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A Fucking Festival of Cuntery..


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Admin you cock smoking faggot. I'm still here, so put your money where your mouth is. Ban me and reinstate Roops as a mod, tittle tattling like a little bitch and bemoaning how awful I am and creaming yourself over the hairy exhibitionist slag is just words. You're full of hot air,  and I fully expect to be here in the morning, just as I fully expect Roops to be scuttling around as an ordinary member being made to look an absolute cunt without the power to censor posters from showing her up to be a less than average intellect.

You're the hat wearing cunt who cried wolf and I dare you to prove otherwise.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Admin you cock smoking faggot. I'm still here, so put your money where your mouth is. Ban me and reinstate Roops as a mod, tittle tattling like a little bitch and bemoaning how awful I am and creaming yourself over the hairy exhibitionist slag is just words. You're full of hot air,  and I fully expect to be here in the morning, just as I fully expect Roops to be scuttling around as an ordinary member being made to look an absolute cunt without the power to censor posters from showing her up to be a less than average intellect.

You're the hat wearing cunt who cried wolf and I dare you to prove otherwise.

I've got one of these jumbo buckets on rush order to both you and Admin, and a month's supply of popcorn en route to Chez Baws. Don't let me down now!


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Admin, stop beating around the bush and talking in riddles like a teenage girl. We all know who you are referring to. A whole nomination dedicated to me by the site administrator, a CC first if I'm not wrong, and I've obviously made an impression on you, good or bad, to warrant your attention. You're almost obsessed.

I've told you before, either wank yourself silly over the sagging middle aged corpse of Roops and post a tribute video on xhamster, or recruit her as a moderator again. Maybe you could explain why you chucked her in the first place if you think the sun shines out of her arse anyway?

Pull your head out of the fucking clouds and read through mine and Roops' argument. I destroyed her, and everyone apart from the massively biased like you would agree with me. If you didn't hide like a little faggot behind locked threads and your little ban button, I'd make you look a cunt as well.

Now fuck off and get back to moderating. You're shite at it, but you're even worse at contributing on threads. Of course, you could always delete this post, like you did Lukes over the bank holiday, because you're too fucking thick to think up a suitable response. I told you before, if you don't like me, ban me. If not, shut the fuck up sniping and bitching you little faggot cunt.

Very courageous minister.

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Its like a fucking real life marriage on here lately,cant make your fucking mind up if you want the other cunt dead or you want to fuck 'em up the arse all night long and blow each other kisses,Up your game you bunch of schizophrenic cunts

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1 minute ago, neil298 said:

Its like a fucking real life marriage on here lately,cant make your fucking mind up if you want the other cunt dead or you want to fuck 'em up the arse all night long and blow each other kisses,Up your game you bunch of schizophrenic cunts

Don't get your crotchless y-fronts in a twist, Neil, as you mistakenly thought this was a nom about some twisted debauchery and lady parts. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
45 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Admin you cock smoking faggot. I'm still here, so put your money where your mouth is. Ban me and reinstate Roops as a mod, tittle tattling like a little bitch and bemoaning how awful I am and creaming yourself over the hairy exhibitionist slag is just words. You're full of hot air,  and I fully expect to be here in the morning, just as I fully expect Roops to be scuttling around as an ordinary member being made to look an absolute cunt without the power to censor posters from showing her up to be a less than average intellect.

You're the hat wearing cunt who cried wolf and I dare you to prove otherwise.

Now then, now then , now then!

I step out for a bit and lo! Everyone's looking to bite cocks and titties off and shite them out! Head butts being planted, ocular cavities fucked to blind spunkiness, ring pieces triple fisted dry! 

What the fucks going on?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, luke swarm said:

Why that's very fair minded of you Admin.....its nice to see a sense of fair play and no bias evident in the management.

As you say a good man knows his limitations.



3 hours ago, Admin said:

The last 7 days on here have been robust compared to recent times. Allowing the cooler door to open has facilitated this. Some good noms, a lot of discussion and debate tempered with some CC specialty abuse.

One thing that always remains unchanged is the pecking order, perceived or otherwise. It is always invidious to name individuals, but one particular member was made to look a cunt by two different people. Any hope of being top dog at any point should be put to rest in their mind.

A good person knows their limitations, even if they are far from stratospheric.


Admin, both cream and scum float to the top.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Admin, stop beating around the bush and talking in riddles like a teenage girl. We all know who you are referring to. A whole nomination dedicated to me by the site administrator, a CC first if I'm not wrong, and I've obviously made an impression on you, good or bad, to warrant your attention. You're almost obsessed.

I've told you before, either wank yourself silly over the sagging middle aged corpse of Roops and post a tribute video on xhamster, or recruit her as a moderator again. Maybe you could explain why you chucked her in the first place if you think the sun shines out of her arse anyway?

Pull your head out of the fucking clouds and read through mine and Roops' argument. I destroyed her, and everyone apart from the massively biased like you would agree with me. If you didn't hide like a little faggot behind locked threads and your little ban button, I'd make you look a cunt as well.

Now fuck off and get back to moderating. You're shite at it, but you're even worse at contributing on threads. Of course, you could always delete this post, like you did Lukes over the bank holiday, because you're too fucking thick to think up a suitable response. I told you before, if you don't like me, ban me. If not, shut the fuck up sniping and bitching you little faggot cunt.

Decs, there is fuck all such thing as bad publicity.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Eddie said:

Fuck me, for anyone on here to have the slightest concern over the achievement of top dog status says a lot about achievement in real life.

There are likes being flicked about here like spunk in a mental asylum , as if "here" was Jodie Fosters hair. (Here hair here). Mikes getting 3 likes for his stomach rumbling, Dings getting likes for the left side of his face sagging. I'm wincing, awaiting a face full of "like", Eddie. 

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9 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

There are likes being flicked about here like spunk in a mental asylum , as if "here" was Jodie Fosters hair. (Here hair here). Mikes getting 3 likes for his stomach rumbling, Dings getting likes for the left side of his face sagging. I'm wincing, awaiting a face full of "like", Eddie. 

Eddie belongs to Jacko now, let him go. Anyway, he would've turned against you at the first hint of danger/opportunity for getting some cock. 

Don't be fooled if the crusty cockroach invites you to a BBQ either, fucking creepy bastard is all I have to say. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Admin, stop beating around the bush and talking in riddles like a teenage girl. We all know who you are referring to. A whole nomination dedicated to me by the site administrator, a CC first if I'm not wrong, and I've obviously made an impression on you, good or bad, to warrant your attention. You're almost obsessed.

I've told you before, either wank yourself silly over the sagging middle aged corpse of Roops and post a tribute video on xhamster, or recruit her as a moderator again. Maybe you could explain why you chucked her in the first place if you think the sun shines out of her arse anyway?

Pull your head out of the fucking clouds and read through mine and Roops' argument. I destroyed her, and everyone apart from the massively biased like you would agree with me. If you didn't hide like a little faggot behind locked threads and your little ban button, I'd make you look a cunt as well.

Now fuck off and get back to moderating. You're shite at it, but you're even worse at contributing on threads. Of course, you could always delete this post, like you did Lukes over the bank holiday, because you're too fucking thick to think up a suitable response. I told you before, if you don't like me, ban me. If not, shut the fuck up sniping and bitching you little faggot cunt.

Decs, a little excellent advice goes a long way if heeded, listen well with both ears!

It would behove you to recognise that any publicity is good publicity - you've been thrown a hard ball- but look at it as momentum donated- you should think sharp, spin it and look like a fucking witty nova, or , fumble it like a spacker, let it wind you in the gut, rolling around blubbering and allowing your ring piece to gape asunder!

Be wary! In this yawning-hoop state even the most inept spunker has a good chance of landing a load of hot yoghurt right where it should never be!

Clench that starfish micron-tight, assemble your shit and deliver a ice cold counter - cunting. 



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3 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Admin I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I've thoroughly enjoyed the cuntacular Easter on here including your input. 

By extension, sorry decimus my dearest friend, but admin is completely right. You are not top dog and never will be. Your efforts to establish yourself as such are fucking fruitless and show truly subnormal intelligence levels.

There's only one top dog, and that's me, S to the Ickers Big Bollocks Stickers.

Jesus Christ! Why do you find it necessary to always add a little tongue in cheek when addressing this total wanker. You're better than this, Bill. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 minute ago, Frank said:

Jesus Christ! Why do you find it necessary to always add a little tongue in cheek when addressing this total wanker. You're better than this, Bill. 

You missed a little sweetcorn on the left of that ring piece Frank. Lap that shit up good.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 minutes ago, Frank said:

John Niven?

You fucking idiot. 

No, I said that , just now before you read it.

Spongy, insubstantial cunt.

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