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FBI V Apple


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I know there are privacy laws and rightly so but in the case of the nutjob that killed 14 people in California and Apples refusal to allow his phone to be unlocked to let the FBI gain access to what could turn out to be like minded nutters is a bit disturbing.Exceptions should be made if the end result is a positive one surely,If not Apple will have blood on their hands if and when the next attack happens and they could have stopped it.

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Guest DingTheRioja
4 minutes ago, neil298 said:

I know there are privacy laws and rightly so but in the case of the nutjob that killed 14 people in California and Apples refusal to allow his phone to be unlocked to let the FBI gain access to what could turn out to be like minded nutters is a bit disturbing.Exceptions should be made if the end result is a positive one surely,If not Apple will have blood on their hands if and when the next attack happens and they could have stopped it.

Careful now... you'll be accused of unfairly bashing Apple....


I'm surprised that Obstruction of Justice doesn't automatically over-rule Privacy?

Does Trump use an iPhone? Someone should point out that Apple favours islamic militants rights over The Safety And Security Of The Good Ole US of A....

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Guest Manky

Steve Jobs, the AIDS ridden cunt. I fucking detest him and Apple. If I was the FBI, I would have a little look around to see what I could find then twat them with an attack of cuntishness unsurpassed in the history of mankind. Probably wouldn't do my shares in Android/Google/Samsung any harm either if I had any.



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Guest Snatch

Two things come to mind here.

1,Apple are being backed by,of all people,Facebook. They said privacy laws are important. The same Facebook that openly admit they let the Government look into any account they want.

2,are these cunts serious? The FBI,CIA etc can hack in into anything,anywhere and are Apple serious they can't unlock one of their own phones?

The while thing smacks of bullshit.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
37 minutes ago, neil298 said:

I know there are privacy laws and rightly so but in the case of the nutjob that killed 14 people in California and Apples refusal to allow his phone to be unlocked to let the FBI gain access to what could turn out to be like minded nutters is a bit disturbing.Exceptions should be made if the end result is a positive one surely,If not Apple will have blood on their hands if and when the next attack happens and they could have stopped it.

It's a complicated rights issue that affects not only US citizens but every cunt, and although the answer on culpability of providor/s cannot be a simple one by any means, my gut feeling on your point is that it is a load of fucking shite.

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Guest Manky

When it comes down to an existential threat like terrorism, nothing should be ruled out. I want to be safe along with by far the vast majority of people. The baddies should be hunted down and taken out by whatever means are necessary. To allow precedents to be set that are not in the interests of the goodies will be used against us at great expense to us. This has happened with the Human Rights Acts and shite like Stoner and Leigh Day making a fortune out of us.

"Good evening Apple board members, would you be do kind as to give me what I require?   No eh.  OK. Waterboarding, Sodium Pentathol, Electric Shock Therapy and a swim with the fishes it is then. You have 10p each to say goodbye to your families".  Job sorted.

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Whilst I'm not a conspiracy theorist cunt, something in the back of my mind tells me this is just a facade. 

I'm pretty sure that if the FBI wanted into a phone, it wouldn't be too difficult, and if it was made public that Apple had hacked one of their own phones, then people would think they're scaredy cunts and this may affect sales. 

Apple has received plenty of media attention from this, not that it was needed, and now terrorist cunts feel they can freely use iPhones without risk of their communications being monitored, ergo, the FBI can see what these naughty fuckers are up to more easily, so everyone's a winner. 

I recently got a new iPhone, the first time I switched it on and entered my Apple ID, it had already copied every bit of data, phone setting and internet history from my previous handse. It spun me the fuck out, so I'm sure all this is just a ploy and whoever needs/wants the info on that phone, had it. 

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Guest Manky
1 minute ago, Bubbles said:

Whilst I'm not a conspiracy theorist cunt, something in the back of my mind tells me this is just a facade. 

I'm pretty sure that if the FBI wanted into a phone, it wouldn't be too difficult, and if it was made public that Apple had hacked one of their own phones, then people would think they're scaredy cunts and this may affect sales. 

Apple has received plenty of media attention from this, not that it was needed, and now terrorist cunts feel they can freely use iPhones without risk of their communications being monitored, ergo, the FBI can see what these naughty fuckers are up to more easily, so everyone's a winner. 

I recently got a new iPhone, the first time I switched it on and entered my Apple ID, it had already copied every bit of data, phone setting and internet history from my previous handse. It spun me the fuck out, so I'm sure all this is just a ploy and whoever needs/wants the info on that phone, had it. 

It is not often that I agree (largely) with something you post.

I do believe though that it would be far more fun torturing the Apple people to get information that the FBI already has. It would need to be all above board so I suggest Channel 85 on Freeview should be reserved for 24 hour torture videos of people I don't like, to ensure fair play and cut down on conspiracy theories.

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1 minute ago, Manky said:

It is not often that I agree (largely) with something you post.

I do believe though that it would be far more fun torturing the Apple people to get information that the FBI already has. It would need to be all above board so I suggest Channel 85 on Freeview should be reserved for 24 hour torture videos of people I don't like, to ensure fair play and cut down on conspiracy theories.

Let's not make a habit of it, but whilst we are on a roll, Withers has just nommed about French beer being the best in the world, I'm sure you have an opinion on that....

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Manky said:

When it comes down to an existential threat like terrorism, nothing should be ruled out. I want to be safe along with by far the vast majority of people. 

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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Guest Manky
9 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

What a load of fucking crap that is. Probably said by some cunt sat in a heavily guarded office with thousands of Secret Service agents protecting them. Probably American. Probably has a stupid name like Benjamin.

How about, "Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, except for Stickers because the senile old cunt has lost the plot"

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, Manky said:

What a load of fucking crap that is. Probably said by some cunt sat in a heavily guarded office with thousands of Secret Service agents protecting them. Probably American. Probably has a stupid name like Benjamin.

How about, "Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, except for Stickers because the senile old cunt has lost the plot"

You seem to regard British involvement in WWII as an ultimate trump card that shuts down any debates surrounding nationalism or national security, even if it has absolutely no relativity to the question at hand.

In short, you are a shit dipped plank.

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Guest Manky
5 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

You seem to regard British involvement in WWII as an ultimate trump card that shuts down any debates surrounding nationalism or national security, even if it has absolutely no relativity to the question at hand.

In short, you are a shit dipped plank.

Now, now Mr S. It was just a quote I plagiarised and could be replaced by others very easily.

"Is this a cunt I see before me?" Mabeth meets Stickers

"I have nothing to declare except his stupidity". Wilde meets Stickers

" What the fuck was that" Mayor of Hiroshima meets Stickers


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30 minutes ago, Manky said:

Now, now Mr S. It was just a quote I plagiarised and could be replaced by others very easily.

"Is this a cunt I see before me?" Mabeth meets Stickers

"I have nothing to declare except his stupidity". Wilde meets Stickers

" What the fuck was that" Mayor of Hiroshima meets Stickers


I multi-quote, therefore, I am (a cunt)


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1 hour ago, Bubbles said:

Whilst I'm not a conspiracy theorist cunt, something in the back of my mind tells me this is just a facade. 

I'm pretty sure that if the FBI wanted into a phone, it wouldn't be too difficult, and if it was made public that Apple had hacked one of their own phones, then people would think they're scaredy cunts and this may affect sales. 

Apple has received plenty of media attention from this, not that it was needed, and now terrorist cunts feel they can freely use iPhones without risk of their communications being monitored, ergo, the FBI can see what these naughty fuckers are up to more easily, so everyone's a winner. 

I recently got a new iPhone, the first time I switched it on and entered my Apple ID, it had already copied every bit of data, phone setting and internet history from my previous handse. It spun me the fuck out, so I'm sure all this is just a ploy and whoever needs/wants the info on that phone, had it. 

Thanks fuck for that, it would have taken you ages to type in all those grinder contacts, oh and the judges details.

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Oh and the judges details.

Where the fuck is The Judge, Edders? The cunt pops in every now and again with a few desultory accusations of racism, but I feel like his heart's not in it anymore.

Have there been any mass arrests in South London for gay dogging offences that would explain his absence? His hurried recent posts have all the hallmarks of being sent from Belmarsh during a supervised ten minute internet allowance slot.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Where the fuck is The Judge, Edders? The cunt pops in every now and again with a few desultory accusations of racism, but I feel like his heart's not in it anymore.

Have there been any mass arrests in South London for gay dogging offences that would explain his absence? His hurried recent posts have all the hallmarks of being sent from Belmarsh during a supervised ten minute internet allowance slot.

Do you remember when he was a right funny fucker?

Nah, me neither.

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1 minute ago, Bill Stickers said:

Do you remember when he was a right funny fucker?

Nah, me neither.

If it ever happened, I was banned and missed it.

I'll say one thing for The Judge though, he never multi-quoted or used bullet points like an over enthusiastic Media Studies student.

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 hours ago, Manky said:

It is not often that I agree (largely) with something you post.

I do believe though that it would be far more fun torturing the Apple people to get information that the FBI already has. It would need to be all above board so I suggest Channel 85 on Freeview should be reserved for 24 hour torture videos of people I don't like, to ensure fair play and cut down on conspiracy theories.



Bollocks, that would make a fucking fortune on Pay-per-View... soon have the national debt dealt with..


3 hours ago, Bubbles said:

Let's not make a habit of it, but whilst we are on a roll, Withers has just nommed about French beer being the best in the world, I'm sure you have an opinion on that....

Remind the cunt that nothing a Frenchman says is ever true, they'd sell their own grannies to a Nazi Tax Inspector if it pissed off the next door neighbour...


3 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Key word... "essential".... the "liberty" of one dead cunts phone is nothing compared to the liberty and lives of the 14 peole killed....


All that needs to happen is the FBI get a court order for supplying evidence against an obstruction of justice, then Apple unlock the phone themselves and give it to the FBI... They don't need to give the FBI the codes etc to unlock what the fuck they like, just unlock each phone individually under court order.

Quite fucking easy.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Where the fuck is The Judge, Edders? The cunt pops in every now and again with a few desultory accusations of racism, but I feel like his heart's not in it anymore.

Have there been any mass arrests in South London for gay dogging offences that would explain his absence? His hurried recent posts have all the hallmarks of being sent from Belmarsh during a supervised ten minute internet allowance slot.

Something is afoot with the queen of mean. With any luck he has been taken hostage by a Jeffrey dahmer type poof slayer, doing the holy work of God. It rubs the lotion on its skin.

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Guest Bill Stickers
51 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

Key word... "essential".... the "liberty" of one dead cunts phone is nothing compared to the liberty and lives of the 14 peole killed....

All that needs to happen is the FBI get a court order for supplying evidence against an obstruction of justice, then Apple unlock the phone themselves and give it to the FBI... They don't need to give the FBI the codes etc to unlock what the fuck they like, just unlock each phone individually under court order.

Quite fucking easy.

I'm more talking about Manky's acceptance that terrorism is such a threat that the government should have free reign to impinge on civil liberty wherever they see fit. This one example in isolation is not problem.

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6 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm more talking about Manky's acceptance that terrorism is such a threat that the government should have free reign to impinge on civil liberty wherever they see fit. This one example in isolation is not problem.

I can imagine Manky now, pint of mild in one hand, an electronic tag on the other, sat in some grotty backstreet pub called The Bulldog. Moaning that "hooman reets" is political correctness gone mad and quoting an extensive list of examples printed in The Daily Mail. It's only a matter of time before he does a nom on straight bananas.

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