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Do-gooders that become a fucking liability

Guest Drew P Pissflaps

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

So this Scottish nurse decides to offer a helping hand treating some disease ridden natives on the equator but being a Scot her personal hygiene regime doesn't quite cut the mustard and she picks up a nasty dose. Now she has had shit loads of NHS money spent on her flying her back to blighty and treating her not once, but twice. Don't lend a hand if you haven't got a fucking clue. It would have been better if we sent Harold Shipman

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Guest Wizardsleeve

So this Scottish nurse decides to offer a helping hand treating some disease ridden natives on the equator but being a Scot her personal hygiene regime doesn't quite cut the mustard and she picks up a nasty dose. Now she has had shit loads of NHS money spent on her flying her back to blighty and treating her not once, but twice. Don't lend a hand if you haven't got a fucking clue. It would have been better if we sent Harold Shipman

A Scot with poor personal hygiene?  Whatever comes next?  The wheel?  Perhaps fire for the masses?  

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I took an on-line course called"Identifying and avoiding Ebola" during a slow day. It can be summarised thus, Don't go to infected areas of Africa. It worked for me.  With my 100% record of avoiding the disease, I declare myself an experienced Ebola evader willing to offer advice to anyone thinking of sticking their nose into other people's epidemics. Don't.

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What's the betting the daft cunt will do it a third time? I've got £100 burning a hole I my pocket. 

She put herself at risk so she knew the possible consequences. I dare say she thinks that way as well but as usual the media go over the top and make her out to be some kind of fucking hero.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Those haemorrhagic fevers are proper nasty cunts. I bet she's got a fanny like a kicked over trifle.

She's Scottish, I would say she had one of those before she got Ebola. Although I personally wouldn't want a go. I don't do brunettes and she's fuck ugly.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Like a stab wound in a gorilla's back.

I have a feeling that if a gorilla ever turned its back on you that rather then standing there with a knife in your hand ready to stab it you would have your cock in your hand and your trousers round your ankles

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I have a feeling that if a gorilla ever turned its back on you that rather then standing there with a knife in your hand ready to stab it you would have your cock in your hand and your trousers round your ankles

Well, erm... you know.

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Guest DingTheRioja


If you care to look at what I actually posted, it was not his statement, but his thread title.  In fact it wasn't even an edit of his title, but simply to give him a Notification Bell for a laugh.

I did not alter his statement at all, merely pointed out what I would have named the thread.


Get over this quote thing ffs, half the people on here can't even work the quote and have their own words entirely attributed to the person they are quoting, with not a single word of the original quote showing...

but you NEVER edit their "quotes", despite their posts being "much worse" in terms of quote/misquote than any of mine.




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Guest Drew P Pissflaps


If you care to look at what I actually posted, it was not his statement, but his thread title.  In fact it wasn't even an edit of his title, but simply to give him a Notification Bell for a laugh.

I did not alter his statement at all, merely pointed out what I would have named the thread.


Get over this quote thing ffs, half the people on here can't even work the quote and have their own words entirely attributed to the person they are quoting, with not a single word of the original quote showing...

but you NEVER edit their "quotes", despite their posts being "much worse" in terms of quote/misquote than any of mine.





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That'll learn her to poke her nose into other people's business. Fucking stupid  have a go hero.

As soon as she's able she'll no doubt be booking her flight out there again. If she comes back full of it again she should be fucking charged for her treatment.

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Guest Gong Farmer

As soon as she's able she'll no doubt be booking her flight out there again. If she comes back full of it again she should be fucking charged for her treatment.

She should also be charged for being in possession of a deadly weapon. I'm being serious. If the idiot was knowingly contaminating people with aids she'd be on a manslaughter charge or something similar. Remember all the scare stories in the press last year regarding Ebola? All that bollocks about contaminated Africans entering the county that were going to blight us all with the disease? Well cunts like her are demonstrably more of a danger than anyone else simply because they can come and go as they please with the Africans being on lock down.

She should be doing jail time..... the cunt.    

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At least there's little chance of her doing the rounds on chat shows etc. Unless the presenters and audience are wearing full protective suits and masks.

Now that would be fucking funny.

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Guest Gong Farmer

At least there's little chance of her doing the rounds on chat shows etc. Unless the presenters and audience are wearing full protective suits and masks.

Now that would be fucking funny.

I wouldn't go near the diseased addled cunt without a full NBC suit.

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