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Terry Wogan's wig dies


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Guest Alfie Noakes
27 minutes ago, Degenerategambler said:

Cue all the un-ending bollocks by the bbc, telling us about Sir Saint Terry

Does the wig get a separate coffin?

No it lives on, but I heard that it was made in Liverpool and will be in mourning for at least fifty years.

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Guest nobgobbler
2 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

No it lives on, but I heard that it was made in Liverpool and will be in mourning for at least fifty years.

Then it will fuck off and nick sumink.

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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

"Sir" Terry was one of those professional Oirish cunts who couldn't get out of his native land fast enough. Once his gums were fastened around the BBC teat there was no prising him off.

He must be fucking raging down in Catholic hell that Sean Connery has outlived him.

In 1987 I was on a studio refurbishment at the BBC and 3 of us were wheeling our tools through a corridor at the start of a nights work. The fat ignorant curry scoffing cunt was walking torward us with his minions. My mate stood aside and said '.great show last night Tel'. The bog eyed cunt shouted ' Its Mr Wogan to you lot'. Showing true colours or what. My mate told him to fuck off back to the bogs and there was an enquiry ha fucking ha


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Cue 48 hours of the Floral Dance. Why did the cunt hve to die, he could have done a Lord Lucan and disappeared then fed himself to a Siberian fucking Tiger without anybody knowing

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The media is collectively gushing over this unremarkable cunt. LBC radio seem to have taken it upon themselves to lead the tributes.

They've had all kinds of Beeb top brass phoning in to wax lyrical about his 'genius' what a really really nice fella he was, top bloke bloke, love and worshiped by all who fell under his spell. Apparently he was a comedy genius, A giant of screen and radio. The director of radio two told an anecdote of how Sir Terry never prepared for any of radio shows, he just went in and did them unscripted.

Fucking amazing, a cunt who talked for a living, was good at talking without prompting.

So. How long before some cunt says Sir Terry groped them.

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I never understood what the cunt was on about, when the occasion would arise that I'd feel bored/brave enough to listen to the mental fucker on Radio 2.

"Egg and cress rocket ship wicker basket bum bandit fanny disco on the way to Rotherham with your norks out forward slash chinny rhythm. Anyway here's some Beach Boys, and I'm not fisting the drainpipes!"

Cancer apparently killed him, but dementia got him by the bollocks fucking years ago.

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Guest DingTheRioja
12 hours ago, ProfB said:

Yawn goat face - Admin cannot handle ProfB, soo yes I am heading for a life time BAN -in every way.

Fucking hell, we can but hope....

12 hours ago, ProfB said:

Wrap up poo face - I think Terry Wogan was a good TV personality, & very much enjoyed his TV show WOGan when I was younger...


Judge?? Come on Judy, that's a fucking obvious racist comment if ever I saw one...

42 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Hes a cunt just for playing golf. It s a game for irons (and woods)

Is that a reference to Neils Yewtree comment?


Back to El Tel.... apart from the comment earlier, I've never heard any nasty shit about him (excluding the Ollie Reed "lets fill his dressing room with booze and cameras" trick...)

The one thing he has above 95% of all other "TV Personalities", is that he is boring, I don't mean that in a nasty way, it's a compliment.... he hasn't ever annoyed the fuck out of me like the rest of them do just by being there, nevermind when they open their fucking gobs... Chris Evans, that welsh tosser on the cruising adverts (fnarr fnarr), anything related to I'm a Zed List, Save My Career, etc etc... although I think Tel was in that once(?), must have been when his cancer meds kicked in agreeing to that one.... He was just the boring, quiet uncle who you could talk to and not think was a fucking wierdo...

"Sir Terry Wogan, gone, but not as annoying as the rest of the cunts."

Quite fitting I think?

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