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Using pushchairs to stop traffic cunts

Bubba C

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I don't know if this is purely a Welsh phenomenon, but these cunts who wield a pram into oncoming traffic in order to get cunts like me to slow down, need a fucking good hiding. 

These lazy cunts seem to have things that are so important to do, that they feel endangering the life of their offspring is more appropriate than waiting for the red light to do its work. I find this extremely cuntish behaviour as the most important thing these vermin will do in a day is buy a scratch card in the vain hope that a win will lead to a better life, or maybe just a bigger pram, to be more of a cunt with.  

Fucking cunts, who should be chemically castrated. 

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Guest Bill Stickers

Anyone who thinks others should share the inconvenience of their child's presence is a cunt.

That goes for aeroplanes, trains, restaurants and any other public space. Your child was your choice, not mine. Fuck off. Cunt.

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Guest Bill Stickers
6 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

Admit it Slackers , you have taken that line from Walter Cronkite's closing statement on CBS Evening News 14th January , 1956 haven't you. Please try and be original .

Fuck off Withers, go crack another one out over Marie Le Pen you odious wretch.

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Guest nobgobbler
10 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

No fucking loss if the brats get squashed, they'll all be black anyway.

Nah, they're more likely to be "braarn un's" with the chav white underage slag mum having been dumped before the sperm hit the egg.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
11 hours ago, Bubbles said:

I don't know if this is purely a Welsh phenomenon, but these cunts who wield a pram into oncoming traffic in order to get cunts like me to slow down, need a fucking good hiding. 

These lazy cunts seem to have things that are so important to do, that they feel endangering the life of their offspring is more appropriate than waiting for the red light to do its work. I find this extremely cuntish behaviour as the most important thing these vermin will do in a day is buy a scratch card in the vain hope that a win will lead to a better life, or maybe just a bigger pram, to be more of a cunt with.  

Fucking cunts, who should be chemically castrated. 

It is fairly effective. Stop your fucking whinging you blank shooting Cunt.

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Those nice black hats that Welsh women wear have plenty of room on top for an amber warning winky-pot to be fitted. God forbid their little darlings get crushed and mutilated before the Ian Watkins gets round to babysit while their single mothers go out on the game.

Also, I am sure the temporary sheep bars on the Aston Martin's being driven off to their English owners will help reduce damage to the cars. The Manky airbag (Patent No. 165347/48) can be fitted in pushchairs. Upon impact this twats the little Welsh fucker in the face with anthrax tipped broken beer bottles before catapulting him under the wheels of the nearest Gregg's van.

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21 minutes ago, Manky said:

Those nice black hats that Welsh women wear have plenty of room on top for an amber warning winky-pot to be fitted. God forbid their little darlings get crushed and mutilated before the Ian Watkins gets round to babysit while their single mothers go out on the game.

Also, I am sure the temporary sheep bars on the Aston Martin's being driven off to their English owners will help reduce damage to the cars. The Manky airbag (Patent No. 165347/48) can be fitted in pushchairs. Upon impact this twats the little Welsh fucker in the face with anthrax tipped broken beer bottles before catapulting him under the wheels of the nearest Gregg's van.

Firm but fair

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

It is fairly effective. Stop your fucking whinging you blank shooting Cunt.

Oh come on now Quincers old chap , I am sure Bubba is trying his very best to stop whinging but   you must realise that it is in his genes. I feel sorry for him , he reminds me of the little freckly fat boy at the back of the primary classroom , hand constantly up and saying 'please miss , please miss' which naturally gets no response and he inevitably shits himself. Very sad but I feel its going the same way for him again. Care to meet for an apero  Mardi prochain , say 7.00 ish

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Despite having a health service that is laughed at by residents of Equatorial Guinea, the most subsidised minority language media services anywhere in the world and a sporting record rivalling  The Dog and Partridge under elevens in Oswaldtwistle, there is a lot to be said for the Welsh. Phrases like, "Fuck off", " Get out" and "Max Boyce is a cunt" spring to mind. 

Any boyo with anything about him gets elocution lessons and moves to England to further their sales careers by selling Big Issue alongside their Albanian colleagues. Their strong family ties, as demonstrated by Ryan Giggs, are an example to us of how we shouldn't behave. Even scousers don't go there anymore as there is nothing worth nicking.

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38 minutes ago, Manky said:

Despite having a health service that is laughed at by residents of Equatorial Guinea, the most subsidised minority language media services anywhere in the world and a sporting record rivalling  The Dog and Partridge under elevens in Oswaldtwistle, there is a lot to be said for the Welsh. Phrases like, "Fuck off", " Get out" and "Max Boyce is a cunt" spring to mind. 

Any boyo with anything about him gets elocution lessons and moves to England to further their sales careers by selling Big Issue alongside their Albanian colleagues. Their strong family ties, as demonstrated by Ryan Giggs, are an example to us of how we shouldn't behave. Even scousers don't go there anymore as there is nothing worth nicking.

Back onto the NHS? Top work Manky, fucking buffoon. Even in my short time hear I've been bored to tears with it, maybe you should catch up. 

I'm hoping for another historically correct and intelligent response regarding something about small mining towns, just as soon as your probation officer allows you to have your allotted time at the PC again. 

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1 hour ago, Bubbles said:

Back onto the NHS? Top work Manky, fucking buffoon. Even in my short time hear I've been bored to tears with it, maybe you should catch up. 

I'm hoping for another historically correct and intelligent response regarding something about small mining towns, just as soon as your probation officer allows you to have your allotted time at the PC again. 

If you're going ahead with this suggestion Manky,  don't forget to mention their proclivity for carnal knowledge of ovine types.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

Oh come on now Quincers old chap , I am sure Bubba is trying his very best to stop whinging but   you must realise that it is in his genes. I feel sorry for him , he reminds me of the little freckly fat boy at the back of the primary classroom , hand constantly up and saying 'please miss , please miss' which naturally gets no response and he inevitably shits himself. Very sad but I feel its going the same way for him again. Care to meet for an apero  Mardi prochain , say 7.00 ish

I admit I don't know what that is, but so long as it isn't some sort of violent homosexual assault, but has booze in it, that sounds spiffing withers, you're buying.

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19 minutes ago, nocti said:

If you're going ahead with this suggestion Manky,  don't forget to mention their proclivity for carnal knowledge of ovine types.

Having seen Welsh women, porcine seems more apt. I spent 6 weeks in a little hovel call Abercynon, where the main industries were unemployment, drug abuse and incest.  When I left there, I swore I would never fear death as I had experienced far worse.From there I went to Swansea. That is where the women shave with chainsaws and hear YSL piss to cover up their natural pong.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 minutes ago, Manky said:

Having seen Welsh women, porcine seems more apt. I spent 6 weeks in a little hovel call Abercynon, where the main industries were unemployment, drug abuse and incest.  When I left there, I swore I would never fear death as I had experienced far worse.From there I went to Swansea. That is where the women shave with chainsaws and hear YSL piss to cover up their natural pong.

At the not particularly fearsome risk of Bubbles getting all shirty, I must say the Welsh never seem to get out and about much, apart from rugby related jaunts, one never sees them about abroad or even the rest of Britain, even places like Edinburgh where every cunt and his dog from everywhere flock to. I'm not complaining mind, only commenting on the fact, for nobody likes having phlegm on their faces or listening to that God awful accent.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I admit I don't know what that is, but so long as it isn't some sort of violent homosexual assault, but has booze in it, that sounds spiffing withers, you're buying.

Short for aperitif old boy , you know drink - poos and such capers French style. Of course I will buy , it was my suggestion. See if you can persuade Bubba to string along will you . The flabby Welsh cunt needs a bit of intelligent social intercourse. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, witheredscrote said:

Short for aperitif old boy , you know drink - poos and such capers French style. Of course I will buy , it was my suggestion. See if you can persuade Bubba to string along will you . The flabby Welsh cunt needs a bit of intelligent social intercourse. 

He's charging his tesla as we speak.

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