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Guest Bill Stickers
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Without doubt, the most boring thing you have ever posted, and that's no mean feat considering the majority of your output.

It's also a load of factually incorrect fucking bollocks. Do you consider yourself the next Steve Jobs because you once owned a Commodore 64?

It really is a load of old cock much like his knowledge of retargeted advertising. Ding is probably the kind of stupid cunt who clicks tbose "You are our 1,000,000 visit and you have won a prize" banners.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You stupid jock cunt. I'd never breed with a slope.

You'd fuck the nanny though, surely, ladyboy or not?

This sprog was in the news this week - its name is Hong Hong (as opposed to Ting Tong) and it's got thirty one fingers and toes. As prime numbers go, that's definitely not NFN.

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Just now, Cuntybaws said:

You'd fuck the nanny though, surely, ladyboy or not?

This sprog was in the news this week - its name is Hong Hong (as opposed to Ting Tong) and it's got thirty one fingers and toes. As prime numbers go, that's definitely not NFN.

Give it 18 years and I can see a very promising future for young Hong Hong on the footjob category of Xhamster. Set yourself a reminder for May 2034, or remember to ask your local priest for the 2026 preview clips.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Give it 18 years and I can see a very promising future for young Hong Hong on the footjob category of Xhamster. Set yourself a reminder for May 2034, or remember to ask your local priest for the 2026 preview clips.

I owe you a like for this one - I know how much they mean to you. I'm either out for the day now, or more likely my DNS and/or cookies are fucking up. I can only get the Corner up using Opera Turbo at present, so I guess it's time to flush everything.

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3 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

They have to ask you by law, since they check your PC specs, the programs installed, your browsing history (yes, ALL of your browsing history), your IP, etc etc, in the hope of finding out you are rich and stupid in order to sell you anything.... or sell your details to someone else who will sell you anything...

That Super Shoppers programme a while back showed up some interesting shit... the two women were sat in the same room trying to book the same holiday (same hotel, same flight etc), the one on the crappy laptop got a price £100 less than the one on the iPad, simply because she didn't have an iPad so wasn't rich/aspirational enough to afford the extra £100.  But the iPad owner was stupid enough to part with all that dosh for the latest labelled expensive tablet and so can/will pay to extra £100 for no reason.


This has some element of truth about it. Marketers do want to build a profile and crude price adjustments are now beginning appear based probably more on users perceived lifestyles and previous on-line purchases. Knowing which device (make and model) a punter is using, was for a time, information that even The Corner had access to via a bolt-on programme that drew down user agent data as well as IP details.

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11 hours ago, r-soles said:

So I signed into Youtube,  I don't know why I bothered, but I did.

I wanted to watch some music videos, so that's what I did.

Then I get a fucking message from Google Cunts, telling me to sort out my ad preferences, so I get the relevant marketing experience that suits my profile.

Bunch of cunts.

I don't need ANY fucking ads off those cunts, or any other cunts for that matter, I ain't a fucking sheep who needs to be told what I should waste my hard earned on.

Now fuck off and sell some pointless shit to the underage cunts who just have to have the latest trendy bollocks technology that all their equally brain-dead friends have got.

Yeah that's right, you ain't getting any of my money, so fuck right off, you cunts!



What's up...did the googles adverts profile you and immediately offered you the following ads;

1) viagra.....because Google could see your Mrs has been searching big pack cock on your pc so they want to help.

2) Thai brides.... Because they know that your Mrs is actually about to leave you for Denizli or Keanoo she can't decide which ploughing she likes best, maybe she will have them both round at your house when she kicks you out.

3) Samaritans....clearly Google know it will be hard on you being a white Anglo Saxon male and the laws of the land will be stacked up against you when she takes your house, kids, salary, pension for the rest of your fucking living days and beyond.

4) save a dying black kid in Africa.... Having all the first world problems resting on your shoulders it's always good to see an advert with some poor fucking sole on it who is even more worse off than yourself.  Flies round their little faces, distended hungry stomachs, just £3 of what's left in your pocket will provide a tap for water so these little cunts can survive, jump on a plane, fly over to England and when they are 25 fuck some one else's wife and the cycle happens all over again.   All because of Google adverts.  Cunts

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Guest Bill Stickers
8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This has some element of truth about it. Marketers do want to build a profile and crude price adjustments are now beginning appear based probably more on users perceived lifestyles and previous on-line purchases. Knowing which device (make and model) a punter is using, was for a time, information that even The Corner had access to via a bolt-on programme that drew down user agent data as well as IP details.

The profiles and price adjustments are far from 'crude'.

Advertising is one of the biggest industries in the world with the most money sloshing round in it. The networks and exchanges that work in real time are so lucrative and technical that people who studied with the intention of working for the likes of NASA actually end up programming these things.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
10 hours ago, Decimus said:

Without doubt, the most boring thing you have ever posted, and that's no mean feat considering the majority of your owning.

It's also a load of factually incorrect fucking bollocks. Do you consider yourself the next Steve Jobs because you once owned a Commodore 64?

I reckon it was more likely to be the infinitely inferior Vic-20, although visually they were pretty similar pieces of shit, comparable only to iwning a Texas Instruments calculator.

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41 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

The profiles and price adjustments are far from 'crude'.

Advertising is one of the biggest industries in the world with the most money sloshing round in it. The networks and exchanges that work in real time are so lucrative and technical that people who studied with the intention of working for the likes of NASA actually end up programming these things.

Of course it's crude, Bill - very crude, which is why they are relatively easy to spot and report on. Remember this; corporate entities like Google "Don't be evil" play the long game. The company's Dark Blue (part of DeepMind) AI Division is ostensibly finding ways to speed up research into cancer and other altruistic projects, but AI can be used in other ways.......The trick is getting people to trust and depend the Siri's and Cortana's of the world. User's will eventually contract out their thinking to a machine which will be earning a nice bit of commission for stuff it buys on your behalf. 

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13 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Of course it's crude, Bill - very crude, which is why they are relatively easy to spot and report on. Remember this; corporate entities like Google "Don't be evil" play the long game. The company's Dark Blue (part of DeepMind) AI Division is ostensibly finding ways to speed up research into cancer and other altruistic projects, but AI can be used in other ways.......The trick is getting people to trust and depend the Siri's and Cortana's of the world. User's will eventually contract out their thinking to a machine which will be earning a nice bit of commission for stuff it buys on your behalf. 

Think that you may have gone a bit too far there, roops. If someone is so unbelievably dense that they would allow what is essentially a UI to purchase items without authorisation then they deserve to be rinsed. 

On the other hand, whilst some research (for driverless cars see easier terrorist attacks) is a bit of guff, research into accelerating medical cures should be applauded and funded without question. If it means that every time I google something, I am shown an advert for something I was previously shopping for, I'm willing to allow it. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
19 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Of course it's crude, Bill - very crude, which is why they are relatively easy to spot and report on. 

What? Advertising is not a fucking conspiracy. Everyone knows it goes on. You don't need to spot and report on it, you're not Neo in the twatting matrix.

So because you realise someone is trying to sell you a targeted product, it is crude?  The profiling and regathering auction tech is far from crude. The cogs behind it, to make it work in real time, is incredibly impressive. 

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3 hours ago, Bubbles said:

Think that you may have gone a bit too far there, roops. If someone is so unbelievably dense that they would allow what is essentially a UI to purchase items without authorisation then they deserve to be rinsed. 

On the other hand, whilst some research (for driverless cars see easier terrorist attacks) is a bit of guff, research into accelerating medical cures should be applauded and funded without question. If it means that every time I google something, I am shown an advert for something I was previously shopping for, I'm willing to allow it. 


3 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

What? Advertising is not a fucking conspiracy. Everyone knows it goes on. You don't need to spot and report on it, you're not Neo in the twatting matrix.

So because you realise someone is trying to sell you a targeted product, it is crude?  The profiling and regathering auction tech is far from crude. The cogs behind it, to make it work in real time, is incredibly impressive. 

Yeah, I'm not worried about advertising, but a process far more insidious. Lets think this through......presently, when you need a replacement washing machine, you go to Google and enter certain parameters e.g. load capacity, spin speed, price range etc whereupon you are presented with a choice of products with some questionable reviews. You do some research, choose and make the purchase. Lets move on a few more years; this time you tell Siri, "I need a replacement washing machine". Based on what she/he already knows about you Siri chooses a machine, you check out his/her choice and agree. Repeat this process many times and you will eventually trust your digital PA's judgment. Then and only then you'll say to Siri, "we need a replacement washing machine, get me one". As I said, Google et al are known for playing the long game......

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16 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Yeah, I'm not worried about advertising, but a process far more insidious. Lets think this through......presently, when you need a replacement washing machine, you go to Google and enter certain parameters e.g. load capacity, spin speed, price range etc whereupon you are presented with a choice of products with some questionable reviews. You do some research, choose and make the purchase. Lets move on a few more years; this time you tell Siri, "I need a replacement washing machine". Based on what she/he already knows about you Siri chooses a machine, you check out his/her choice and agree. Repeat this process many times and you will eventually trust your digital PA's judgment. Then and only then you'll say to Siri, "we need a replacement washing machine, get me one". As I said, Google et al are known for playing the long game......

People with more money than sense may choose this easy option, if indeed it ever came to pass, which is extremely unlikely and sounds a bit of a conspiracy theory.

Actually, I just asked Siri for directions home and she said she needs my sort code, account number and name of my first pet before she could provide me with an answer. Spooky. 

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22 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Yeah, I'm not worried about advertising, but a process far more insidious. Lets think this through......presently, when you need a replacement washing machine, you go to Google and enter certain parameters e.g. load capacity, spin speed, price range etc whereupon you are presented with a choice of products with some questionable reviews. You do some research, choose and make the purchase. Lets move on a few more years; this time you tell Siri, "I need a replacement washing machine". Based on what she/he already knows about you Siri chooses a machine, you check out his/her choice and agree. Repeat this process many times and you will eventually trust your digital PA's judgment. Then and only then you'll say to Siri, "we need a replacement washing machine, get me one". As I said, Google et al are known for playing the long game......

Roops, has your HRT turned you into a delusional and paranoid wreck?

Siri is hardly Skynet, you'll be smashing machines like a 19th century Luddite next. Start with your own internet devices to save us all from having to read your rambling, nonsensical bollocks.

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5 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

People with more money than sense may choose this easy option, if indeed it ever came to pass, which is extremely unlikely and sounds a bit of a conspiracy theory........

Bubs, mankind has been taking the "easy option" since the dawn of consciousness. You are the reason why infotech behemoths have confidence in spending billions developing AI.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Roops, has your HRT turned you into a delusional and paranoid wreck?

Siri is hardly Skynet, you'll be smashing machines like a 19th century Luddite next. Start with your own internet devices to save us all from having to read your rambling, nonsensical bollocks.

I'm actually quite tech savvy, more than you can possibly realise. Technology should be embraced but used sensibly. Unfortunately, IMHO regulatory control has proven to be too slow to keep it in check.

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Guest Manky

If I told Siri to buy me a new washing machine she would say, "Don't be a complete cunt, remember, I have seen your bank balance. Just take your washing down to the stream and twat it on some rocks like they do in Luton"

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27 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Bubs, mankind has been taking the "easy option" since the dawn of consciousness. You are the reason why infotech behemoths have confidence in spending billions developing AI.

I was trying to have a discussion, albeit with a nice peppering of humour to entertain the good cunts of CC, but I see you've decided to lower yourself to pathetic playground insults as I disagree with your quite frankly, dogshit statements. 

Drew, do you have any space in your underground bunker for when the shit hits the fan. 

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23 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm actually quite tech savvy, more than you can possibly realise. Technology should be embraced but used sensibly. Unfortunately, IMHO regulatory control has proven to be too slow to keep it in check.

Did you have a Christmas job in Comet?

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3 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

I was trying to have a discussion, albeit with a nice peppering of humour to entertain the good cunts of CC, but I see you've decided to lower yourself to pathetic playground insults as I disagree with your quite frankly, dogshit statements. 

Drew, do you have any space in your underground bunker for when the shit hits the fan. 

Hmm, maybe you should have spoken to your boss :rolleyes:

Bubs, I said "you" firstly as a generic term so stop being  so sensitive, but also you seem oblivious to the dangers of unchecked AI development, which why the technology is progressing at a very fast pace. Too many people seek safety by having their heads in the sand.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:


Yeah, I'm not worried about advertising, but a process far more insidious. Lets think this through......presently, when you need a replacement washing machine, you go to Google and enter certain parameters e.g. load capacity, spin speed, price range etc whereupon you are presented with a choice of products with some questionable reviews. You do some research, choose and make the purchase. Lets move on a few more years; this time you tell Siri, "I need a replacement washing machine". Based on what she/he already knows about you Siri chooses a machine, you check out his/her choice and agree. Repeat this process many times and you will eventually trust your digital PA's judgment. Then and only then you'll say to Siri, "we need a replacement washing machine, get me one". As I said, Google et al are known for playing the long game......

If people chose to trust the machine too much that is a human fault, not a technological one. 

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