust when harpooning shamu, the poor sap should be awarded proper drugs by the social services as an act of mercy. This kfc loving couple have the prospect of producing gorgeous kids, who will probably be on TVs one day saying hello you cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 31/05/2016 at 11:13 PM, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. In her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


Fucking hell!  Which specialist porn site did you find that one on?

"Fat, snaggle-toothed gingers get blacked"..?

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Guest luke swarm
On ‎31‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 11:13 PM, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, there's more than fucking one. Don't forget her next door neighbour, the Jabba-esque Anne McLaughlin, who claims her Rastafarian boyfriend is being denied his human right to smoke cannabis. In her maiden speech to Parliament she said, 'My partner is an English-Scottish-Jamaican socialist who led "Africans for an Independent Scotland".' 

You really seriously couldn't make these cunts up. 


I have very little experience of Scotland other than 2 nights on a jolly in Edinburgh......is this thing a fair representation of womenfolk up there.......I can understand why they love the booze so dearly as this is definitely an eight pinter with vodka chasers...I assume the Black chap porking it has diminished eyesight and owns a labrador      

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Ah. Edinbugger is full of fucking poofs unfortunately, luke. The likelihood is that many of what you assumed to be young hipster-bearded blokes, were in fact the womenfolk. The closer you get to Leith docks, the more fingers and toes these cunts seem to sprout.

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  • 3 years later...
On 31/05/2016 at 22:58, Rev said:

 There's one here in Glasgow (Natalie McGarry), who's currently under two seperate investigations for fraud and theft, recently had to publicly apologise to two public figures for her drunken Twitter outbursts, one of whom demanded that she donate £10k to charity because of slander and nearly got arrested at the Turkish border for being a thick cunt. This same bint traipsed around Scotland yelling her tired old anti-English hate-filled rhetoric, peppered with "Labour's in bed with the Tories", yet ironically has just married a Tory councillor. She has a vocabulary of around sixty words, yet is being paid £75k a year (before expenses) to do literally fuck all. 

I also see that she is despised so much that even her unborn child decided to end it all in the womb than have this deceitful slag as a mother. 

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Guest judgetwi

Ah yes, this McGarry bitch is the one who got banged up yesterday for nicking 20 odd grand from some bunch of idiots called Women for Independence or some shit like that. Ex MP I believe.

Fuck me, you can’t trust anybody these days. Some religious nutters told me the world was going to end on 29th March and, like a cunt, I gave everything I owned to the Tony Blair Foundation (for Tony Blair) Of course it didn’t fucking happen and everyone took the piss.

Not to worry though, His Tonyness has decreed it’s going to happen on 31st October. That’s Halloween night. Talk about spooky.

Does any cunt want to buy my “Brexit Emergency Pack”? Yours for a tenner. Never been opened. Trust me.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I also see that she is despised so much that even her unborn child decided to end it all in the womb than have this deceitful slag as a mother. 


(but true)

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