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Cunts that sneeze in the office

Guest Fatty

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
9 minutes ago, Frank said:

It's true fats.. he's detested worldwide. 

Last week, on the descent from the remote Munro of Sulivan, we encountered the low, turf roofed abode of an estate workers parents, the old dear taking in the evening on the porch, chatting to walkers as one does. Basic electric lighting only they had, no gas, no internet, no yacht; when she ushered out Grandfather, he mentioned he fucking hated Ding more than the holes in his hovel walls.

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Guest DingTheRioja
11 minutes ago, Frank said:

It's true fats.. he's detested worldwide. 

Whereas no fucker has heard of you, except for us poor unfortunate cunts.

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Guest Fatty
6 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Last week, on the descent from the remote Munro of Sulivan, we encountered the low, turf roofed abode of an estate workers parents, the old dear taking in the evening on the porch, chatting to walkers as one does. Basic electric lighting only they had, no gas, no internet, no yacht; when she ushered out Grandfather, he mentioned he fucking hated Ding more than the holes in his hovel walls.

I like your work cock

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Fatty said:

You are one boring cunt, no wonder everyone hates you

Wrong. I don't hate anybody, including Ding. However, you are a repulsive sweaty fat bastard.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Last week, on the descent from the remote Munro of Sulivan, we encountered the low, turf roofed abode of an estate workers parents, the old dear taking in the evening on the porch, chatting to walkers as one does. Basic electric lighting only they had, no gas, no internet, no yacht; when she ushered out Grandfather, he mentioned he fucking hated Ding more than the holes in his hovel walls. 

Nothing out of the ordinary there, quince. Tony Malone of Malone's of Highgate recently demolished a five storey commercial site in Papua New Guinea, in preparation for Wadaloo council's new multi-complex leisure facility in Port Moresby. Tony employs mostly unskilled special needs Slovaks who, when given the opportunity, like nothing more than digging deep holes with their bare hands. Last week, 42 year old Brañka Ludjokwôör, in his spare time, dug to a depth of over 62 meters and found a 6th century artifact that indicated that, even back then, people hated ding more than life itself. 

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Guest JackoTC
5 minutes ago, Frank said:

Nothing out of the ordinary there, quince. Tony Malone of Malone's of Highgate recently demolished a five storey commercial site in Papua New Guinea, in preparation for Wadaloo council's new multi-complex leisure facility in Port Moresby. Tony employs mostly unskilled special needs Slovaks who, when given the opportunity, like nothing more than digging deep holes with their bare hands. Last week, 42 year old Brañka Ludjokwôör, in his spare time, dug to a depth of over 62 meters and found a 6th century artifact that indicated, that even back then, people hated ding more than life itself.

What the deuce is going on here Franco? Playing to the masses with this Deco like contrivance ? My recent efforts were more Frank than Frank. And don't pick on Ding - its beneath you.

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1 minute ago, JackoTC said:

What the deuce is going on here Franco? Playing to the masses with this Deco like contrivance ? My recent efforts were more Frank than Frank. And don't pick on Ding - its beneath you.

I can't help myself, Baldrick. You seem to be keeping me at arms length these days. 

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1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

Still better than apes wife. A friend of mine said he booked a fishing holiday and when he arrived his cabin was next to apes wife's cunt. He could just stroll across the pubic hair lawn and cast his rod info her huge fishy abyss and catch a few rainbow trout. 

Still using Punkapes material I see!

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Guest JackoTC
2 minutes ago, Frank said:

I can't help myself, Baldrick. You seem to be keeping me at arms length these days.

I've been working and drinking long hours, and I'm burnt out. I think having to pick on Snatch during your last absence sapped my strength. You just can't tell an idiot he's an idiot. 

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Guest Snatch
30 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

I've been working and drinking long hours, and I'm burnt out. I think having to pick on Snatch during your last absence sapped my strength. You just can't tell an idiot he's an idiot. 

Didn't succeed though did you.

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Guest luke swarm
43 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

I've been working and drinking long hours, and I'm burnt out. I think having to pick on Snatch during your last absence sapped my strength. You just can't tell an idiot he's an idiot. 

you stupid fucking idiot.....idiot.

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Guest JackoTC
1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

 You just can't tell an idiot he's an idiot.


1 hour ago, Snatch said:

Didn't succeed though did you.

Read those two sentences above back to your self.

I have said it cant be done

You have said I didn't succeed

Well done mastermind

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Frank said:

Nothing out of the ordinary there, quince. Tony Malone of Malone's of Highgate recently demolished a five storey commercial site in Papua New Guinea, in preparation for Wadaloo council's new multi-complex leisure facility in Port Moresby. Tony employs mostly unskilled special needs Slovaks who, when given the opportunity, like nothing more than digging deep holes with their bare hands. Last week, 42 year old Brañka Ludjokwôör, in his spare time, dug to a depth of over 62 meters and found a 6th century artifact that indicated that, even back then, people hated ding more than life itself. 

Frank, this does not surprise me one whit. Though I am definitely heartened by news of Tony's mixed use scheme, what bears mention is reports from JPL of a probe equipped with ice screw penetrating right through Europa's 60km crust, right down to the insane pressures of its watery core, to find tube like fucking weirdos hanging round their equivalent of street corners saying " we fucking hate Ding", in their bubbly dialect.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
Just now, Cuntybaws said:

All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there.

György Ligeti  was a cunt.

You the cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Wrong. I don't hate anybody, including Ding. However, you are a repulsive sweaty fat bastard.

Is that a yes then?

2 hours ago, Frank said:

Nothing out of the ordinary there, quince. Tony Malone of Malone's of Highgate recently demolished a five storey commercial site in Papua New Guinea, in preparation for Wadaloo council's new multi-complex leisure facility in Port Moresby. Tony employs mostly unskilled special needs Slovaks who, when given the opportunity, like nothing more than digging deep holes with their bare hands. Last week, 42 year old Brañka Ludjokwôör, in his spare time, dug to a depth of over 62 meters and found a 6th century artifact that indicated that, even back then, people hated ding more than life itself. 

Pathetic, go back to fucking that asian corpse you dug up.

2 hours ago, JackoTC said:

What the deuce is going on here Franco? Playing to the masses with this Deco like contrivance ? My recent efforts were more Frank than Frank. And don't pick on Ding - its beneath you.

There's nothing beneath Frank, he's always bottom.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:
3 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You the cunt.

All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there.

György Ligeti was a cunt.

Not sure why the quote function brought up your post, I was merely going to oust Ding as a complete faggot and wish him every conceivable harm. Ding- you are a faggot of the worst kind, and, being 80% water,  I quite feasibly wish you compressed by a massive steel piston through a 1cm aperture so the goo that was you spunks out all over the grass.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
18 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

 Wrong. I don't hate anybody, including Ding. However, you are repulsive sweaty fat bastard.

thats going a bit too far. i have it on good authority that Fatty does know the desperate cunt who shot his load up his mums snatch.

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Guest Fatty
19 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Wrong. I don't hate anybody, including Ding. However, you are a repulsive sweaty fat bastard.

So we're still on for a shag then

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