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A Golden Opportunity For Generations Of Cunts

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm

Now that this Government has finally seen the light and is making funds available for new Academy's, I think the time is right to take positive action. I intend to submit  a proposal to lay the foundations for an academy for Cunts on the outskirts of  Wolverhampton and am pretty confident of being provided with the finance to make my dream come alive.

This is a golden opportunity for respectable Cunts to ensure that their offspring also have the opportunity to become detestable and despicable cunts just like themselves. I hope that the venerable corner will support this endeavour and help where it can. We will certainly need tutors and I can think of no one more qualified in the art of Cuntism than the alumni gather here.......once the building and grounds have been established I will be seeking qualified Cunts to fill the following posts: ....I will add my suggestions but remember its only the initial draft.

Headmaster..........Cuntybaws ( most senior cunt)

Discipline.......................William Stickers 

Higher Cunt Studies..........Mr Decimus 

Religious Studies........The Hon Cardinal Sin

Cultural Awareness and Equal Opportunities .........Mr Manky deputized by Mr Eddie

Homophobic and GayBoy Studies ...........Judge Twi 

French .................Mr Withered Scrotes

Etiquette and bearing studies.....Mr Spunkape

Sex Education and Lack of it .............Mr Neil and deputized by Mr Scotty

Creative Cunting Studies ..................Mr  Q Cockfingers,  deputized by Mr MikeD

Medical Centre and Quick Reaction Bleach poisoning team ...............Dr  ProperKhunt and Nurse Gypps

Amateur Photography .................Mrs Roops

Cunt Art................Mr Deebom

Sport................Mr Applescruff

Debating Society ......Mr Ape deputized by Mr Snatch

Military Studies .........Colonel Kurtz

Schools Governors:  Mr Nocti, Mrs Gobbler, Mr Ding Mr Swarm  

We will need support staff such as security, caretakers and the post of school bully will need to be established.....all useful suggestions will be considered. 










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Guest luke swarm
12 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Far too inclusive. Some of those teachers need kicking off the fucking gravy train.

I did consider you for the secondary duty to be in charge of the welcoming committee but felt it would be unwise to overburden you.    

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Guest luke swarm
14 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

I would add a few additions

Historical studies     Mr Couldn't give a shit

Musical studies     Mr Cuntspotter

Caretaker   Mr Cuntcrapper

Music Teacher should surely be Mr Gongfarmer......My Cuntspotter would make an excellent Cunt mediation studies Tutor.

Are you sure about Mr Cuntcrapper...he looks close to retirement age to me.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Fucking hell.. Governors...??

At least make me Head of some fucking section... Girls 6th Form??


Anyway, Jazz needs to be head of Art and Design, deebom is overqualified, he needs to go to the Remedial Pottery Class

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Guest luke swarm
2 minutes ago, MikeD said:

 you can shove it up your arse.

I am afraid that the Dept for this sort of thing above has already been allocated. Are you sure you will not reconsider.....it will be a mixed school in case I haven't mentioned.  

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Guest MikeD
Just now, luke swarm said:

I am afraid that the Dept for this sort of thing above has already been allocated. Are you sure you will not reconsider.....it will be a mixed school in case I haven't mentioned.  

Fuck it, sign me up!!

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

What the fuck is this. It looks as if the staff you've allocated to posts have actually got all the required knowledge and skills to teach what they were meant to, which would mean that your academy may be the only one in the UK that actually meets some performance targets.

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Guest DingTheRioja
8 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

What the fuck is this. It looks as if the staff you've allocated to posts have actually got all the required knowledge and skills to teach what they were meant to, which would mean that your academy may be the only one in the UK that actually meets some performance targets.

The only target we are likely to hit is this one..




Cunty... there's a goth Paloma Faith in there...

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Guest Wizardsleeve
23 hours ago, luke swarm said:

Now that this Government has finally seen the light and is making funds available for new Academy's, I think the time is right to take positive action. I intend to submit  a proposal to lay the foundations for an academy for Cunts on the outskirts of  Wolverhampton and am pretty confident of being provided with the finance to make my dream come alive.

This is a golden opportunity for respectable Cunts to ensure that their offspring also have the opportunity to become detestable and despicable cunts just like themselves. I hope that the venerable corner will support this endeavour and help where it can. We will certainly need tutors and I can think of no one more qualified in the art of Cuntism than the alumni gather here.......once the building and grounds have been established I will be seeking qualified Cunts to fill the following posts: ....I will add my suggestions but remember its only the initial draft.

Headmaster..........Cuntybaws ( most senior cunt)

Discipline.......................William Stickers 

Higher Cunt Studies..........Mr Decimus 

Religious Studies........The Hon Cardinal Sin

Cultural Awareness and Equal Opportunities .........Mr Manky deputized by Mr Eddie

Homophobic and GayBoy Studies ...........Judge Twi 

French .................Mr Withered Scrotes

Etiquette and bearing studies.....Mr Spunkape

Sex Education and Lack of it .............Mr Neil and deputized by Mr Scotty

Creative Cunting Studies ..................Mr  Q Cockfingers,  deputized by Mr MikeD

Medical Centre and Quick Reaction Bleach poisoning team ...............Dr  ProperKhunt and Nurse Gypps

Amateur Photography .................Mrs Roops

Cunt Art................Mr Deebom

Sport................Mr Applescruff

Debating Society ......Mr Ape deputized by Mr Snatch

Military Studies .........Colonel Kurtz

Schools Governors:  Mr Nocti, Mrs Gobbler, Mr Ding Mr Swarm  

We will need support staff such as security, caretakers and the post of school bully will need to be established.....all useful suggestions will be considered. 










Luke, this government is a cunt academy. It has been churning and shitting out some of the worlds most vile, contemptible, despicable, repugnant cunts since they expelled the original colonists to the whims of the new world, and have made plenty of money doing so. For whatever reason, I doubt they would welcome your competition, well intentioned as it is. 

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Guest luke swarm
11 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Luke, this government is a cunt academy. It has been churning and shitting out some of the worlds most vile, contemptible, despicable, repugnant cunts since they expelled the original colonists to the whims of the new world, and have made plenty of money doing so. For whatever reason, I doubt they would welcome your competition, well intentioned as it is. 

I fear you are right Sleeve....we are mere amateur Cunts compared to our political masters.

The idea of an academy for Cunts is already in existence and has been churning out these horrible bastards for centuries......indeed they are even designated as a charity I think....how's that for a colossal pisstake at our expense.  Half the cunts in the Cabinet have apparently been to Eton I believe, which just indicates the level of cuntitude at the top.

I seriously think that this push towards academies is another attempt to roll the clock back 70 or 80 years where the masses are educated just enough but not to a degree where they are a threat to the highly educated and elite private stream. Can we look forward to schools run by large companies.

Can you imagine a school sponsored by Amazon or Sports Direct.......training a generation of poorly educated Proles who are indoctrinated to accept servitude without question, A dystopian outlook perhaps but is it far from the truth.....and do not even start me on my views on the religious/faith schools.         

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Guest MikeD
22 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

I fear you are right Sleeve....we are mere amateur Cunts compared to our political masters.

The idea of an academy for Cunts is already in existence and has been churning out these horrible bastards for centuries......indeed they are even designated as a charity I think....how's that for a colossal pisstake at our expense.  Half the cunts in the Cabinet have apparently been to Eton I believe, which just indicates the level of cuntitude at the top.

I seriously think that this push towards academies is another attempt to roll the clock back 70 or 80 years where the masses are educated just enough but not to a degree where they are a threat to the highly educated and elite private stream. Can we look forward to schools run by large companies.

Can you imagine a school sponsored by Amazon or Sports Direct.......training a generation of poorly educated Proles who are indoctrinated to accept servitude without question, A dystopian outlook perhaps but is it far from the truth.....and do not even start me on my views on the religious/faith schools.         

They might be cunts but they have well and truly got the population of this country figured out. They know that no matter what kind of shit they throw at us we'll have a moan and a groan, maybe even threaten to do something, but as long as there's fucking football on the tv and the latest fucking iphone or similar shit fucking gadget to dumb us down with we'll continue to let them do whatever they fucking want. Take to the streets? Maybe if they cancelled the X-Factor or fucking Eastenders.

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17 minutes ago, MikeD said:

They might be cunts but they have well and truly got the population of this country figured out. They know that no matter what kind of shit they throw at us we'll have a moan and a groan, maybe even threaten to do something, but as long as there's fucking football on the tv and the latest fucking iphone or similar shit fucking gadget to dumb us down with we'll continue to let them do whatever they fucking want. Take to the streets? Maybe if they cancelled the X-Factor or fucking Eastenders.

That's depressingly true.

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Guest luke swarm
20 minutes ago, MikeD said:

They might be cunts but they have well and truly got the population of this country figured out. They know that no matter what kind of shit they throw at us we'll have a moan and a groan, maybe even threaten to do something, but as long as there's fucking football on the tv and the latest fucking iphone or similar shit fucking gadget to dumb us down with we'll continue to let them do whatever they fucking want. Take to the streets? Maybe if they cancelled the X-Factor or fucking Eastenders.

I remember many years ago when the troubles in Ireland were at their height......there used to be almost daily reports of bombings and soldiers killed....in fact it became so commonplace for the odd squaddie to get killed by the IRA that it only merited a very small column on the inside of the tabloids which people started to ignore.

I always remember thinking that the IRA, if they ever wanted a resolution were wasting their time targeting the Army as no one really gave a shit about the soldiers dying but if they blew up a TV transmitter whilst Eastenders or Corrie was on then their would be such an outpouring of rage and calls for action that the whole thing would have been sorted in no time at all. 

Generally most of the population are sheep.....us included as their seems little can be done to change the situation other than try to vote every four years....trouble is the government always gets in..........and yes I have been drinking since 5....Somerfield cider tonight    

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Guest MikeD

We're all lazy, complacent, selfish cunts when it comes down to it but some are without doubt worse than others.

Nuclear war? Oh fuck, there goes my mobile signal, that would be the main fucking concern.

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