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The Poof Euphemism Thread


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How wonderfully witty. You are the comedic mind that only comes around once in a generation.

Cheers, I keep looking out for your books on comedy to lift myself to your lofty fucking status as you're obviously a world-renowned expert on the subject. Haven't found any. Strange, eh?

Or, you could just be another arsehole on a website with ideas way above his fucking station.

Hmmm, now let me fucking think.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Cheers, I keep looking out for your books on comedy to lift myself to your lofty fucking status as you're obviously a world-renowned expert on the subject. Haven't found any. Strange, eh?

Or, you could just be another arsehole on a website with ideas way above his fucking station.

Hmmm, now let me fucking think.

Can I suggest a novel idea?

Think first, post later?

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Can I suggest a novel idea?

Think first, post later?

Fuck me. You're an actual, genuine fucking head-case. So unusual to actually speak to one, your type are usually locked up.

Soon be time for tea, there's a good boy.

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It's quite extraordinary that you obviously still suffer after all these years. A touchy little humourless man, probably no taller than 4ft, with a big fat fucking chip on your shoulder. MikeFuckingD you are without doubt, after Snatch and Proper, the Corner's most tedious sap extraordinaire. 

Don't be hard on yourself Fwank, with your tedious tales of travel, or your fascinating life as a well heeled estate agent , you my friend are top of the class bar none.

Joey Deacon.

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Fuck's sake, Mike, careful, that's Top Cat you're fucking with!

I'm don't know how far to go, I'm not sure what the limits are on taking the piss of the mentally ill.

I'm hoping he's not a plant by the NHS psychiatric unit trying to get people who discriminate.

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Fuck me. You're an actual, genuine fucking head-case. So unusual to actually speak to one, your type are usually locked up.

Soon be time for tea, there's a good boy.

Mike, with the utmost lack of respect, you're clearly not the full ticket.. certainly way out of your depth on here. 


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Mike, with the utmost lack of respect, you're clearly not the full ticket.. certainly way out of your depth on here. 


Fuck me, this is like shooting fish in a barrel, the other Chuckle Brother right on cue!

Yes Frank, someone will take you out for a walk later as well.

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Ordinarily I don't waste time responding to risible barrack-room lawyer rubbish, but, low-hanging fruit and the need to sit down for 30 minutes with a hot water bottle across my tummy 'cos the Feminax just doesn't cut it............

I never once said that the reason I wasn't going to post was because of your silly, draconian moderating. And I also never specified a time frame. It was due to purely personal reasons. And as for the hazing of newbies, witheredscrote, a newbie himself, endorsed the approach. So before posting, perhaps consider what you actually know as fact instead of jumping to conclusions. You're completely out of touch with what the majority of the members want from this site. How about asking them, instead of imposing your namby pamby, wishy washy opinions on everyone else? You're like a mobile phone provider, focusing on non existing new customers, and ignoring what your existing ones want. Of course, even though my proposition is entirely reasonable, your history of obstinacy, just for the sake of maintaining an "iron lady" virtual persona, will ensure we will just get the usual menstrual response. 

What you said was that you were taking an "extended sabbatical" 'cos "the site has been lacking since [frank] last left". Now all of a sudden you say it was for "purely personal reasons". At the same time Bill flounced off to "pursue other activities". Yeah, right. So were you two hoping that the site would be overwhelmed with "Come back Decimus & Bill" posts? It didn't happen. I suspect we've had more posts lamenting the demise of Brony rather than two up-own-their-arse divas.

As for jumping to conclusions, I read through the list of new punters who take the trouble to register and then make an innocuous first and second post (as they do) only to be jumped on by a small group of selfish gits who assume they have a right to do as they please. Contrary to what you say, the systematic hazing of newbies is a comparatively recent phenomenon and is now harming the site.


I'm not sure you'll find an over reaction from me, especially not such a flagrant over-use of capitalisation.

I wrote Roops a very nice little poem, and then took a few days off to pursue other activities.

Roops didn't like the poem, but art is subjective.

It seems everyone else is over reacting because certain members took a couple of days off?

The defining moment for me was not the poem but your assertion that my figurative use of "falling on your sword" was "illogical" 'cos "to fall on my sword I'd need to even more viciously attack new members rather than leave". Yes you really did say that but you were in full-on "Je suis une proper Charlie" mode.......

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Let's work on our relationship MikeFuckingD. You know I like you really.. a lot. Have this on me - Blackstabbers. 



I'm really scratching my head for a reply here Frank, I'm not medically qualified so I'm not sure what to do.



Ordinarily I don't waste time responding to risible barrack-room lawyer rubbish, but, low-hanging fruit and the need to sit down for 30 minutes with a hot water bottle across my tummy 'cos the Feminax just doesn't cut it............

What you said was that you were taking an "extended sabbatical" 'cos "the site has been lacking since [frank] last left". Now all of a sudden you say it was for "purely personal reasons". At the same time Bill flounced off to "pursue other activities". Yeah, right. So were you two hoping that the site would be overwhelmed with "Come back Decimus & Bill" posts? It didn't happen. I suspect we've had more posts lamenting the demise of Brony rather than two up-own-their-arse divas.

As for jumping to conclusions, I read through the list of new punters who take the trouble to register and then make an innocuous first and second post (as they do) only to be jumped on by a small group of selfish gits who assume they have a right to do as they please. Contrary to what you say, the systematic hazing of newbies is a comparatively recent phenomenon and is now harming the site.


The defining moment for me was not the poem but your assertion that my figurative use of "falling on your sword" was "illogical" 'cos "to fall on my sword I'd need to even more viciously attack new members rather than leave". Yes you really did say that but you were in full-on "Je suis une proper Charlie" mode.......

Fucking hell Roops, just wait until his medication kicks in and he'll be quiet, don't encourage the cunt.

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Guest Bill Stickers


 So were you two hoping that the site would be overwhelmed with "Come back Decimus & Bill" posts? It didn't happen. I suspect we've had more posts lamenting the demise of Brony rather than two up-own-their-arse divas.

In the words of old Broneyo (RIP) - 'Cunts Corner moderation. Not as good as it used to be'.

Fucking hell Roops, just wait until his medication kicks in and he'll be quiet, don't encourage the cunt.

Mike, I can barely understand what you are saying mate, because of all the slurping sounds.

Please, pull your tongue out of Roops' arsehole for one second so you can articulate your view on the issue properly.

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Actually, Mrs. Roops, if you read the post you would see my reference to Frank's return didn't tie in with my earlier comment of going away for a bit. I also said I would leave him to work out what the site was lacking in his absence. Meaning absolutely fuck all. I'll be sure that I clarify any future sarcasm so you  can save yourself the time of writing out another post devoid of any facts and making yourself look rather silly. 

It was for genuine personal reasons, which I won't go into since you have obviously formulated your little theory that I am infantile enough to care whether people I have never met before miss me on a website. Maybe you could admit that you're completely wrong just this once? Not that I care either way, but it might be seen as concilliatory by other members who think that you can be a bit obstinate at times

As for Bill, I'm sure he has his own reasons that he'll be delighted to share with you.

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In the words of old Broneyo (RIP) - 'Cunts Corner moderation. Not as good as it used to be'.

Mike, I can barely understand what you are saying mate, because of all the slurping sounds.

Please, pull your tongue out of Roops' arsehole for one second so you can articulate your view on the issue properly.

Yes Bill, and I can't hear you because your head is stuck so far up your own fucking arse.

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