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jeremy Corbyn haters


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Like.Swarm. I only read the sport in the Mail. Liberal fucking rag. Cameron is a soft cunt as well as a lying twat. All politicians are greedy self serving power pissed wankers. What I would like to see is our Generals take over, merci military coup. Then we could have a bit of order and get rid of the undesirables. Sorry, forgot, Even the top brass are now tainted with political correctness. We are doomed..   
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Like.Swarm. I only read the sport in the Mail. Liberal fucking rag. Cameron is a soft cunt as well as a lying twat. All politicians are greedy self serving power pissed wankers. What I would like to see is our Generals take over, merci military coup. Then we could have a bit of order and get rid of the undesirables. Sorry, forgot, Even the top brass are now tainted with political correctness. We are doomed..   

Yeah, we're really fucked if there are many more home grown fucking idiots with ideas like you about. Best people vote Corbyn. We need to make sure we get some immigrants in with brain cells, to counteract the tabloid based bigotry and imbecility of some of our uninformed natives.

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Guest Bill Stickers
Like.Swarm. I only read the sport in the Mail. Liberal fucking rag. Cameron is a soft cunt as well as a lying twat. All politicians are greedy self serving power pissed wankers. What I would like to see is our Generals take over, merci military coup. Then we could have a bit of order and get rid of the undesirables. Sorry, forgot, Even the top brass are now tainted with political correctness. We are doomed..   

I sincerely hope this is Frank playing another character. You're like a real life Al Murray the pub landlord. Fucking pillock. 

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Decimus. When you commies rule the world, homosexuality will be compulsory for the working man so his capacity for breeding is fucked up.The elite will breed away in their dachas like the old soviet system. ( Well almost ) Thank fuck there are cunts like you to point out the errors of my ways and keep me on the right track. You cunt


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Decimus. When you commies rule the world, homosexuality will be compulsory for the working man so his capacity for breeding is fucked up.The elite will breed away in their dachas like the old soviet system. ( Well almost ) Thank fuck there are cunts like you to point out the errors of my ways and keep me on the right track. You cunt


I don't think you actually understand what communism is, do you? If there was no element of socialism in this country, idiots like you would have actually been bred out, as the government would see you and your children starve to death by not funding you with a generous welfare system.

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Guest luke swarm
Like.Swarm. I only read the sport in the Mail. Liberal fucking rag. Cameron is a soft cunt as well as a lying twat. All politicians are greedy self serving power pissed wankers. What I would like to see is our Generals take over, merci military coup. Then we could have a bit of order and get rid of the undesirables. Sorry, forgot, Even the top brass are now tainted with political correctness. We are doomed..   

having served a considerable time in uniform and no not the girl guides before you cunts start, I can categorically say that putting the military in charge would be a mistake to say the least. 

My answer is this. 

1,Legislation to ensure that no 3 members from a single school or university can serve in the government at any one time.

2. There is a representative from the shop floor at every board meeting to offer an input from the workforce in every company.

3, No employee is allowed to get a wage more than 20 times the lowest paid employee

4, A finite limit placed on total immigration and this proportion should have a percentage of asylum type applications built in but more geared to take skills we need or identified,

5, A system where no welfare is paid out unless one has paid in over a certain time period, school leavers excepted.

6 , Cuntism is recognised as a specialist skillset and NVQs and higher education geared up to exploit this skillset.

I welcome any more good ideas to start my utopian society of a united cunts of GB and NI       

Edited by luke swarm
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Stickers. This is Manky. I am not any reincarnation of anyone. This site is so full of  pseudo clever cunts that I am sat here on my dinner break typing away on my phone without engaging the brain because if it annoys all you fuckers it is worth it. A bunch of cunts. Jeremy Corbyn takes it up the shitter off Bobby Sands. Cunts the lot of em.

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Guest luke swarm

Stickers. This is Manky. I am not any reincarnation of anyone. This site is so full of  pseudo clever cunts that I am sat here on my dinner break typing away on my phone without engaging the brain because if it annoys all you fuckers it is worth it. A bunch of cunts. Jeremy Corbyn takes it up the shitter off Bobby Sands. Cunts the lot of em.

never mind Manky, exercise period will be here in a bit and you can go and play table tennis with the other inmates. 

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Luke-Swarm. Some of your points may well be worthy of perusal. I don't want the Generals in charge really. Nor politicians. Money and Power are magnets for total cunts. All I know is 7 Billion peeps in der welt is far too many and 70 million in the UK is not sustainable. Thinning out is well overdue. Certo Cito.

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I heard that there were a number of large donations made to the foundation by those lovely lads in the parachute regiment. It must have meant a lot to the parents to receive support from a regiment that played such a vital role in securing peace and stability in Northern Ireland.  

I let your "I miss Jazz" assertion pass without comment, little realising it was the beginning of a slippery slope towards the insanity of papal infallibility. Focus, man, focus!

Certa Cito.

Utrinque Paratus.

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Decimus. I am but a newcomer to this site and accept I must respect people with more time under their belts who have helped make this site what it is.


I consider you to be a fucking great cunt. So fucking great it needs no embellishment. AND Corbyn is nearly as big a cunt as you. I oteen asked my Grandad how many German babies he could fit on his bayonet. His answer. " Don't talk to that uber cunt Decimus. He's deluded."

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Guest Bill Stickers
hen you commies rule the world, homosexuality will be compulsory for the working man so his capacity for breeding is fucked up.The elite will breed away in their dachas like the old soviet system. ( Well almost )

I oteen asked my Grandad how many German babies he could fit on his bayonet. His answer. " Don't talk to that uber cunt Decimus. He's deluded."

The ramblings of an absolute mad man.

Do you work with Mercury and other toxic metals for a living, per chance? You've absolutely lost the plot.

Pile of shit.

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The ramblings of an absolute mad man.

Do you work with Mercury and other toxic metals for a living, per chCyanide's.u've absolutely lost the plot.

Pile of shit.

More dangerous chemicals than you can shake a stick at. HMDS, Silazane. Caustic Soda, Mercury and various Cyanides. Where is your excuse for being on this site. Trump my excuse you cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja


I oteen asked my Grandad how many German babies he could fit on his bayonet. His answer. " Don't talk to that uber cunt Decimus. He's deluded."

The ramblings of an absolute mad man.

Probably, but I do like his grandad story.... kind of tangential don't you think?

Do you work with Mercury and other toxic metals for a living, per chance? You've absolutely lost the plot.
Pile of shit.

More dangerous chemicals than you can shake a stick at. HMDS, Silazane. Caustic Soda, Mercury and various Cyanides. Where is your excuse for being on this site. Trump my excuse you cunt.

I have to kind of like that one as well....

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Back on topic. I don't like Mr Corbyn  I don't like David Cameron. I don't like Gerry Adams. I don't like Jihadi John or his mates. No real reason for it but I get the feeling they wouldn't like me if they knew me. Oh dear. Time to turn my life around but first....Corbyn, you are a real cunt.   Traitor

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So the Security Forces blew up English Cities. The fuck they did you conspiracist cunt. You will fit in well in Corbyns La-La land movement.( Note to Jezza, 1st job. Organise a pro asylum seeker rally. Show the English what contempt you hold them in)

I couldn't give a fuck about Corbyn. I would hang every MP in the land for crimes against humanity, regardless of political stance.

You seem to have a similar opinion of them, so I don't see why you cant gasp that they and their buddies in the shadows (Who are the same breed of people.) Don't bomb, kill, maim, destabilise, and generally fuck us all over daily. They keep the war/fighting/gunslinging going and convince twats like you to disbelieve, make excuses, justify their immoral behavior. Which Country they fuck doesn't matter to them, be it ours or the Arabs.

This isn't conspiracy theory, this is what they do. They are cunts, cunts with all the money and power, their cuntishness knows no bounds. Real cunts. Dangerous cunts.

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I must have soft pedalled a bit when I was offering my humble opinion of politicians. To tell the truth, I am not too keen on any of them. I am even less keen on some of them , (Ii.e. that fenian cock gobbler Corbyn ) The odd one can rise above the sleazy cess-pit they usually lurk in awaiting the next expenses issue but this is pretty ephemeral. Like the Mayfly over a country stream on quiet September evening. Mainly they are arseholes, duplicitous cunts, liars, and just for good measure real total cunts. Amen.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Just when you thought the labour party was on the up after it jettisoned Ed Moribund off to the political graveyard then in slides this Jeremy fucker. Oh well, nice easy few years ahead for the conservatives to stay in front of this shower of shit resembling an ADHD chimps tea party.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Corbyn... where do I start...?

A couple of vaguely half decent ideas, re-nationalise the rail and powergrids... Hmm.... they should be nationalised, and run for the benefit of the country, however trying to re-nationalise will cost a fucking fortune, cause riots and not fucking work...

The rest?

  • Unilateral disarmament? Piss off..
  • Cosy up with the Murdering Micks? Die cunt.
  • Stop HS2.. fuck yeah... I'd vote for that...
  • Immigration? Fuck off, to all of them.
  • Joint Administration of the Falkand Islands? FUCK OFF! Argentina never owned the Falklands, and UNs' first rule is the right to self determination... Argies, piss off up your Junta...
  • Rent controls. No.
  • Every child should be able to play music or act on stage? Protect the BBC? Eh? Fuck off, that's putting temptation in the way of the nonces...
  • Arms embargo on Isreal... er... yeah.. fuck the murdering land grabbing cry-wolf bastards...
  • His supporters include Charlotte Church and Russel Brand... HE'S FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!
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