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Nicola Klebb-Sturgeon

Earl of Punkape

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This Scottish harridan bears an uncanny resemblance to Rosa Klebb of the poisoned tipped shoe in From Russia with Love. There are also striking similarities with Irma Bunt, the wife of Blofeld from On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

All 3 of these red haired gargoyles are short with dumpy figures, feline eyes and have jail wardress demeanours. All 3 had/have tyranny as their master or modus operandii

I'd rather shag Ape's wife than any of these 3.


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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Excellent nomination. This would make it in my top ten favourite noms. of all time. No, fuck it, perhaps even top five. Well done. Good to see you are making full use of your posh boy, bum bandit education that you relentlessly talk about.

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I fucking despise the Sturgeon sow with a passion. Now that her deputy, Stewart "the bastard Mr Potato Head cunt" Hosie has shagged some gonorrhoea-addled bint and left his wife, Shona Gummidge, there is no cunt left to take over their fucking useless "summer of love" independence campaign, because her party singularly lacks any talent, or quality. The not yet outed fuck-ugly lesbian Sturgeon is destroying this country, by presenting herself as the voice of Scotland and fucking up every public service, then simply blaming the English. She's a cunt and should be cleansed with fire, then have her screaming remains dumped in a dog-fighting pit. Bastard.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Rev said:

I fucking despise the Sturgeon sow with a passion. Now that her deputy, Stewart "the bastard Mr Potato Head cunt" Hosie has shagged some gonorrhoea-addled bint and left his wife, Shona Gummidge, there is no cunt left to take over their fucking useless "summer of love" independence campaign, because her party singularly lacks any talent, or quality. The not yet outed fuck-ugly lesbian Sturgeon is destroying this country, by presenting herself as the voice of Scotland and fucking up every public service, then simply blaming the English. She's a cunt and should be cleansed with fire, then have her screaming remains dumped in a dog-fighting pit. Bastard.

Surprising, from a glesga cunt. Many I know from there instantly turned into braying, rabid nationalists in run up to referendum 1. Fucking ridiculous cunts.

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It's the arrogance of the woman that is truly eye-opening.

The voters of Scotland, with Braveheart resolution, voted (albeit narrowly) to reject Scottish Independence in a 'once-in-a-lifetime' referendum.

Far from upping sticks and going off to run 'The Andy Stewart Singing Shortbread Tin' rest home for unemployed Scottish Nationalists, she's now corralling her gang of gnomish inadequates at Westminster (how does that one work again, remind me?) telling us all how it's going to be, how Scotland -with the Union more enshrined now than ever - will reject Brexit if it happens because, um well, we're the Scottish Nationalists and are frightfully important on the European Stage and if I bang my rinky-dink little size sixes enough, someone will jolly well have to listen to me!


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57 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Surprising, from a glesga cunt. Many I know from there instantly turned into braying, rabid nationalists in run up to referendum 1. Fucking ridiculous cunts.

Yeah. The nats targeted the demographic most likely to be seduced by their turbo-charged benefits for all, Special Brew and Black Tar Heroin on prescription crowd. They only got 26% of the vote. I've been banned from every SNP MP and MSPs' pages, bar one, for pointing out a few uncomfortable facts to them. They are utterly talentless and bigoted cunts.

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56 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

It's the arrogance of the woman that is truly eye-opening.

The voters of Scotland, with Braveheart resolution, voted (albeit narrowly) to reject Scottish Independence in a 'once-in-a-lifetime' referendum.

Far from upping sticks and going off to run 'The Andy Stewart Singing Shortbread Tin' rest home for unemployed Scottish Nationalists, she's now corralling her gang of gnomish inadequates at Westminster (how does that one work again, remind me?) telling us all how it's going to be, how Scotland -with the Union more enshrined now than ever - will reject Brexit if it happens because, um well, we're the Scottish Nationalists and are frightfully important on the European Stage and if I bang my rinky-dink little size sixes enough, someone will jolly well have to listen to me!


That pretty much sums the cunt up quite accurately. She has no fucking idea how Scotland will vote next month, but the most recent poll (which has nearly six times the respondents than other polls) suggests that she can fuck off if she wants to hold another referendum if we're pulled out of the EU. The cunt can't hold one anyway, it's a reserved to Westminster matter, not a devolved one, but her unquestioning following of fucken spoon-burning junkies don't have the nous to comprehend this. Cunts.

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26 minutes ago, Rev said:

I've been banned from every SNP MP and MSPs' pages, bar one, for pointing out a few uncomfortable facts to them. 

Let me know which one and I'll see if I can't soften them up for you. And by "soften them up" I mean "reduce every last bone in their body to a fine crystalline powder".

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That fucking bellend Peter Grant (no, not that Peter Grant) is the only cunt not to outright ban me. He's a prick. I'm already on their undesirable list for having letters condemning the cunts left, right and centre in the papers.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

It never ceases to amaze me how many hard left socialists join these nationalist parties. 

On the other hand, Hitler was a socialist so it would seem that most totalitarian wankers think alike.

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Guest luke swarm
12 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

It never ceases to amaze me how many hard left socialists join these nationalist parties. 

On the other hand, Hitler was a socialist so it would seem that most totalitarian wankers think alike.

Hitler was a socialist, Stalin was a socialist as was Tony Blair..Nick Griffin says he is a nationalist but in actual fact is a one eyed fat fascist turd  ..there's a big difference in saying you are something and actually being one........Rest assured that you yourself sir are a cunt and you are in excellent company here. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 hours ago, Rev said:

That fucking bellend Peter Grant (no, not that Peter Grant) is the only cunt not to outright ban me. He's a prick. I'm already on their undesirable list for having letters condemning the cunts left, right and centre in the papers.

You should post them human shite.

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1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

Hitler was a socialist, Stalin was a socialist as was Tony Blair..Nick Griffin says he is a nationalist but in actual fact is a one eyed fat fascist turd  ..there's a big difference in saying you are something and actually being one........Rest assured that you yourself sir are a cunt and you are in excellent company here. 

Like any country that has the word 'Democratic' in its title is anything but.

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We'd have been fucked if it was a YES, proper..even the Scottish Government's own figures prove this, beyond any shadow of a doubt. Make no mistake, the SNP are bigoted, deeply anti-English and encourage all opposition to be attacked, whether it be in written form, or at their doorstep. They pledged a "new kind of politics", but are just as corrupt, if not more so, than any other party. They rail against English austerity on a hard-left card, while strangling councils of budgets across Scotland in a manner that'd make Osborne blush. If you think the behaviour of Brown, Darling was bad, you likely completely missed the behaviour of the nationalists. Canvassers lynched on doorsteps, cars petrol-bombed, death threats issued as a matter of course from the borders to Shetland. Salmond was (and is) a dirty, grasping fascist bastard, "standing up for Scotland" with six pensions and a seven figure expense account that he's protected from tax. Sturgeon's no better. She's a destructive, egotistical, thieving bitch.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
42 minutes ago, Rev said:

We'd have been fucked if it was a YES, proper..even the Scottish Government's own figures prove this, beyond any shadow of a doubt. Make no mistake, the SNP are bigoted, deeply anti-English and encourage all opposition to be attacked, whether it be in written form, or at their doorstep. They pledged a "new kind of politics", but are just as corrupt, if not more so, than any other party. They rail against English austerity on a hard-left card, while strangling councils of budgets across Scotland in a manner that'd make Osborne blush. If you think the behaviour of Brown, Darling was bad, you likely completely missed the behaviour of the nationalists. Canvassers lynched on doorsteps, cars petrol-bombed, death threats issued as a matter of course from the borders to Shetland. Salmond was (and is) a dirty, grasping fascist bastard, "standing up for Scotland" with six pensions and a seven figure expense account that he's protected from tax. Sturgeon's no better. She's a destructive, egotistical, thieving bitch.

Well said. Are you sure you are Glaswegian ?

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Guest Snatch
16 hours ago, Rev said:

Canvassers lynched on doorsteps, cars petrol-bombed, death threats issued as a matter of course from the borders to Shetland.

Is that not just a normal day Rev?

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