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The BBC ought to know better, but tonight's "The Truth about Alcohol" is the biggest load of contrived unscientific bollox I've seen for some time. In an "experiment" in the second half of the program they "investigated" hangovers. Three groups of six were given a substantial amount of alcohol. One group had a fry-up in the morning, one had borage "a traditional hangover cure" and one had nothing. They were then asked the entirely subjective question "do you have a hangover?"


The fry-up group scored 5/6, the borage group scored 3/6 and the nothing group scored 6/6. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing, zilch, nichts, nada. It's complete bollox, as were repeated unqualified claims of "scientists have shown".

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Guest Bill Stickers

I can't imagine someone as boring as yourself has ever had a hangover.

Let us conduct a more thorough and scientific study :-

Every day, we feed you a strudel laced with a highly radioactive polonium isotope, and have a team of expertly trained nuclear scientists monitor the effects.

At the end of the experiment, the boffins post a picture of your dead face, and we all predict how many likes it will get.

My hypothesis is that, due to virtue of you being a complete cunt, you will break all records and get 11 likes for your ugly, dead mug. 

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45 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I can't imagine someone as boring as yourself has ever had a hangover.

Let us conduct a more thorough and scientific study :-

Every day, we feed you a strudel laced with a highly radioactive polonium isotope, and have a team of expertly trained nuclear scientists monitor the effects.

At the end of the experiment, the boffins post a picture of your dead face, and we all predict how many likes it will get.

My hypothesis is that, due to virtue of you being a complete cunt, you will break all records and get 11 likes for your ugly, dead mug. 

You've not been conducting your own scientific experiment on alcoholic hangovers tonight have you Bill?


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Guest DingTheRioja

On my scientific studies, home made scrumpy from the back yard of a farm gives the biggest hangovers, they last for days... at least I think they do, I can't remember much...

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Although this bears little or no relevance to the post, I've been conducting a scientific study of sorts and concluded that drunk or sober, I'd fuck the bastard ovaries right out of Lucy Verasamy. Hope this helps.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

So many worthy slatings, so few likes.  

Admin, at the risk of the numerous accusations of having heads up arses, up the likes would you?  10 just isn't sufficient with so many worthy cunts on the piss.  

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

I can't imagine someone as boring as yourself has ever had a hangover.

Let us conduct a more thorough and scientific study :-

Every day, we feed you a strudel laced with a highly radioactive polonium isotope, and have a team of expertly trained nuclear scientists monitor the effects.

At the end of the experiment, the boffins post a picture of your dead face, and we all predict how many likes it will get.

My hypothesis is that, due to virtue of you being a complete cunt, you will break all records and get 11 likes for your ugly, dead mug. 

Ill tender an "off plan" like right now. Rick, fucking die. Out of respect, I would still turn up to your funeral, and, after saying a few witty words about you over your open coffin, smash a big plate of carrot cake right into your dead face in front of your chortling mum and dad.

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9 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

On my scientific studies, home made scrumpy from the back yard of a farm gives the biggest hangovers, they last for days... at least I think they do, I can't remember much...

I would gladly assist you in having the biggest hangover by dangling you over the edge of Beachy Head by using piano wire tied to your scrotum.

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Guest Manky

Good quality northern beer doesn't give you a hangover. That allied with a robust northern constitution means the. 20% of us allowed to eat bacon butties are virtually immune. On the downside, muesli and tofu are like Kryptonite to us real men.

On the other hand, southern, non-cycling  shit beer drinking soft cunts cry like babies over the slightest little thing.

Fuck off BBC. Your research is invalid as you never asked me as an expert despite my position as a 4* Beer Finder General.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

You get what you pay for.  If you're such a tight fisted cunt you buy cheap fucking beverages, you deserve to have your fucking head explode from the shite preservatives and artificial foaming agents, and the fetid diseased stale piss from disgruntled employees you consumed the night before.  Buy a quality brew, and stop fucking whinging.  

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20 hours ago, Rick_B said:

The BBC ought to know better, but tonight's "The Truth about Alcohol" is the biggest load of contrived unscientific bollox I've seen for some time. In an "experiment" in the second half of the program they "investigated" hangovers. Three groups of six were given a substantial amount of alcohol. One group had a fry-up in the morning, one had borage "a traditional hangover cure" and one had nothing. They were then asked the entirely subjective question "do you have a hangover?"

The fry-up group scored 5/6, the borage group scored 3/6 and the nothing group scored 6/6. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing, zilch, nichts, nada. It's complete bollox, as were repeated unqualified claims of "scientists have shown".

Pseudoscience can be downright dangerous, as anti-vaxers spew specious articles on Facebook promoting the benefits of alternative medicine. Children have died needlessly as a result. Whilst certain homeopathic remedies have a proven though somewhat limited efficacy, they should be seen as no more than a complementary treatment. Its not only the dumb who are taken in. Steve Jobs accelerated his death by seeking out cures from quackery and snake-oil salesmen before realising to late that conventional medicine might have saved or at least, prolonged his life.

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10 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Pseudoscience can be downright dangerous, as anti-vaxers spew specious articles on Facebook promoting the benefits of alternative medicine. Children have died needlessly as a result. Whilst certain homeopathic remedies have a proven though somewhat limited efficacy, they should be seen as no more than a complementary treatment. Its not only the dumb who are taken in. Steve Jobs accelerated his death by seeking out cures from quackery and snake-oil salesmen before realising to late that conventional medicine might have saved or at least, prolonged his life.

Too late.

As you were, this is fascinating. Truly. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Bubs, "Office Martyrs" was a month ago, time to move on......

What are you bleating on about now you old hag? Are you referring to when you 'slaughtered' me in a nom? 

Again, it seems you're in the minority when you think you've accomplished this feat. There are many, many people here who hate you, as you really are as thick as the matted fur on that yeti's arse of a growler you possess. 

Me? I pity you. 

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1 hour ago, Bubbles said:

What are you bleating on about now you old hag? Are you referring to when you 'slaughtered' me in a nom? 

Again, it seems you're in the minority when you think you've accomplished this feat. There are many, many people here who hate you, as you really are as thick as the matted fur on that yeti's arse of a growler you possess. 

Me? I pity you. 

Bubs, save your pities for  more deserving cases, self-pity would be more apt. Clichéd insults aside, you still blub too much.

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 27/05/2016 at 9:49 PM, nobgobbler said:

Been to a Japanese zen man a couple of times with brilliant results, well worth a try. 

Was that when hubby was away on the trawler?

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Guest nobgobbler
21 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Was that when hubby was away on the trawler?

Yeah, but don't tell Frank, I've just had to let him down gently.

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Guest nobgobbler

I know you're good bawsy, but how the hell did you know which cupboard I hid this in. The Gary Barlow face mask is in the top drawer.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

I know you're good bawsy, but how the hell did you know which cupboard I hid this in. The Gary Barlow face mask is in the top drawer.

He was in bristol doing an impression of himself today apparently...


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