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Brexit, again.

Guest DingTheRioja

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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

No, it works both ways because any net growth is also countered by the fact that 2.7 million Britons live in the E.U. If you remove the right of free movement and abode, in order for this projected increase to not happen, what would be the status of our citizens in Europe? Would they be forced to return to the UK? In which case you have still got a population increase which will put a strain on public services. Whilst I admit it is unlikely that the majority will be forced to return, I believe that a majority will voluntarily return when they no longer enjoy the benefits of being an E.U. citizen.

The U.K. will not become a pariah, but we will be at the mercy of cold, hard pragmatism. The negotiations around a TTIP agreement between the E.U. and the U.S.A. have been ongoing for more than a decade and is potentially worth an extra £120 billion to the joint European economy per year. If we are not part of that agreement, how long do you think it will take for a similar arrangement to be made with the U.S.A? Their priority will be to do business with the biggest trading bloc, and we will be an afterthought in comparison until this is ratified. Also, as a lone economy, we will have far less influence in being able to negotiate the best possible deal.

Also, it is naive to think that the U.K. will be able to dictate terms to the E.U. over trading rights if we leave. The terms will be dictated to us, and we will have no say in how favourable they are, it will be a take it or leave it situation. Politically, the E.U. will not want to make a deal that is overly generous, as they will not want other countries being too attracted to the idea of leaving. In the short term, they will want to punish us.

Take a look at the recent treasury report with projections up to 2030. Even in the best case scenario, the economy is predicted to be in a worse state if we vote to leave.

The UN reports that 1.2 Million UK nationals living in the EU, the majority of which reside in Spain, France and Ireland. The answer to what will happen to them should the UK leave is, absolutely nothing, zilch. Ex-pats will continue to live and work as they did before the EU came into being. Aside the fact that the 1969 Vienna Convention states that, " withdrawal from a treaty releases the parties from any future obligations to each other but does not affect any rights or obligations acquired under it before withdrawal", no EU  member state is going to do anything 'cos 1/ UK ex-pats are financially self-sufficient and contribute to local economies and, 2/ No EU state will want to risk future inward investment

With regards to foreign trade, I can only repeat my previous points. In the short-term all trade agreements remain in force for two years after Brexit. Contrary to your assertion that that the EU would "dictate terms", this simply won't happen. The balance of trade payments is heavily in the EU's favour, in other words, they sell far more to us than we sell to them. It beggars belief that the EU will cut its nose to spite it's face as part of some petulant "revenge" ideology. Citing TTIP as an issue to favour staying in the EU is probably not a good idea. TTIP is worth a nom on its own for many reasons, especially by pro NHS advocates. Suffice to say, TTIP is problematic for many, not least with the Germans, which is why Obama flew to Germany with Cameron's TTIP endorsement in his back pocket in exchange for his undiplomatic support for the Remain campaign. Negotiations for TTIP moving at a glacial pace is further evidence that the "one size fits all" in formulating harmonious trade, monetary and fiscal policy between 28 countries with their own individual agendas is no match against a faster and more flexible approach that would be enjoyed by a fully independent UK.

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Guest Gong Farmer
On 25-4-2016 at 1:03 AM, Monumental cunt said:

Gong farmer.....I totally agree.  It's a useless vote we are getting and the super power corporates WILL not let us leave even if enough people woke up to reality and voted out.   However too many liberal pro euro comedians on the TV are laying the goody two shoes story that it's hip and richeous to be in the euro for the mass sheep to vote out.  I can see it coming.  Run by the Germans or worse Putin !

The UK government has signed up to TTIP so that takes precedence over everything else, including democracy,  no one is going to piss on their fireworks. As always, follow the money, it always by passes mere government and leads directly to the 'shadow government' privately owned global financial institutions, multinational conglomerates and the industrial military complex.  We've always been given the illusion of democracy but  the truth  is that we've never really had, at least not at a higher level. A plutocratic oligarchy has been shepherding us by use of government  since ancient times so it's nothing new and we'll  just accept being lied to and taken for the stupid nonchalant cunts we are and always have been. The heard mentality is part of our nature, it's the only thing we respond to, It is the Achilles heal that's used to keep us obedient and compliant. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The UN reports that 1.2 Million UK nationals living in the EU, the majority of which reside in Spain, France and Ireland. The answer to what will happen to them should the UK leave is, absolutely nothing, zilch. Ex-pats will continue to live and work as they did before the EU came into being. Aside the fact that the 1969 Vienna Convention states that, " withdrawal from a treaty releases the parties from any future obligations to each other but does not affect any rights or obligations acquired under it before withdrawal", no EU  member state is going to do anything 'cos 1/ UK ex-pats are financially self-sufficient and contribute to local economies and, 2/ No EU state will want to risk future inward investment

With regards to foreign trade, I can only repeat my previous points. In the short-term all trade agreements remain in force for two years after Brexit. Contrary to your assertion that that the EU would "dictate terms", this simply won't happen. The balance of trade payments is heavily in the EU's favour, in other words, they sell far more to us than we sell to them. It beggars belief that the EU will cut its nose to spite it's face as part of some petulant "revenge" ideology. Citing TTIP as an issue to favour staying in the EU is probably not a good idea. TTIP is worth a nom on its own for many reasons, especially by pro NHS advocates. Suffice to say, TTIP is problematic for many, not least with the Germans, which is why Obama flew to Germany with Cameron's TTIP endorsement in his back pocket in exchange for his undiplomatic support for the Remain campaign. Negotiations for TTIP moving at a glacial pace is further evidence that the "one size fits all" in formulating harmonious trade, monetary and fiscal policy between 28 countries with their own individual agendas is no match against a faster and more flexible approach that would be enjoyed by a fully independent UK.

Is this in the true spirit of Cunts Corner? It seems a bit like boring fucking bollocks.

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Guest Snatch
5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You take that back! It's genuinely hurtful to compare my own linguistic perfection to the hordes of fuckwit illiterates who form the bedrock of the Corner.

That's no way to talk about ex mods.

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Guest Ahriman
2 minutes ago, Snatch said:

That's no way to talk about ex mods.

Fuck em, now that they've been stripped of their status and chucked in with rest of us commoners, I say we treat them like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time.

Remember Roops, keep your hairy arse against the wall and bend with the knees.


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Guest DingTheRioja
On 28/04/2016 at 6:51 PM, Agentpeanut said:

Fuck em, now that they've been stripped of their status and chucked in with rest of us commoners, I say we treat them like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time.

Remember Roops, keep your hairy arse against the wall and bend with the knees.


Just like any copper sent down....

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Guest DingTheRioja
7 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Can you all stop using big words....like corrugated and marmalade?

How about these big words?


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On 28/04/2016 at 6:51 PM, Agentpeanut said:

Fuck em, now that they've been stripped of their status and chucked in with rest of us commoners, I say we treat them like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time.


Yeah, except that when you have moderated this place for a number of years you are not at all like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time, trust me. There isn't much I haven't read, been called or been threatened with, so I'm not likely to lose much sleep over the predictable and repetitive insults chucked around here now. Sorry to rain on your parade, burst your bubble, piss on your chips etc.


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Guest Bill Stickers
3 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Yeah, except that when you have moderated this place for a number of years you are not at all like fresh meat that's just naively stepped into the prison showers for the first time, trust me. There isn't much I haven't read, been called or been threatened with, so I'm not likely to lose much sleep over the predictable and repetitive insults chucked around here now. Sorry to rain on your parade, burst your bubble, piss on your chips etc.


The emoji betrays the fact you are a gormless cretin barely worth of life. 

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11 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

The emoji betrays the fact you are a gormless cretin barely worth of life. 

Although Mr B can be a monotonous drone, Bill, it has often put Mike 'Shorty' D in its place as a racist little twerp on a few occasions recently.

For that reason alone I think the boring cunt should be allowed the odd emoji, as long as it doesn't overdo them.  

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