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Daniel and Samuel Sledden

Guest MikeD

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A pair of stupid bastards who after being let off with a suspended sentence for supplying cannabis, went onto Facebook and gloated and slagged off the woman judge for being lenient with them.

The judge then had them returned to court, reviewed the case and jailed the cunts.

Take that, you pair of fucking wankers!

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26 minutes ago, neil298 said:

The judge is the bigger cunt for being taken in by these fucking cuntards in the first place.Bang them and their like up straight away and problem solved.

Hey, don't shoot the fucking messenger! :D

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Nice to see the cunts squirming away and futilely trying to apologise on Facebook before being recalled to court and the custodial sentence activated. That is double cuntishness and they will never be able to hold their heads high with pride ever again.

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On 27 February 2016 at 10:15 AM, Cuntybaws said:

In fact, make it a limerick, and there may even be a prize for the best one.

I once came over Judge Lunt

Her back instead of her front 

She called me a prick

And chopped off my dick

For thinking her arse was her cunt

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Guest Bill Stickers
18 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

Dear, oh dear, oh dear. 

Bill, BILL!! We've got a live one here. 

Bubbles, my dribbling test-tube created protege, don't panic. Perhaps I'm softening in my old age, but I like the cut of this cunt.

It takes some bottle to stroll in here and fire out a limerick first thing. He's either a complete maverick, or wholly unoriginal. Only time will tell, but if he's the latter he'll quickly side with Multi-Quote and Mike "one-liner D".

We need all the recruits we can get frankly. I feel a World War is about to erupt on the corner. The aforementioned Axis of Banality are rapidly isolating themselves from the outside world, only liking each other's nonsensical shite. 

I sense Wizardsleeve, the bit part player that he is, might be their very own Franz Ferdinand. His impending assassination could rouse the slumbering superpowers of Frank and Cuntybaws into a powerful alliance, as they sense weakness in the enemy.

If that happens, I'm more than willing to go over the top of the trenches with them and fight these cunts tooth and nail. Old differences will be put aside, even Manky will join the fight I'm sure.

So let's get this new cunt on board with smutty rhymes he will appreciate:

There once was a man from Nantucket

Whose dick was so long he could suck it

He said with a grin as he wiped off his chin

If my ear was a cunt I would fuck it

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He's got bollocks, yes, but if he is to take sides in the impending war, he shall need some toughening up first. Don't want any flag waving whoopsies in our ranks, or Frenchmen as they're more commonly known. This should keep you going, you soft cunt.....

There once was a cunt called Bill

Whose love for his fellow man was nil

He resides on CC, hates Mike fucking D

And wishes Ding would pop a cyanide pill 



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Guest DingTheRioja
5 hours ago, Bubbles said:


There once was a cunt called Bill

Whose love for others was nil

He resides on CC, hates Mike fucking D

and wished Ding died of free will

Fixed for you...

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16 minutes ago, nocti said:

There was a sheep cunt called ProfB,

Who annoyed the fuck out of CC,

The fuckwit should hang,

Or go out with a bang,

From a cannon straight the fuck out to sea.

It was looking like a winner there, Nockers, until the scansion went tits up at the end. The admirable desire to fit in one more "fuck" doesn't mean you can take that much liberty with the metre.

Besides, who am I kidding, we all know that Mac Spunk's effort will come out on top, if only so I don't have to pay up to the now-deleted cunt.

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12 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It was looking like a winner there, Nockers, until the scansion went tits up at the end. The admirable desire to fit in one more "fuck" doesn't mean you can take that much liberty with the metre.

Besides, who am I kidding, we all know that Mac Spunk's effort will come out on top, if only so I don't have to pay up to the now-deleted cunt.

In my defense Baws it was very stream-of-consciousness, although I should point out that the final "fuck" can be used as one of the three stressed syllables allowed in the final line. If we're being strict, then Mac's last word should've had another syllable. 

Fuck it. The jist of mine should be plain to see, and as far as I'm concerned, if it is, then I'm happy. I'll do one about Brony if I can hold the bile down long enough. In the meantime, here's a haiku about Spunkape...

Cuffs slammed on limp wrists

Spunk found on the eighteenth hole

"Botter at large - found"

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

There once was a cunt called Ding

Who multi-quoted everything

He loved a bullet pointed statistic

As the cunt was autistic

In this kingdom of cunts he is king.

There once was a cuntbreed called Decs,

Who got pissed after just one blue becks,

Stumbling back from work,

He was bummed by a turk,

To this day it's his best ever sex!

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