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cunts who rewrite history


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Ridiculous reactions to ken livingstones comment regarding The havaara agreement made in 1933. Ken did make the school boy error by confusing Israel and Palestine, but essentially what he said was correct. It seems like a witch hunt at the moment with the labour party, anyone would think there was a conspiracy.

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Guest MikeD
Just now, Eddie said:

Ridiculous reactions to ken livingstones comment regarding The havaara agreement made in 1933. Ken did make the school boy error by confusing Israel and Palestine, but essentially what he said was correct. It seems like a witch hunt at the moment with the labour party, anyone would think there was a conspiracy.

I fucking hate cigars.

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Guest MikeD
41 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Corbyn was also targeted as an anti semite for talking with Hamas, another ridiculous statement. Unless you are 100% behind Isreal and turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed there, you better watch out.  

Yeah, that Desmond Dekker song was fucking horrendous.

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1 hour ago, MikeD said:

I fucking hate cigars.


2 minutes ago, MikeD said:

Yeah, that Desmond Dekker song was fucking horrendous.

A serious nom worthy of debate, and even though you are quite rightly being ignored by Eddie for being a flippant fucking idiot, you still insist on being an insufferable fucking twat by cracking your shit jokes. Fuck off to a Ding nom you tedious little bore, the adults are talking here.

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Guest MikeD
Just now, Decimus said:


A serious nom worthy of debate, and even though you are quite rightly being ignored by Eddie for being a flippant fucking idiot, you still insist on being an insufferable fucking twat by cracking your shit jokes. Fuck off to a Ding nom you tedious little bore, the adults are talking here.

Without checking back I would guess that everything you've just said I've heard before.

I could be wrong.

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Guest MikeD
4 minutes ago, Decimus said:


A serious nom worthy of debate, and even though you are quite rightly being ignored by Eddie for being a flippant fucking idiot, you still insist on being an insufferable fucking twat by cracking your shit jokes. Fuck off to a Ding nom you tedious little bore, the adults are talking here.

Bang away cunt, it makes no difference,

You'll eventually have a meltdown and go off in a strop, i'll just enjoy the show. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:


A serious nom worthy of debate, and even though you are quite rightly being ignored by Eddie for being a flippant fucking idiot, you still insist on being an insufferable fucking twat by cracking your shit jokes. Fuck off to a Ding nom you tedious little bore, the adults are talking here.



As for the nom, this happens to be a point I make frequently, and get accused of being anti-semitic and shut down for it.

The State Of Isreal are a bunch of racist, xenophobic, land grabbing, murdering bastards.... but apparently the yanks like them so they get away with it....

...although I do agree with their reaction to the Munich Olympics.

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:


A serious nom worthy of debate, and even though you are quite rightly being ignored by Eddie for being a flippant fucking idiot, you still insist on being an insufferable fucking twat by cracking your shit jokes. Fuck off to a Ding nom you tedious little bore, the adults are talking here.

Fuck it Dec's,  that nom has bombed, I want to change it to

'cunts that come to visit you in your home and take a stinking shit in your toilet'


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Guest luke swarm

Criticism of Israel seems to be automatically labelled as anti Semitism and this is obviously nonsense. The holocaust was a terrible thing but the way Israel treats the Palestinians is reminiscent of the way the Jews were treated during the Nazi era. Livingstone ,as a politician should know better than to wonder into this kind of controversy but like Galloway, he is not really that bright, just cunning.

Of course there are serious faults on both sides, Jew and Arab but this perpetual conflict seems to have no end, one wonders if either side really want it to end. I personally think not.  

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44 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Fuck it Dec's,  that nom has bombed, I want to change it to

'cunts that come to visit you in your home and take a stinking shit in your toilet'


Rubbish new nom, Ed, just refuse entry into your cardboard box for the other homeless vagrants and all nasal offences will be eau de Edward.

In all seriousness, although Livingstone is always good value for a silly sound bite, I think you're bang on and something else is afoot here. 


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Guest MikeD
2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's hard to take a country seriously when its very existence is predicated on a promise made by a sky fairy to his "chosen people". However, now that the precedent has been set, I can see some value to the creation of the state of Poofland, perhaps somewhere in Tasmania. 

Hasn't that already happened and it's called the BBC?


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Guest MikeD
2 minutes ago, Punkape said:

The Labour Party spent years accusing people of being racist for having views and opinions on immigration.

So I find the latest spat highly amusing.

Anyone who votes labour is a cunt.

Now it's off to the golf club.

Or close to it, as I imagine they don't allow begging and looking for rent-boys on it's grounds.

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Netanyahu suggested that Hitler had not initially intended to annihilate the Jews, only expel them from Europe, and that the idea of extermination came from Jerusalem’s then-grand mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a Palestinian nationalist and jew hater. Netanyahu could hardly be accused of having anti semite views. It's a shame for corbyn as backing ken, although the right thing to do would be political suicide. Come on MikeD there has to be a joke in that load of shit somewhere?

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Guest Manky

Corbyn supported the IRA ergo he is a twat and I hope he catches Ebola and Lassa Fever but lives for 10 years in fucking agony the terrorist sympathising cunt.

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It's funny, Edders. Admin will turn a blind eye to blatant racism, accusations of noncery, homophobic bigotry, and jokes at the expense of the disabled. But woe betide anyone who dares utter even a whisper of criticism towards the Jews. Not that I'm surprised. Afterall, Admin and Wiz are one and the same, and we all know how the yanks salute the Star of David almost as much as they do their own disgusting, crass rag of a flag. 

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's funny, Edders. Admin will turn a blind eye to blatant racism, accusations of noncery, homophobic bigotry, and jokes at the expense of the disabled. But woe betide anyone who dares utter even a whisper of criticism towards the Jews. Not that I'm surprised. Afterall, Admin and Wiz are one and the same, and we all know how the yanks salute the Star of David almost as much as they do their own disgusting, crass rag of a flag. 

Any criticism of Nazi isreal is considered anti semitic. It's a joke and makes my blood boil. 

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16 minutes ago, Manky said:

Corbyn supported the IRA ergo he is a twat and I hope he catches Ebola and Lassa Fever but lives for 10 years in fucking agony the terrorist sympathising cunt.

It's no secret that corbyn is all for a united Ireland, he did meet with sinn fein, another well documented fact. But without dialogue there would be no peace process. Someone had to break the deadlock and good for him for doing so.

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5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

It's no secret that corbyn is all for a united Ireland, he did meet with sinn fein, another well documented fact. But without dialogue there would be no peace process. Someone had to break the deadlock and good for him for doing so.

Well said, Edders.

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