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Bunch of migrants

Guest Manky

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I see the nice Mr Cameron has offended lots of sensitive people by referring to the bunch of migrants at Calais as, wait for it, a bunch of migrants.

Well done Dave, that cunted them good and proper. The smelly, uneducated, misogynistic, thieving, violent, terrorist, benefit seeking gimmegrants won't want to come here now and our cultural diversity will be all the poorer.

As for the people 'offended by his reference to a bunch of people as, wait for it, a bunch, what fucking planet are they living on. This army of professional offence takers are just the biggest bunch of pathetic wankers it has ever been my misfortune to have to share a plant with. I hope they all die very painfully and slowly, the cunts.

My suggestions for a group (I won't use bunch as it is too extreme ) of migrants include, a pong, a rape, an explosion, an entitlement and finally with all their harrowing stories, a bunch of X-Factor contestants


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4 minutes ago, Manky said:

I see the nice Mr Cameron has offended lots of sensitive people by referring to the bunch of migrants at Calais as, wait for it, a bunch of migrants.

Well done Dave, that cunted them good and proper. The smelly, uneducated, misogynistic, thieving, violent, terrorist, benefit seeking gimmegrants won't want to come here now and our cultural diversity will be all the poorer.

As for the people 'offended by his reference to a bunch of people as, wait for it, a bunch, what fucking planet are they living on. This army of professional offence takers are just the biggest bunch of pathetic wankers it has ever been my misfortune to have to share a plant with. I hope they all die very painfully and slowly, the cunts.

My suggestions for a group (I won't use bunch as it is too extreme ) of migrants include, a pong, a rape, an explosion, an entitlement and finally with all their harrowing stories, a bunch of X-Factor contestants


It just sums up what the fuck is going on. Rather than spend time putting measures in place and trying to find a solution these politician, oxygen thief bastards squabble amongst themselves over the terminology used to describe them. Would that be because they don't know and don't give a fuck how many come in as they won't be living near them and the politicians won't have to adapt their way of life to accommodate them?

Fucking smug, corrupt, useless bastards.

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10 minutes ago, MikeD said:

It just sums up what the fuck is going on. Rather than spend time putting measures in place and trying to find a solution these politician, oxygen thief bastards squabble amongst themselves over the terminology used to describe them. Would that be because they don't know and don't give a fuck how many come in as they won't be living near them and the politicians won't have to adapt their way of life to accommodate them?

Fucking smug, corrupt, useless bastards.

If I could be Prime Minister for an hour, I would like my following statement to the house to be recorded in Hansard for posterity as my final act before retiring.

"Right you bunch of fucking parasites. Ten minutes ago, the RAF carpet bombed that smelly bunch of migrants at Calais. First with High Explosive and then with napalm. Intelligence reports say that the 2 survivors have decided not to come here as Syria or Libya is safer for them. Now kindly make your way to the exits where the lads in black uniforms will escort you to the trains. Arbeit macht frei. Cheerio. Have a nice day"

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4 minutes ago, Manky said:

If I could be Prime Minister for an hour, I would like my following statement to the house to be recorded in Hansard for posterity as my final act before retiring.

"Right you bunch of fucking parasites. Ten minutes ago, the RAF carpet bombed that smelly bunch of migrants at Calais. First with High Explosive and then with napalm. Intelligence reports say that the 2 survivors have decided not to come here as Syria or Libya is safer for them. Now kindly make your way to the exits where the lads in black uniforms will escort you to the trains. Arbeit macht frei. Cheerio. Have a nice day"

Firm but fair

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
52 minutes ago, Manky said:

I see the nice Mr Cameron has offended lots of sensitive people by referring to the bunch of migrants at Calais as, wait for it, a bunch of migrants.

Well done Dave, that cunted them good and proper. The smelly, uneducated, misogynistic, thieving, violent, terrorist, benefit seeking gimmegrants won't want to come here now and our cultural diversity will be all the poorer.

As for the people 'offended by his reference to a bunch of people as, wait for it, a bunch, what fucking planet are they living on. This army of professional offence takers are just the biggest bunch of pathetic wankers it has ever been my misfortune to have to share a plant with. I hope they all die very painfully and slowly, the cunts.

My suggestions for a group (I won't use bunch as it is too extreme ) of migrants include, a pong, a rape, an explosion, an entitlement and finally with all their harrowing stories, a bunch of X-Factor contestants


Though the above touchiness referred to is fucking ridiculous, and a lot of these cunts are proper cunts, the amount of whinging on here about it isn't really proportionate to the problem, in the face of all the other shite and cunts in the world. I blame overpopulation for most cuntishnesses today, there's far too many Cunts and these barrel-bottom bastards happen to be the ones shat down the shitter. It's only fair that our own home bred trash are slaughtered side by side with these greasers, all even Stevens.

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7 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Though the above touchiness referred to is fucking ridiculous, and a lot of these cunts are proper cunts, the amount of whinging on here about it isn't really proportionate to the problem, in the face of all the other shite and cunts in the world. I blame overpopulation for most cuntishnesses today, there's far too many Cunts and these barrel-bottom bastards happen to be the ones shat down the shitter. It's only fair that our on home bred trash are slaughtered side by side with these greasers, all even Stevens.

Firm but fair

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Though the above touchiness referred to is fucking ridiculous, and a lot of these cunts are proper cunts, the amount of whinging on here about it isn't really proportionate to the problem, in the face of all the other shite and cunts in the world. I blame overpopulation for most cuntishnesses today, there's far too many Cunts and these barrel-bottom bastards happen to be the ones shat down the shitter. It's only fair that our own home bred trash are slaughtered side by side with these greasers, all even Stevens.

I started number crunching with my groups on my shit list. Chavs, migrants, puffs, non cyclists, Lycra clad cyclists and so on. The list is quite extensive. Home grown and alien cunts are given equal weighting. After running the figures a few times I had a surprising result.

I was the only cunt left.

With 7 billion people on the planet, the experts reckon it is 25% over the maximum sustainable population. 25% of 7 billion is 1.75 billion which coincidentally is the figure announced today of faecesbook accounts.

Get my drift. Job jobbed.

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Just now, nocti said:

That was Skegness wasn't it? How can they tell it wasn't just a couple of local slappers that fell asleep after a heavy night out?

They buried them in a landfill, no fuss. Should have done that with the dead cunt on the beach in Greece.

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Sweden are kicking 80,000 immigrants out as almost half have failed asylum claims. The real shock is only half 

Nearly all would fail any asylum claim as they legally must apply in the first safe country they arrive in. If Norway, Finland and Denmark are unsafe countries, this would mean that if the applicant was resident there, he/she/it could claim asylum in Sweden according to the rules.

The crafty cunts are playing the system against us.

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Guest nobgobbler
2 hours ago, MikeD said:

It just sums up what the fuck is going on. Rather than spend time putting measures in place and trying to find a solution these politician, oxygen thief bastards squabble amongst themselves over the terminology used to describe them. Would that be because they don't know and don't give a fuck how many come in as they won't be living near them and the politicians won't have to adapt their way of life to accommodate them?

Fucking smug, corrupt, useless bastards.

I hate to say it. But it will take a massive war to focus their minds on the real problem. Bunch of Cunts.

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This whole immigrant shite is fucked up. It will get worse before it gets better. Anyone who welcomes them in must be made to house a family in their own house,pay for them out of their own pocket and be made responsible for any wrong doing they commit. Then lets see how many are standing there with open arms.

I say send back the young and fit,men and women to fight for their own country and freedom. Then when it's all over,start rebuilding it.

After all it happened 70 years ago,why not today?

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43 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

I hate to say it. But it will take a massive war to focus their minds on the real problem. Bunch of Cunts.

I think that's the game, nothing more profitable than war.

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24 minutes ago, Snatch said:

This whole immigrant shite is fucked up. It will get worse before it gets better. Anyone who welcomes them in must be made to house a family in their own house,pay for them out of their own pocket and be made responsible for any wrong doing they commit. Then lets see how many are standing there with open arms.

I say send back the young and fit,men and women to fight for their own country and freedom. Then when it's all over,start rebuilding it.

After all it happened 70 years ago,why not today?

And when the border controls are inevitably brought back, except for fucking here of course, then what will happen?

We've all seen how these 'poor helpless people' turn violent at the drop of a hat when they don't get their own way.

It's not going to fucking end well, that's for sure.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Manky said:

I started number crunching with my groups on my shit list. Chavs, migrants, puffs, non cyclists, Lycra clad cyclists and so on. The list is quite extensive. Home grown and alien cunts are given equal weighting. After running the figures a few times I had a surprising result.

I was the only cunt left.

With 7 billion people on the planet, the experts reckon it is 25% over the maximum sustainable population. 25% of 7 billion is 1.75 billion which coincidentally is the figure announced today of faecesbook accounts.

Get my drift. Job jobbed.

I can't fault the direction you're taking this in.

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Guest DingTheRioja
4 hours ago, Manky said:

.............a bunch of X-Factor contestants

Trouble is, I bet there's more talent in Calais than on that fucking programme..

3 hours ago, nocti said:

Due to the amount of them spotted in water, shouldn't it be a "shoal" of migrants? 

Reminds me of the joke about 2 sharks in the CHannel talking, one says "I'm hungry, fancy something French?", the other says "No, I'm off to Morecambe for a Chinese or two"..

2 hours ago, Manky said:

I started number crunching with my groups on my shit list. Chavs, migrants, puffs, non cyclists, Lycra clad cyclists and so on. The list is quite extensive. Home grown and alien cunts are given equal weighting. After running the figures a few times I had a surprising result.

I was the only cunt left.

With 7 billion people on the planet, the experts reckon it is 25% over the maximum sustainable population. 25% of 7 billion is 1.75 billion which coincidentally is the figure announced today of faecesbook accounts.

Get my drift. Job jobbed.

That's exactly where we should store any excess napalm stocks...

... well.. when I say "store".....

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6 hours ago, Manky said:

I see the nice Mr Cameron has offended lots of sensitive people by referring to the bunch of migrants at Calais as, wait for it, a bunch of migrants.

It's better than the "swarm" metaphor they came out with last time. Even that didn't go nearly far enough. It is, quite literally, a plague of migrants. If they're not carrying Zika virus I'll eat Paddy Ashdown's hat.

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6 minutes ago, neil298 said:

He was out of order calling them a 'bunch of migrants' they are human beings,'bunch of cunts' would have done.

Going by what's now being reported on a daily basis, that's debatable as well.

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The bloke gets constantly called out for being a pig's head fucking public schoolboy, who Churchill would've laughed at, but as soon as he says something that Churchill probably would've said himself, he's bollocked for not presenting himself like a public schoolboy who fucks pigs' heads would.

I'd feel sorry for him if I could muster up enough energy to. But even if I could I wouldn't anyway. 

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