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Car Scratching Low Life Cunts

Guest luke swarm

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I have also been a victim to keying cunt years ago. I had a Mk2 Granada which got keyed from front to back. Needless to say amused I was not.

Fucking cunts haven't got the bollocks to face you personally if they have a grievance.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I have also been a victim to keying cunt years ago. I had a Mk2 Granada which got keyed from front to back. Needless to say amused I was not.

Fucking cunts haven't got the bollocks to face you personally if they have a grievance.

You have to admit Snatcher, there is a certain entertainment value to witnessing the meltdown of the one keyed. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I commited this a couple of weeks ago stumbling home pissed at about 3:30am. The car was blocking the pavement at a junction. I momentarily thought about determining which house was theirs to awaken them and politely request they park with consideration but on reflection i couldn't. Be bothered so i meted out a deserved keying as i sauntered by ON THE FUCKING ROAD. Cunt.

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I've never keyed a car, but I regularly "accidentally" hit the wing mirrors of cars parked on the pavement with my elbow when I'm out running. I did a brand new Golf today, really smacked it one and folded it back. The fucking ignorant shit-cunt was parked all four wheels on the pavement, leaving me no choice but to run in the road. People who park like this deserve to get their cars damaged.

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I've never keyed a car, but I regularly "accidentally" hit the wing mirrors of cars parked on the pavement with my elbow when I'm out running. I did a brand new Golf today, really smacked it one and folded it back. The fucking ignorant shit-cunt was parked all four wheels on the pavement, leaving me no choice but to run in the road. People who park like this deserve to get their cars damaged.

and joggers deserve to be run over , join a fucking gym and free the pavements from sweaty  sanctimonious cunts...

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I've never keyed a car, but I regularly "accidentally" hit the wing mirrors of cars parked on the pavement with my elbow when I'm out running. I did a brand new Golf today, really smacked it one and folded it back. The fucking ignorant shit-cunt was parked all four wheels on the pavement, leaving me no choice but to run in the road. People who park like this deserve to get their cars damaged.

A brand new Golf deserves a good twatting 1) for sharing the same name as the most boring game for clown dressing paedos and 2) for those kraut cunts fiddling the emissions test.

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Keying a car is a cunts act, full stop. But plenty of cunts do it, even some of the salt of the earth in this fine forum. It is for this reason I never dispute a car park in a shopping centre.

Having said that, I did once let the tyre down on a great big fucking 4WD at the shops once after the cunt took my spot then sauntered off after I protested. Conveniently, he had his spare mounted on the back of the car like a complete cunt, so I unscrewed the valve on that while I was at it.  No actual damage, but it fucked him over. The bully 4WD driving dick rash.

I recommend it. I was on a high for days.

I don't get out much, obviously.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Keying a car is a cunts act, full stop. But plenty of cunts do it, even some of the salt of the earth in this fine forum. It is for this reason I never dispute a car park in a shopping centre.

Having said that, I did once let the tyre down on a great big fucking 4WD at the shops once after the cunt took my spot then sauntered off after I protested. Conveniently, he had his spare mounted on the back of the car like a complete cunt, so I unscrewed the valve on that while I was at it.  No actual damage, but it fucked him over. The bully 4WD driving dick rash.

I recommend it. I was on a high for days.

I don't get out much, obviously.

SC, another worthwhile and affordable cunting device is a valve stem puller. Not only do the types go soft, but it becomes a pricey and time consuming repair. 


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Guest luke swarm

Wow, I started this thread off in frustration and understandable anger at my misfortune.....looking at the way the thread has travelled and is now veering towards justifying this cunts trick, I fucking despair.

Yes it has crossed my mind to inflict some kind of damage to people who have wronged me, be it real or perceived...this thought included a good keying or sugar in the fuel tank but I have a natural thought process that puts a brake on such thoughts and work out that it is wrong and also a bit cowardly.

It would seem that this natural brake (conscience} which we all have is calibrated to different levels across the cunt spectrum.  I suppose that it a obvious fact but I thought I would put it into words. Some of the comments here would indicate that this level becomes more tolerant as we get older though there are exceptions as always. Its still a fucking horrible thing to do and have done to.  

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Guest luke swarm

Sounds like a Jerry Springer fucking homily.

oh I do apologise....here let me dumb that down for you........."Some people are cunts and some people are really proper cunts"...innit.

is that more your level?


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Guest Bill Stickers

oh I do apologise....here let me dumb that down for you........."Some people are cunts and some people are really proper cunts"...innit.

is that more your level?

You have substantially overestimated this particular cunt's intelligence. 

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Fuck it then. If this has turned into a hand wringing, apologist ponce fest then I'm not fucking interested anymore. I could refer you back to Judge's outbursts, where he has called you to task and you have conveniently ignored him because he could make you all look like cunts if he referred back to some of the shit he's sad enough to store as ammunition against you. He's obviously got you in his pocket, to make yourself look like a cunt and lick his arse a bit more. I for one ain't interested, and think you're a fucking disgrace for banning genuinely interesting members, but faggotting out of getting rid of a jumped up, trouble making borefest just because he scares you with big words. So fuck you, fuck administration, and fuck anyone else who's too stupid to see you're too scared to criticise and ban an unpopular, contradicting cunt.

Anyone who uses words like"corrugated " and "marmalade" scares the shit out of me.

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