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£10.50 for 6 Apples!!!

Guest Axe Wound

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Guest Axe Wound

Being a lazy, corpulent cunt I can't be fucking bothered to actually go shopping so we get all our shit dropped off by retards who couldn't have got on a YTS scheme back in't day. Spunkstain rocks up the other day with a paper bag inside which reside 6 Granny Smith apples. Hands over a piece of paper that says with delivery charge and added fuck-your-ass charge they've cost me £10.50.

Now I already want to butt rape this cunt but I want to butt rape him to death when he plasters a dumbfuck grin on his face and says "I thought it was odd, someone just wanting 6 apples delivered."

What and you never thought to check? Nor did any of the other dribbling mental defectives that work there. Where's the rest of my fucking order you bunch of cuntsucking felchers! I want a lard sandwich, Judge Rinder's about to come on telly and I want a wank.

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5 minutes ago, Axe Wound said:

Being a lazy, corpulent cunt I can't be fucking bothered to actually go shopping so we get all our shit dropped off by retards who couldn't have got on a YTS scheme back in't day. Spunkstain rocks up the other day with a paper bag inside which reside 6 Granny Smith apples. Hands over a piece of paper that says with delivery charge and added fuck-your-ass charge they've cost me £10.50.

Now I already want to butt rape this cunt but I want to butt rape him to death when he plasters a dumbfuck grin on his face and says "I thought it was odd, someone just wanting 6 apples delivered."

What and you never thought to check? Nor did any of the other dribbling mental defectives that work there. Where's the rest of my fucking order you bunch of cuntsucking felchers! I want a lard sandwich, Judge Rinder's about to come on telly and I want a wank.

Why did you bother with this 'nom'?

Fuck off you illiterate homosexual prick. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Pay no attention to that rectal fissure, Axe.  He's cross that his rubbish and that of his little mate are being taken to task by just about everybody on the corner.  

Do try to focus, though.  The delivery cunts fucked your order, and they sent Decimus to deliver it with his drooling down syndrome drop face grin.  Narrow eyes, and retarded fucking speaking faults included in the package.  

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Guest Manky
Just now, Bubbles said:

Why did you bother with this 'nom'?

Fuck off you illiterate homosexual prick. 

For once I agree with you. Blatant faggoty, laziness, healthy eating and daytime telly equals one really sad, fucked-up cunt that brings the tone of this erudite site down.

Let's just hope the apples are Granny Poloniums and give him gangrene of the sphincter when he shoves them up his bomb doors.

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Guest Axe Wound
9 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Fuck off you illiterate homosexual prick. 

You missed the comma between illiterate and homosexual.

Yet I'm the one who's illiterate? There are things they can do for come-gobblers like you (Spunk)Bubbles, lobotomy, EST, delivery driver...

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58 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Pay no attention to that rectal fissure, Axe.  He's cross that his rubbish and that of his little mate are being taken to task by just about everybody on the corner.  

Do try to focus, though.  The delivery cunts fucked your order, and they sent Decimus to deliver it with his drooling down syndrome drop face grin.  Narrow eyes, and retarded fucking speaking faults included in the package.  

Taken to task by everyone?You mean you and Roops? Hardly everyone.

Speaking of down syndrome, as your father passed when you were rather young, does that mean he was quite old when you were born? It would explain the dribbling shit you spew forth, along with your frequent references to Down Syndrome if you were in fact afflicted with it.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Yet another topic you've followed me into.  Good work, you fucking mental cunt!  But it's not you with a problem!  At some point, everybody has cunted you for you utter stupidity.  But your pebble sized, two cell brain can't process that much information.  On the up side, it took you much longer to get to this one.  Is it time for your mum to change your nappie?  

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1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Yet another topic you've followed me into.  Good work, you fucking mental cunt!  

Again, probably because you keep name dropping me. You are clearly obsessed and unable to post anything else. Was your father this strange?

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Go cry to admin, then, wanker!  :lol:  You don't like when people give you back what you dish, and you grass them to admin....or you get banned for doing pretty much what you are now, following a punter from one topic to another.  Keep it up, the cooler is missing you, and the guards haven't put the clubs to anybody in days.  :D

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3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Go cry to admin, then, wanker!  :lol:  You don't like when people give you back what you dish, and you grass them to admin....or you get banned for doing pretty much what you are now, following a punter from one topic to another.  Keep it up, the cooler is missing you, and the guards haven't put the clubs to anybody in days.  :D

Again, more disjointed, scarily garbled rubbish that makes no sense.You seriously need to seek some sort of professional help. Either AA or a mental health charity, but most likely both. Your father would hate to see what you have become.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Again, more disjointed, scarily garbled rubbish that makes no sense.You seriously need to seek some sort of professional help. Either AA or a mental health charity, but most likely both. Your father would hate to see what you have become.

It makes no sense to a simpleton with a narcissistic complex that he owns the place and is entitled to to and post whatever.  You don't!  I'm so happy it's me that gets to break that news to you, you single celled fuckstick!  LOL  You've been banned more times than snuff porn in church day centres, you do not have any say over anything, and your rubbish of bullying everybody won't work on me.  Perhaps you should quit while you're behind.  

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1 hour ago, Axe Wound said:

Being a lazy, corpulent cunt I can't be fucking bothered to actually go shopping so we get all our shit dropped off by retards who couldn't have got on a YTS scheme back in't day. Spunkstain rocks up the other day with a paper bag inside which reside 6 Granny Smith apples. Hands over a piece of paper that says with delivery charge and added fuck-your-ass charge they've cost me £10.50.

Now I already want to butt rape this cunt but I want to butt rape him to death when he plasters a dumbfuck grin on his face and says "I thought it was odd, someone just wanting 6 apples delivered."

What and you never thought to check? Nor did any of the other dribbling mental defectives that work there. Where's the rest of my fucking order you bunch of cuntsucking felchers! I want a lard sandwich, Judge Rinder's about to come on telly and I want a wank.

You boring, ill educated, thick, Lower-class cretin.

Not only would you never get into my golf club we'd pay to take out a professional contract hit on you if you ever took up the game.

I do hope you havn't had the opportunity to breed.

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Guest Axe Wound
14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Again, probably because you keep name dropping me

Fucking where? No one fucking mentioned you at all, you cock-knocker. 

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Guest Axe Wound
3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

You boring, ill educated, thick, Lower-class cretin.

Not only would you never get into my golf club we'd pay to take out a professional contract hit on you if you ever took up the game.

I do hope you havn't had the opportunity to breed.

Long thin sticks and tiny balls? Not my scene at all, good luck with all the queer though, Ape.

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For £10.60 for half a dozen apples, I'd be expecting some local hooker tokens, a Prawn Tandoori and a few cans of Stella thrown in. It begs the question, why the fuck didn't you drag the dribbling delivery spastic into your vestibule, render the cunt unconscious and relieve the fucking bastard of his extremities with a sharpened iron bar? It seems a rather poor lack of judgement accepting his insolent fuck-headedness at your door.

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