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Breast Ironing

Guest MikeD

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1 minute ago, Manky said:

I don't  try to be anything I'm not. I didn't  invent Graphene. I didn't  discover the Higgs Bosun particle. I haven't  got a cure for cancer.

But I have happily got through 59 years on this planet. If that is thick  I've no problem with being thick.

And thanks to the grace of God, I am an Englishman..

Higgs Boson/Bosun and God in the same post? 

Yep, I will agree wholeheartedly with everything that comes out of your mouth from this moment forth. 

Please tell me you've been drinking.

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Guest Manky
10 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Higgs Boson/Bosun and God in the same post? 

Yep, I will agree wholeheartedly with everything that comes out of your mouth from this moment forth. 

Please tell me you've been drinking.

Unfortunately not. Work in the morning.

Science and God are not mutually exclusive. People and sense often are.

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20 minutes ago, Manky said:

Unfortunately not. Work in the morning.

Science and God are not mutually exclusive. People and sense often are.

As you've surpassed the life expectancy of most denizens of 'oop north', I can but dream that you shall shortly kick the bucket and there will be one less blinkered racist polluting the world. 

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only cunt. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Probably not, but that aint going to happen here, so no worries.

You wouldn't say that if some cunt shot you in the head for having the temerity to be able to read.

If you think that's far fetched just look at the poor cunt in Glasgow who was shot dead recently by a "fellow Muslim" for, among other things, wishing his customers a happy Easter. 

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Guest BrothersQuim
4 hours ago, Bubbles said:

As you've surpassed the life expectancy of most denizens of 'oop north', I can but dream that you shall shortly kick the bucket and there will be one less blinkered racist polluting the world. 

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only cunt. 

I see you're a fan of Lennon, you wouldn't happen to be friendly with any avid readers of The Catcher in the Rye would you?

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Guest BrothersQuim

Says you, I'm surprised you could pull your head out of Decs arse long enough to reply. Brown nosing fucking no mark cunt. Hopefully when you pop your head back in there you'll choke on a forming turd.

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6 minutes ago, BrothersQuim said:

Says you, I'm surprised you could pull your head out of DLAX arse long enough to reply. Brown  nosing fucking no mark cunt. Hopefully when you pop your head back in there you'll choke on a forming turd.

BQ, where has all this aggression come from?

I realise that so far I have treated you like an unwanted and unloved bastard ginger step-child. I usually like to spend a bit more time with the newbies, and you'll have to forgive how lax I have been in your CC education. Never fear though, I've noticed you now and I promise to give you the attention you deserve. I'm sure that we will become the best of friends.

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Guest BrothersQuim
Just now, Decimus said:

BQ, where has all this aggression come from?

I realise that so far I have treated you like an unwanted and unloved bastard ginger step-child. I usually like to spend a bit more time with the newbies, and you'll have to forgive how lax I have been in your CC education. Never fear though, I've noticed you now and I promise to give you the attention you deserve. I'm sure that we will become the best of friends.

Decs I welcome the abuse but GINGER! Steady on for for fuck sakes, every man has his limits.

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20 minutes ago, BrothersQuim said:

Says you, I'm surprised you could pull your head out of Decs arse long enough to reply. Brown nosing fucking no mark cunt. Hopefully when you pop your head back in there you'll choke on a forming turd.

You remind me of a young Manky. Too reactionary. 

Late night perhaps? 

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Guest BrothersQuim
Just now, Bubbles said:

You remind me of a young Manky. Too reactionary. 

Late night perhaps? 

Yeah, also seeing all of Dings multi quoting bollocks last night has left me feeling a little highly strung. I'll be golden when the caffeine kicks in though.

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Just now, BrothersQuim said:

Yeah, also seeing all of Dings multi quoting bollocks last night has left me feeling a little highly strung. I'll be golden when the caffeine kicks in though.

Fucking hell, I take it back. Just don't stare directly at it, it's fucking shit. 

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Guest BrothersQuim
37 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Fucking hell, I take it back. Just don't stare directly at it, it's fucking shit. 

I can honestly say It's the first time I've been fully exposed to such drivel. I actually had the urge to dig my own eyeballs out with a tea spoon and stamp on the cunts, I opted for smashing my head against a dry stone wall for 30 minutes though to clear my mind, think it might be having a knock on effect this morning.

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Guest luke swarm
2 hours ago, BrothersQuim said:

I can honestly say It's the first time I've been fully exposed to such drivel. I actually had the urge to dig my own eyeballs out with a tea spoon and stamp on the cunts, I opted for smashing my head against a dry stone wall for 30 minutes though to clear my mind, think it might be having a knock on effect this morning.

A common side effect of reading Mr Dings multi quote nonsense.....I see it now but quickly skip it.....I had a bad experience once where I read Dings usual dreary bollocks and the next comment was Jackos.....a double whammy of tedium which made me have a mind spasm coupled with extreme nausea......be careful.      

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Re the Channel Four poll, despite being billed as the most comprehensive in years it isn't a survey of random Muslims because they only polled in areas where at least 20% of the population is Muslim and there aren't many of those. It may well be that people who choose to live in areas of high Muslim population do so because they are less interested in integrating with society in general and may well be more conservative than the wider Muslim population.

Quote: The Independent

However, as Shiraz Maher, lecturer in war studies at King's College London, pointed out, there are problems with the sample: it consists only of Muslims living in areas where they make up at least 20 per cent of the population, who are likely to be less integrated with their non-Muslim neighbours.

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Guest MikeD
18 hours ago, Decimus said:

Mike, I think that I speak for everyone here when I say that you should kill yourself immediately.

Well if that's what everyone wants then that's as good a reason as I know to hang around.

So fuck you all, twice, sideways.

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Guest DingTheRioja
16 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Re the Channel Four poll, despite being billed as the most comprehensive in years it isn't a survey of random Muslims because they only polled in areas where at least 20% of the population is Muslim and there aren't many of those. It may well be that people who choose to live in areas of high Muslim population do so because they are less interested in integrating with society in general and may well be more conservative than the wider Muslim population.

Quote: The Independent

However, as Shiraz Maher, lecturer in war studies at King's College London, pointed out, there are problems with the sample: it consists only of Muslims living in areas where they make up at least 20 per cent of the population, who are likely to be less integrated with their non-Muslim neighbours.

Like I said, they all have major flaws.

Being done in dense muslim populations will lead to more "non-british" attitudes, same as a parts of France with thousands of british ex-pats, they all stick together and complain about the French.... alright, they complain about the French a lot more than we do...

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On Monday, April 11, 2016 at 1:47 AM, Cuntybaws said:

There's Africa and then there's Africa. 

The ugliest fucking creatures on God's green earth, bar none, are Tunisian women. I've seen more shaggable tapeworms than these fat-arsed, hook-nosed, mono browed Arab / walrus hybrids.

On the other hand, some of the most beautiful and exotic women on the planet hail from Somalia and Ethiopia. A lot of those Ethiopian cunts don't need any breast ironing either; you could play the Flight of the Bumblebee xylophone-style on their ribs with your cock as foreplay. 

How about the darkie in ch5 the aliens ? Big lips , wide nose but strangely attractive. Help me out here bill, I'm confused.

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On Monday, April 11, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Mrs Roops said:

I once considered reading for a degree in mathematics and statistics but went down another academic avenue when I realised that the statistician's pace of life was too exciting...

I queried the 50% figure 'cos another ICM poll (in 2013) had the figure at 5% but at the same time reported that 27% of Muslim respondents did not support the deportation of Islamic extremists for preaching violence and hate. Whatever the true figure is, not reporting crime or suspicion of crime can be indicative of many things. One of the reasons the Krays evaded justice was fear just to give one example. 

I do agree that stats can be manipulated many ways. Lets not forget the great 2015 exit poll disaster either.......

What do you think so far ?

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