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Guest deebom

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Guest deebom

This cunt hosts a show on LBC from 4am till 6am. LBCs website describes him as 'ascerbic' and 'A caustic wit'. He's not. He's a cunt. A camp Nick Ferrari if you like. He's not witty, he's bitchy in the way only people like him can be.

He drones on about news and current affairs (Bitching about minor celebs, while gushing about the more famous ones.) Name dropping like a desperate old queen, Slipping in his nasty right wing views whenever he can.

I cant stand this fucker and I hope his shoes hurt.

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Guest MikeD
17 minutes ago, deebom said:

This cunt hosts a show on LBC from 4am till 6am. LBCs website describes him as 'ascerbic' and 'A caustic wit'. He's not. He's a cunt. A camp Nick Ferrari if you like. He's not witty, he's bitchy in the way only people like him can be.

He drones on about news and current affairs (Bitching about minor celebs, while gushing about the more famous ones.) Name dropping like a desperate old queen, Slipping in his nasty right wing views whenever he can.

I cant stand this fucker and I hope his shoes hurt.

You could have stopped there, that's enough for a death sentence if you ask me.

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Guest deebom
8 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Who the fuck listens to the radio between 4 and 6am apart from lorry drivers who aren't murdering prostitutes and fluffers on the Northern Line? The man is obviously a cunt, that's why he's on 4-6 am.

I'm usually at work by 4.30, so I have a listen in the car.

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Guest MikeD
2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He cant be any worse than Johnny fucking Vaughan who haunts the Radio x airways between 4 and 7pm. He is a Grade A bastard if ever there was one.

Fucking hell, is that squint-faced mumbling bastard still on radio?


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Guest Manky
16 minutes ago, deebom said:

 Slipping in his nasty right wing views whenever he can

I bet his views are not that nasty. They never are. He may say something controversial to get attention. His views are probably place man conformist liberal shite.

I an the other hand, have some real juicy, genuine, nasty right wing views but no liberal friends and no radio show.

Besides, I have never herd of the cunt.

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Guest MikeD
6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

He is a nasty fat poofter with diabetes. Gushes over any cunt that is sad enough or desperate enough to be interviewed by the cunt, also says how long he has been in the 'business' every 30 seconds. He is exactly what aids was designed for.

I just looked him up to get a bit more info on him.

Fucking hell, the aforementioned AIDS really can't happen quickly enough.

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24 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Yep. Day starts with Chris fucking Moyles and ends with him.

I'm sorry, but anyone who voluntarily listens to a station that has Chris "I lost a bit of weight you know" Moyles and Johnny "I used to be on telly you know" Vaughan needs their fucking head looking at. Then smashing off a rock.

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Guest DingTheRioja

If we're allowed dead DJ cunts then I'll win with Uncle Jimmy...

..if we have to stick to live ones then Janet Street Porter must be a top contender, she's got a voice for Silent Movies, an attitude like every arrogant cunt "artist" and a face for bricking...

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2 hours ago, nocti said:

I'm sorry, but anyone who voluntarily listens to a station that has Chris "I lost a bit of weight you know" Moyles and Johnny "I used to be on telly you know" Vaughan needs their fucking head looking at. Then smashing off a rock.

Chris Moyles first brought me here all those many years ago. One day I'll finally get round to posting an evisceration so devastating that the very universe itself will tremble and horses will indulge in acts of cannibalism - but I'm not ready yet. Be afraid though, Moyles, you vile fucking cunt!

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38 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Chris Moyles first brought me here all those many years ago. One day I'll finally get round to posting an evisceration so devastating that the very universe itself will tremble and horses will indulge in acts of cannibalism - but I'm not ready yet. Be afraid though, Moyles, you vile fucking cunt!

Hope that goes for that fucker Comedy Dave as well?

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Chris Moyles first brought me here all those many years ago. One day I'll finally get round to posting an evisceration so devastating that the very universe itself will tremble and horses will indulge in acts of cannibalism - but I'm not ready yet. Be afraid though, Moyles, you vile fucking cunt!

I can't deny it Baws, the prospect alone has got me incredibly excited. There's nobody more deserving of vitriolic bile than that infuriatingly unfunny, priggish fucking cuntworm, who has fallen from grace so far and hard that it has knocked most of the fat off him. Can you please let me know in advance when this glorious occasion is to take place? Definitely one for the diary, I can't miss this. Oh, and Gyps has a point; you can't leave his smug twat of a sidekick out of it, a man whose nickname is either ironic or just plain fucking wrong. He's as funny as toothache.

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5 hours ago, nocti said:

Can you please let me know in advance when this glorious occasion is to take place? 

I wish I could, but I don't know myself yet. It may still be years off. So many times I've started to draft it but never seems to come out quite right - and this is one cunting that deserves - nay demands - to be perfect.

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Just now, Cuntybaws said:

I wish I could, but I don't know myself yet. It may still be years off. So many times I've started to draft it but never seems to come out quite right - and this is one cunting that deserves - nay demands - to be perfect.

It does indeed. Let me know if I can be of any assistance when the time comes. As low as I can go when cunting people, this fucking existence-thieving ham planet needs some abuse dragged from the craggy depths of the mariana trench.

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16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Blimey that's a tough one. But Chris "I bought another Ferrari at the weekend" Evans has to trump even Whaley?

This is the latest incarnation of this fucking ginger wankshaft, also he's now hosting a show with his seven year old son all about buddy fucking grolly (gets right up my nose) this shit stain is doing exactly what he did last time when he was hosting everything fucking thing going before disappearing up his own arse for a while, now the cuntburp is back I'm hoping he overdoes it again and fucks of permanently, taking his stupid fucking trousers with him....cunt!

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Guest DingTheRioja

I never liked him in the first place, LCD tv/radio of the worst kind, then when he was on Radio 1 the cunt tried to get a campaign to have every Friday off.... and he expected his listeners to back him???

Tar, feather then deep-fry the cunt...

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