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Lost climbers . Selfish Cunts


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Guest DingTheRioja
24 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

The almost surreal way a nom meanders around is/was one of the charms of The Corner. It had a bonkers aspect that was a unique selling point. Unfortunately these days a nom is hijacked simply to pursue a vendetta, always it seems by the same punters and it is tedious, very tedious. The quirky, the different, the barking mad and the dull (for they too are entitled to an opinion) should be made welcome and be celebrated, instead they are marginalised, disparaged and picked on incessantly by weak people disguised as strong. I guess the site is just a microcosm of the world.

Bring back Nads... someone who appeared to have a genuinely disturbed mentality, reminds me so much of a mate who took too many Es for too many years... when he's on one, it's just like that... exactly like that... almost word for word...

Terrible disguise though... they need practice...


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30 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

I don't disagree with much of that, but as you know, one person is responsible for around 50% of the content, so the situation is not irreversible. What I would not like to see, is this site become laden with political correctness. Anybody can contribute pretty much what they like, so I don't feel one opinion is more or less any valid than the next. The site's content doesn't need micro managing. Occasionally, the odd person pops in with content that is not appropriate, but otherwise the regulars know the limit and when tested, it is moderated.

Absolutely. I'm not advocating micro-management for a more politically correct discourse. That wasn't the point of my post.

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Guest luke swarm
3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The almost surreal way a nom meanders around is/was one of the charms of The Corner. It had a bonkers aspect that was a unique selling point. Unfortunately these days a nom is hijacked simply to pursue a vendetta, always it seems by the same punters and it is tedious, very tedious. The quirky, the different, the barking mad and the dull (for they too are entitled to an opinion) should be made welcome and be celebrated, instead they are marginalised, disparaged and picked on incessantly by weak people disguised as strong. I guess the site is just a microcosm of the world.

Are you any different to the punters you so despise....after all you could not resist a little dig in what started a rational statement here.

The people you describe as disparaged and marginalised would seem to be totally unsuited to a site such as this where they are scared off by nameless, faceless and harmless contributors  If you find it all too tedious well no one forces you to keep logging on do they.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
28 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Are you any different to the punters you so despise....after all you could not resist a little dig in what started a rational statement here.

The people you describe as disparaged and marginalised would seem to be totally unsuited to a site such as this where they are scared off by nameless, faceless and harmless contributors  If you find it all too tedious well no one forces you to keep logging on do they.

Well said Lukers. Though I have no issue per se with the barking mad, nor the quirky, "the dull" should be beaten with cudgels, spat on, jeered and and cunted until they flee in tears off a cliff. Then their broken bodies pissed on and desecrated with freshly drained tins of spesh. Fuck the dull, this isn't Church Corner.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

as opposed to 3 or 4 pricks whose only contribution is incessantly slag other members off with "your a stupid cunt".....?

You fucking stupid fucking cunt.

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50 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Are you any different to the punters you so despise....after all you could not resist a little dig in what started a rational statement here.

The people you describe as disparaged and marginalised would seem to be totally unsuited to a site such as this where they are scared off by nameless, faceless and harmless contributors  If you find it all too tedious well no one forces you to keep logging on do they.

I've never subscribed to the "natural selection by hazing" BS pushed by the in-crowd. There should be room and acceptance by all, which will lead to a more interesting and varied site. No-one is forced to join, my beef is against the angry punters who spend half their time constantly telling a few to "fuck off". If people are upset by the nature of the content then it should be their own decision to leave and not by the self-appointed membership committee.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

I've just returned safe and sound, you'll be mightily relieved to hear, from a rather excellent if foreboding Ben More, properly alpine & sun blazing. It seems all the shit in the news has sunk in to the flip flop idiots, in fact there was nearly fuck all cunt there full stop.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

I've just returned safe and sound, you'll be mightily relieved to hear, from a rather excellent if foreboding Ben More, 

Devastating news. Although it is good to have your deranged-self posting bollocks, rather than the stupid cunts you left running the Quincy Institute for Dumb Cunts whilst away on your travels. 

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6 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Bring back Nads... someone who appeared to have a genuinely disturbed mentality, reminds me so much of a mate who took too many Es for too many years... when he's on one, it's just like that... exactly like that... almost word for word...

Terrible disguise though... they need practice...



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Guest luke swarm
4 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Well said Lukers. Though I have no issue per se with the barking mad, nor the quirky, "the dull" should be beaten with cudgels, spat on, jeered and and cunted until they flee in tears off a cliff. Then their broken bodies pissed on and desecrated with freshly drained tins of spesh. Fuck the dull, this isn't Church Corner.

cannot understand some of the cunts on here Quince......I would have thought the name of the site would be enough of a deterrent to the dull and quirky to enter at their own risk....as to the in crowd......what in crowd, its every cunt for himself here......to prove this may I add that you are a retarded festering baboon with all the charisma of  Pinkape after an anal rape in the hostel

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

cannot understand some of the cunts on here Quince......I would have thought the name of the site would be enough of a deterrent to the dull and quirky to enter at their own risk....as to the in crowd......what in crowd, its every cunt for himself here......to prove this may I add that you are a retarded festering baboon with all the charisma of  Pinkape after an anal rape in the hostel

Punkers charisma, such as it is, usually goes up after those occurances... he gets to seem a bit "testy".... depending on whether he was the victim or the perpetrator...

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Guest DingTheRioja
26 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Quite agree.

I'd wear "Fuck the dull" on a T-shirt, with or without "Kill the poor" on the reverse.

Can't find the one you're looking for... but how about this one?



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Guest Bill Stickers
10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The almost surreal way a nom meanders around is/was one of the charms of The Corner. It had a bonkers aspect that was a unique selling point. Unfortunately these days a nom is hijacked simply to pursue a vendetta, always it seems by the same punters and it is tedious, very tedious. The quirky, the different, the barking mad and the dull (for they too are entitled to an opinion) should be made welcome and be celebrated, instead they are marginalised, disparaged and picked on incessantly by weak people disguised as strong. I guess the site is just a microcosm of the world.

As others have said, this is not the place for tolerating the dull. You bemoan others as tedious, but the dull are tedious by very definition.

If you so subscribe to "blessed are the meek", fuck off to church?

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I take it the subject of this nomination is dead and buried going by the usual personal abuse that most nominations descend to?

You can take it whichever way you want you fucking numpty, just be quiet.

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2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

As others have said, this is not the place for tolerating the dull. You bemoan others as tedious, but the dull are tedious by very definition.

If you so subscribe to "blessed are the meek", fuck off to church?

That's fine Bill, but improper use of The Beatitudes aside, the best way for punters with short tempers to deal with dull posts is through the simple expedient of ignoring them - a big ask for the ego-driven with something to prove it would appear. "Dull" posts are far and few between and it beggars belief that it warrants the exaggerated ire of the in-crowd who's behaviour is not only tedious but also harmful to the site. No?

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You're all complete and utter fucking cunts, and the only way that some kind of cosmic justice could be served is if you all hung yourselves on livestream as I sat wanking. But then I'm a gentleman unlike most cunts here, and I get on with life, instead of moaning about it.

So fuck off, basically.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

I didn't realise Ben More was in Gloucester.

What? It's nearby Crianlarich, and immediately over the road Ben More farm, if this is the beginning of some proxy using shite.

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