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Kwik Fit Tyre centres

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, scotty said:

I meant, why didn't you take it to another garage?  

Once you've parked it up outside and handed your keys over you don't know which grease monkey you're gonna get. There's one of these little pin head cunts in every garage employed specifically to alter the position of your drivers seat, twiddle with your radio and snoop through your glove box and dip into your cadbury's twirl bites. 

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29 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Once you've parked it up outside and handed your keys over you don't know which grease monkey you're gonna get. There's one of these little pin head cunts in every garage employed specifically to alter the position of your drivers seat, twiddle with your radio and snoop through your glove box and dip into your cadbury's twirl bites. 

Get an empty twirl wrapper and.put a used tampon in it. That'll teach the nosey little fuckers. Or if you dont use them, shit in an empty large toblerone tube does the trick as well

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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Get an empty twirl wrapper and.put a used tampon in it. That'll teach the nosey little fuckers. Or if you dont use them, shit in an empty large toblerone tube does the trick as well

If you don't use them? Just what in the actual fuck would someone use a large empty Toblerone tube for?

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Guest DingTheRioja

I know I'll regret this, but...

On 19/05/2016 at 8:03 AM, Mrs Roops said:

As the saying goes, if you want to drive into the desert, drive a Range Rover, if you want to come back, drive a Land Cruiser.

It's " if you want to drive into the outback with a Land Rover, go ahead, if you want to come back, drive a Toyota. "


On 19/05/2016 at 1:16 PM, camberwell gypsy said:

Do ISIS do MOTs? I might go there then. They may be in Peckham

Fuck knows about MOTs, don't care about that, but they do do a mean line in 50 cals or AAs fitted in the flatbed...




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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
14 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

So the fucking clue is in the name although it is a jolly jape and play on the word "quick" or have they chosen to call themselves "kwik" so as to avoid trade descriptions?   Took my black mans wheel 3 series to KF as had a slow puncture that became a flat.  Not a rare car by any stretch of the imagination, not like it's a Fraiser Nash or a Lamborghini Muira Sv right hand drive with gold wheels and sunburst red body  Fucking chimp tells me my tyre not in stock and it will be 2 days to get one in!!! Now bmw  in their fucking nazi Germany wisdom do not provide a spare wheel anymore, they have a pump and some gel to seal a puncture.....but the tyre is off the rim.  Fucking useless.    So chimp says do you want a taxi...and I say no I want a fucking tyre !  And Kwik...like the fucking shop name says !!!  Two other monkeys step into the shop cabin and get all giddy.....I remind them of the master servant relationship....and they remind me they have no fucking tyres in a fucking tyre shop.......I call them cunts.  One of the chimps takes umbrage at being cunted and tries to make a move but meets with my fucking raging annoyance.  I hobble round the corner to Abduls Tyres they have lots of my tyres in stock.   Don't believe that fucking wank advert on the telly.....KW are fucking useless mongs and a right set of jumpy cunts who all need a fucking car jack to fail and drop a 2 tonne rusty Range Rover on their heads.  Proper useless cunts and not a GCSE amongst them.

A nice long one. And a real treat. 

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Guest deebom

You are a stupid cunt for going to Kwik Fit and deserve everything you get for going to the useless, wallet raping, lying twats.

I'm surprised they didn't tell you your brakes were fucked, and your exhaust was blowing.

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4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

I know I'll regret this, but...

It's " if you want to drive into the outback with a Land Rover, go ahead, if you want to come back, drive a Toyota. "


Fuck knows about MOTs, don't care about that, but they do do a mean line in 50 cals or AAs fitted in the flatbed...




That's nice. Can I get one in purple?

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11 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

...It's " if you want to drive into the outback with a Land Rover, go ahead, if you want to come back, drive a Toyota. ".....

Naturally, I bow to your experience on this Ding. Gosh, who'd thort a Prius could hack the rigours of the outback.

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Guest Gurt
5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Naturally, I bow to your experience on this Ding. Gosh, who'd thort a Prius could hack the rigours of the outback.

Did you change that from 'the rigours of the bush' ?

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

He's right though.


Has to be a hybrid... imagine trying to sort out the fuel/air mixture on that bastard up there!

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Has to be a hybrid... imagine trying to sort out the fuel/air mixture on that bastard up there!


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On 19 May 2016 at 4:58 AM, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Range rovers use aluminium body panels and therefore don't rust. Shit nom. by the way which ultimately demonstrates what a moron you are as most sensible people would pre book an appointment for a slow puncture which would then give the garage an opportunity to check stock was available. 2/10 for lack of effort. Typical BMW driver, can't see beyond the bonnet of the car.

Shit reply pissflaps, who obviously works at Kwik Fit being so Kwik ha ha ha to defend them....you are obviously a GCEless cunt who takes tyres off motor cars for a living as that's how you played with your brum brims when you was fucking 5 !!!  Further evidence of being a fucking useless chimp is provided by the fact you had to re-edit even your very short paragraph of text that must have taken you about 4 days to type.  I further draw the readers attention to your complete fucking Montessori lesson regarding the aforesaid construction of a Range Rover.  I do agree that the panels are made of aluminium so would not rust.  However as the panels were hung to a steel chassis that in early models rusted like a soft turd left in the bath tub, I do my lord stand by my earlier proposition that the shit car falling on the Kiwk Fit chimps heads would preferably be one of these Solihull shit boxes.  The chimp also loses the point that the tyre went flat whilst driving my vehicle on the queens highway past the said establishment of tyres, only to find the incompetence of the business and chimps working there means drivers have to wait 2 DAYS for a fairly common tyre at a place called KWIK !   Do you get me now .   Or do I detect you actually work at Land Rover and was affronted that someone called your Range Rovers fucking pieces of shit and a fucking rust bucket stuck together by communist cunts.

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On 19 May 2016 at 8:19 AM, Drew P Pissflaps said:

If you re-read the post Monumental Fuck Knuckle said he knew he had a slow puncture but was somehow surprised when it did finally turn into a flat. Put some fucking air in and book an appointment you useless fucking Northern shite.

Since when is the Cotswolds northern you fucking retard.  Do you play with spanners for a living?

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