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So I signed into Youtube,  I don't know why I bothered, but I did.

I wanted to watch some music videos, so that's what I did.

Then I get a fucking message from Google Cunts, telling me to sort out my ad preferences, so I get the relevant marketing experience that suits my profile.

Bunch of cunts.

I don't need ANY fucking ads off those cunts, or any other cunts for that matter, I ain't a fucking sheep who needs to be told what I should waste my hard earned on.

Now fuck off and sell some pointless shit to the underage cunts who just have to have the latest trendy bollocks technology that all their equally brain-dead friends have got.

Yeah that's right, you ain't getting any of my money, so fuck right off, you cunts!



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Guest luke swarm
10 minutes ago, r-soles said:

So I signed into Youtube,  I don't know why I bothered, but I did.

I wanted to watch some music videos, so that's what I did.

Then I get a fucking message from Google Cunts, telling me to sort out my ad preferences, so I get the relevant marketing experience that suits my profile.

Bunch of cunts.

I don't need ANY fucking ads off those cunts, or any other cunts for that matter, I ain't a fucking sheep who needs to be told what I should waste my hard earned on.

Now fuck off and sell some pointless shit to the underage cunts who just have to have the latest trendy bollocks technology that all their equally brain-dead friends have got.

Yeah that's right, you ain't getting any of my money, so fuck right off, you cunts!



Arseholes.......that a pretty good nomination and you have dealt with the matter superbly..........look you are the sort of chap I am looking for, smart, astute and nobody's fool, am I right. I have an opening in my new business where you can earn £400 to £500 from home by simply utilising your computer efficiently.

Interested, them PM me your name, location, and of course the bank where you would like the money transferred to when you start working. We are not one of those dreadful firms that work on a commission only basis but pay a proper wage so don't forget those all important bank details.

Looking forward to working with you.    

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Guest DingTheRioja

They have to ask you by law, since they check your PC specs, the programs installed, your browsing history (yes, ALL of your browsing history), your IP, etc etc, in the hope of finding out you are rich and stupid in order to sell you anything.... or sell your details to someone else who will sell you anything...

That Super Shoppers programme a while back showed up some interesting shit... the two women were sat in the same room trying to book the same holiday (same hotel, same flight etc), the one on the crappy laptop got a price £100 less than the one on the iPad, simply because she didn't have an iPad so wasn't rich/aspirational enough to afford the extra £100.  But the iPad owner was stupid enough to part with all that dosh for the latest labelled expensive tablet and so can/will pay to extra £100 for no reason.


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3 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

They have to ask you by law, since they check your PC specs, the programs installed, your browsing history (yes, ALL of your browsing history), your IP, etc etc, in the hope of finding out you are rich and stupid in order to sell you anything.... or sell your details to someone else who will sell you anything...

That Super Shoppers programme a while back showed up some interesting shit... the two women were sat in the same room trying to book the same holiday (same hotel, same flight etc), the one on the crappy laptop got a price £100 less than the one on the iPad, simply because she didn't have an iPad so wasn't rich/aspirational enough to afford the extra £100.  But the iPad owner was stupid enough to part with all that dosh for the latest labelled expensive tablet and so can/will pay to extra £100 for no reason.


Owning an iPad isn't really all that exclusive. Sounds like a load of utter fucking bollocks to me.

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Guest luke swarm
4 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

They have to ask you by law, since they check your PC specs, the programs installed, your browsing history (yes, ALL of your browsing history), your IP, etc etc, in the hope of finding out you are rich and stupid in order to sell you anything.... or sell your details to someone else who will sell you anything...

That Super Shoppers programme a while back showed up some interesting shit... the two women were sat in the same room trying to book the same holiday (same hotel, same flight etc), the one on the crappy laptop got a price £100 less than the one on the iPad, simply because she didn't have an iPad so wasn't rich/aspirational enough to afford the extra £100.  But the iPad owner was stupid enough to part with all that dosh for the latest labelled expensive tablet and so can/will pay to extra £100 for no reason.


this is indeed worrying.....are you sure they can see your entire browsing history...sounds unlikely or there would be a lot more arrests of the kiddie fiddling fraternity. 

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I have no idea what Google ads are specifically, but I do know that I don't want a 'customer experience survey' box pop up within a nanosecond of landing on my website of choice. 

How the fuck can I tell you how you did if I've not been allowed to fucking do anything? 

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Guest DingTheRioja
5 minutes ago, Ape said:

Owning an iPad isn't really all that exclusive. Sounds like a load of utter fucking bollocks to me.

No, it's true, well, it's not true that owning an iPad is exclusive, but it is considered aspirational and a sign of being happy to spend more money than necessary, same as BMWs & Mercs, or the postcode on the other side of the street being 20k more or less than this postcode.

The amount of data they have on you/me and how quick they are to use it is actually horrifying.  I can look at a new PC mouse on Amazon, close the browser, shut down the PC, next day turn on my tablet instead of the PC and the first adverts on any pages I look at are for a new mouse and keyboard, and I'm not even on amazon or eBay... simply the IP and/or history connected to gmail/hotmail accounts etc are logged in real time.

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5 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

No, it's true, well, it's not true that owning an iPad is exclusive, but it is considered aspirational and a sign of being happy to spend more money than necessary, same as BMWs & Mercs, or the postcode on the other side of the street being 20k more or less than this postcode.

The amount of data they have on you/me and how quick they are to use it is actually horrifying.  I can look at a new PC mouse on Amazon, close the browser, shut down the PC, next day turn on my tablet instead of the PC and the first adverts on any pages I look at are for a new mouse and keyboard, and I'm not even on amazon or eBay... simply the IP and/or history connected to gmail/hotmail accounts etc are logged in real time.

......what about the dungeon equipment?

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Guest Manky

Is an iPad worth 6 times a Hudl? Can it do 6 times as much? I use a Lenovo tablet. Not the dearest and not the cheapest. Does what I want and if I break it, it is not a 2nd mortgage issue.

I use google for everything and don't mind adverts that keep the search engines free (and rich)

I fucking hate Apple. Fucking money grabbing cunts. And Decimus. Fucking arse bandit with web feet.

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Guest DingTheRioja
23 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

......what about the dungeon equipment?

Shush woman!

8 minutes ago, Manky said:

Is an iPad worth 6 times a Hudl? Can it do 6 times as much? I use a Lenovo tablet. Not the dearest and not the cheapest. Does what I want and if I break it, it is not a 2nd mortgage issue.

I use google for everything and don't mind adverts that keep the search engines free (and rich)

I fucking hate Apple. Fucking money grabbing cunts. And Decimus. Fucking arse bandit with web feet.

That does pretty much explain it.

And apple are cunts, evil, theiving, child labour using, litigious cunts who steal other ideas then copyright the fuckers... they are more restrictive than M$ but seem to get away with it all the time.

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51 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

this is indeed worrying.....are you sure they can see your entire browsing history...sounds unlikely or there would be a lot more arrests of the kiddie fiddling fraternity. 

No, they can't but they do apply algorithms based on your search history to come up with tailor made contextual adverts, some obvious, some not. Try Duckduckgo to avoid big brother snooping.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Tell me about it. I was googling for a replacement hedge trimmer and an hour later I am getting photos of unkempt growlers pop up all over the place.

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, they can't but they do apply algorithms based on your search history to come up with tailor made contextual adverts, some obvious, some not. Try Duckduckgo to avoid big brother snooping.

Have you seen the fracas about Facebook tracking every single fucking page you visit?  (so long as the shop/etc has Twatter/Facebook/Google+/Delicious/Reddit/Stumbleupon/Digg/Tumblr/WhateverTheFuck linked)

Even when you are not logged in, or not even a fucking member?

Have you seen the icons below?  They know exactly when and where you visited this individual page...


Belgium has warned Facebook of a 250k fine per day because of this... and how does Facefuck answer this threat? By saying the court order using the words "cookie" and "browser" is against Belgian law, not by saying they don't do the dirty on you.



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1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

Arseholes.......that a pretty good nomination and you have dealt with the matter superbly..........look you are the sort of chap I am looking for, smart, astute and nobody's fool, am I right. I have an opening in my new business where you can earn £400 to £500 from home by simply utilising your computer efficiently.

Interested, them PM me your name, location, and of course the bank where you would like the money transferred to when you start working. We are not one of those dreadful firms that work on a commission only basis but pay a proper wage so don't forget those all important bank details.

Looking forward to working with you.    

Plain witless rubbish. Idiot. 

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Frank said:

Plain witless rubbish. Idiot. 

that's very kind of you Frank......please may I request a kill yourself to really cheer me up....come on Frank. 

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Guest Manky

I wanted to see what I was supposed to feed my dog, Rex. Both my eyes and typing are not what they should be so instead of searching Dog Rex, I hit an S instead of an R. Those RSPCA people are cunts. No wonder they wear black.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
7 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Shrew, how on earth are you? 


7 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Shrew, how on earth are you? 

Been lying low, in my bungalow to protect my egg like scalp from UVA and UVB if you really must know you fucking toss pot.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

No, it's true, well, it's not true that owning an iPad is exclusive, but it is considered aspirational and a sign of being happy to spend more money than necessary, same as BMWs & Mercs, or the postcode on the other side of the street being 20k more or less than this postcode.

The amount of data they have on you/me and how quick they are to use it is actually horrifying.  I can look at a new PC mouse on Amazon, close the browser, shut down the PC, next day turn on my tablet instead of the PC and the first adverts on any pages I look at are for a new mouse and keyboard, and I'm not even on amazon or eBay... simply the IP and/or history connected to gmail/hotmail accounts etc are logged in real time.

It's nothing to do with your gmail account you dunce. You drop a cookie or device ID on amazons website and they re target you elsewhere. It is not that horrifying. 

How do you stupid cunts think YouTube and Facebook and everything else is free to use? Who would pay and maintain such colossal servers and site development?

Advertising is essential for the free internet, and a vibrant economy. 

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Just now, DingTheRioja said:

They have to ask you by law, since they check your PC specs, the programs installed, your browsing history (yes, ALL of your browsing history), your IP, etc etc, in the hope of finding out you are rich and stupid in order to sell you anything.... or sell your details to someone else who will sell you anything...

That Super Shoppers programme a while back showed up some interesting shit... the two women were sat in the same room trying to book the same holiday (same hotel, same flight etc), the one on the crappy laptop got a price £100 less than the one on the iPad, simply because she didn't have an iPad so wasn't rich/aspirational enough to afford the extra £100.  But the iPad owner was stupid enough to part with all that dosh for the latest labelled expensive tablet and so can/will pay to extra £100 for no reason.


Without doubt, the most boring thing you have ever posted, and that's no mean feat considering the majority of your output.

It's also a load of factually incorrect fucking bollocks. Do you consider yourself the next Steve Jobs because you once owned a Commodore 64?

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Just now, Bill Stickers said:

It's nothing to do with count you dunce. You drop a cookie or device ID on amazons website and they re target you elsewhere. It is not that horrifying. 

How do you stupid cunts think YouTube and Facebook and everything else is free to use? Who would pay and maintain such colossal servers and site development?

Advertising is essential for the free internet, and a vibrant economy. 

Ding has seen Wargames and Electric dreams 6500 times in a fit of autistic repetetiveness. He now considers himself an IT expert with a sideline gig of putting together motivational montages. 


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