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Fancy a fucking good laugh on this grey october morning ? ...


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Guest Wizardsleeve

I wouldn't apologize to him even if he had tied to a chair and about to wack me around the head with a sock full of soggy dog shit. Fuck him, he said it even if he didn't.  

Recently, he's made an effort to introduce some humour into his rants.  We should encourage this behaviour by rewarding it.  Even "broke dick dogs" (that is one American expression that splits my sides) can learn to accept a masters feeding hand as friendly.  If the cunt had me teid to a chair, and that sock of dog shit were coming, it'd be a foot to his undescended balls before he could swing the fucker.  

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Guest Gong Farmer

Recently, he's made an effort to introduce some humour into his rants.  We should encourage this behaviour by rewarding it.  Even "broke dick dogs" (that is one American expression that splits my sides) can learn to accept a masters feeding hand as friendly.  If the cunt had me teid to a chair, and that sock of dog shit were coming, it'd be a foot to his undescended balls before he could swing the fucker.  

I've got nothing against him, I don't know him except that he was overly aggressive towards me when I first signed up to the site, aggressive above and beyond what is considered normal by anyone elses standards to be quite honest. In the end he went squealing to the the admin about one of my comments towards him that had got him really upset claiming it was overly nasty and uncalled for. Very rich indeed coming from a cunt like him after some of the vile muck he's posted on here. I think he was hoping that I'd get kicked off the site, I'm still here so it obviously didn't work out for him and all he achieved in the end was him making himself look an even bigger cunt than I'd already took him for. Very smug was I. He's an  Arsebert.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I've got nothing against him, I don't know him except that he was overly aggressive towards me when I first signed up to the site, aggressive above and beyond what is considered normal by anyone elses standards to be quite honest. In the end he went squealing to the the admin about one of my comments towards him that had got him really upset claiming it was overly nasty and uncalled for. Very rich indeed coming from a cunt like him after some of the vile muck he's posted on here. I think he was hoping that I'd get kicked off the site, I'm still here so it obviously didn't work out for him and all he achieved in the end was him making himself look an even bigger cunt than I'd already took him for. Very smug was I. He's an  Arsebert.

Before the old board was transitioned into this new format, he had a penchant for referring to everybody as a nazi, whom we all know were murderous, genocidal psychopaths that nearly ruled the world.  I haven't seen him do that lately, perhaps the admins have tightened his lead a bit.  He always was a bitter fucking pill, but part of the attraction of the corner.  Back in the day, it certainly was a colourful cast of characters here.  

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Guest Gong Farmer

Before the old board was transitioned into this new format, he had a penchant for referring to everybody as a nazi, whom we all know were murderous, genocidal psychopaths that nearly ruled the world.  I haven't seen him do that lately, perhaps the admins have tightened his lead a bit.  He always was a bitter fucking pill, but part of the attraction of the corner.  Back in the day, it certainly was a colourful cast of characters here.  

I've been on and off of this site for years now so have seen them come and go. I've hung around longer this time since the admin had a clean up, it's a nicer place to be than it used to be and now attracts a better class of cunt. I'm no stranger to Cunts Corner and have probably known about the site longer than most of the current cunts that now patronize the site.

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It's been a while Gobbie. Your hairy must be as dry as a quaver. I'm down on the coast this weekend if you fancy catching up..

It's a shame that as of now I'm going on an extended cunters sabbatical, Franco. As much as I truly fucking despise myself for admitting it, the site has been lacking something since you most recently got fucked off. What that something is, I'll leave you to determine. Look after Manky in my absence, he may come across as a disgustingly crass, northern simpleton, but he's got potential. He reminds me of a young Jacko. Au revoir for now, I'll dream of you frolicking among the fields of barley.

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Guest nobgobbler

It's been a while Gobbie. Your hairy must be as dry as a quaver. I'm down on the coast this weekend if you fancy catching up..

You're too late Francis. I'm seeing keef.

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It's a shame that as of now I'm going on an extended cunters sabbatical, Franco. As much as I truly fucking despise myself for admitting it, the site has been lacking something since you most recently got fucked off. What that something is, I'll leave you to determine. Look after Manky in my absence, he may come across as a disgustingly crass, northern simpleton, but he's got potential. He reminds me of a young Jacko. Au revoir for now, I'll dream of you frolicking among the fields of barley.

Fuck off. 

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Guest judgetwi

That marathon running bleeder took a right cunting here, as well.  Didn't judge praise her for her bravery and pioneering spirit?

I'm afraid i've never heard of him but, thanks to you, now i have. However i couldn't be arsed to read more than 2 sentences so i do not have an opinion other than to suggest that, rather than putting words into my mouth, you should pay more attention to the tedious drivel that comes out of yours.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I'm afraid i've never heard of him but, thanks to you, now i have. However i couldn't be arsed to read more than 2 sentences so i do not have an opinion other than to suggest that, rather than putting words into my mouth, you should pay more attention to the tedious drivel that comes out of yours.

If anybody here is an authority on tedious drivel, it would be you. Insults aside, I sincerely thought you had offered an opinion to the effect people should lighten up, menstruation is natural albeit unsightly in sport. I think that if you were to put a little less effort into being a deliberate prick, your natural prickery will shine bright. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest judgetwi

I watched an episode of this shit a couple of weeks ago. They were told, at their early morning call, that they would be going to Dover. One of the birds said..."where is Dover, i know it's on the coast but is it in Ireland?"  Now i know, when it comes to entertainment, you are supposed to suspend your disbelief but i refuse to believe that a grown woman, who can read and write, and is "one of the brightest business brains in Britain" , doesn't know where Dover is and thinks she might be on her way to Ireland. Just fuck off. I am beginning to believe that this is all scripted and these cunts are all actors who are told to say and do stupid things for the entertainment of the masses. Of course, this bollocks has been on a long time so is it really possible that the BBC could have covered this up for all that time?   Er........i was going to post a picture of Sir James Savile but computer said NO. But you get the point? Fuck it!  :wub:

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