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Cunts who say 'Guess What'

Bubba C

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These pricks really get on my tits. Attempting to start a conversation with me, (and they're predominantly people I can't be arsed to converse with), and using 'Guess what', as a way to try and engage me.

Should I ever be so bored so that I actually respond to these idiots, the 'guess what' news is always so tedious and shit that I am instantly distracted with visions of throwing the cunts head first out of the nearest closed window. 

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Guest DingTheRioja

Guess what?

It's just as fucking annoying as those who finish every sentence with "you know worra mean, like?"


If you know what I mean....

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I use the following Mensa trick to confuse the thick cunts I work with.....

Me: "Guess what"

Thick cunt: "What"

Me: "Good guess"

Usually leaves the fucking idiots scratching their heads like a gibbon with a typewriter and buys me 45-60 minutes so I can grab a coffee and have a wank and a shit, or any combination thereof. A word of advice though, never try 2 of them simultaneously. 

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Guest nobgobbler
5 hours ago, Hokey Gingers said:

"So," is currently the go to opening word to any answer or conversation starter with what seems like every person on telly. Everyone`s at it.



OK is all over them cop programmes. You're under arrest OK.  .....  For failing to stop OK. .....may be given in evidence OK.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

People who end every sentence with "yeah"? As in "I was walking yeah?" "Then he came up to me yeah?".

Fuck off yeah?

This also starts my bile duct up like a magic porridge pot.

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15 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Loads of.  the cunts. And people who ask "can you borrow us a tenner". Vermin. What the fuck does 'shew' mean? 

It means showed, as in I showed him the way. Mrs.D, who should know fucking better, often comes out with this after a few glasses of red.

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Just now, Cuntybaws said:

It's archaic/biblical, but it is a word.

In principle, though , I agree with you and I eschew it so as not to come across as a cunt.

Fucking hell. It's a good job Mrs.D eschews Google, otherwise she'd feel vindicated as opposed to feeling grammar shamed.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It means showed, as in I showed him the way. Mrs.D, who should know fucking better, often comes out with this after a few glasses of red.

Fucking hell. Luckily, my other half possesses infinitely better linguistic ability than 99% of the Welsh population, so I can have a semi-decent conversation with her, when I can be bothered, obviously. 

Another fucking annoying word that had crept into common language is 'literally'. As in "I was literally working until 7pm" as I've just heard some cunt say to try and emphasise a point. 


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