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Guest Gong Farmer

The Daily Mail are portraying him as some sort of borderline Stalinist with plans of setting up gulag styled detention camps for any dissenters. He'd do well to start with the Daily Mail.

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Corbyn sucked the dicks of  the IRA. He would do the same to all of England's enemies. He is a treacherous cunt and I wish we still had the death penalty for scum like him. He wants unlimited immigration and the unions back in the driving seat. I remember the 70s. He is a cunt of cuntinormous cuntitude. I hope he catches Ebola.

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Guest luke swarm

Corbyn sucked the dicks of  the IRA. He would do the same to all of England's enemies. He is a treacherous cunt and I wish we still had the death penalty for scum like him. He wants unlimited immigration and the unions back in the driving seat. I remember the 70s. He is a cunt of cuntinormous cuntitude. I hope he catches Ebola.

Look, I don't believe this is the first time somebody has had to have a word with you about beating about the bush...just say what you mean and stop all this being vague and wishy washy on things you feel strongly about.  

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Corbyn sucked the dicks of  the IRA. He would do the same to all of England's enemies. He is a treacherous cunt and I wish we still had the death penalty for scum like him. He wants unlimited immigration and the unions back in the driving seat. I remember the 70s. He is a cunt of cuntinormous cuntitude. I hope he catches Ebola.

I don't condone terrorism, but the IRA wasn't blowing shit up for the fun of it. England's enemies? Hardly any wonder when Ireland was completely raped the shit out of for centuries in a brutal colonial occupation. What goes around comes around.

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I don't condone terrorism, but the IRA wasn't blowing shit up for the fun of it. England's enemies? Hardly any wonder when Ireland was completely raped the shit out of for centuries in a brutal colonial occupation. What goes around comes around.

"I don't condone terrorism. but..." - what the fuck? I suppose we got what we deserved on 7/7 too? At least you had the good grace to wait until after 9/11 before punting out this little platitude.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Corbyn sucked the dicks of  the IRA. He would do the same to all of England's enemies. He is a treacherous cunt and I wish we still had the death penalty for scum like him. He wants unlimited immigration and the unions back in the driving seat. I remember the 70s. He is a cunt of cuntinormous cuntitude. I hope he catches Ebola.

The hilarious thing about all this is the trots who are behaving like Corbyn is already Prime Minister and think that 250,000 votes from members of a party that's just been destroyed in a general election has fundamentally changed the face of British politics. Cameron and Osbourne will do everything they can to keep him in place until the next election when they will utterly destroy him by playing up his anti British/pro-terrorist beliefs. The really dangerous cunt in this equation is Tom Watson who was the architect of Tony Blair's downfall and it would seem set out to ensure Labour lost the election by using his influence to divert party resources away from targeting key marginals. Apparently, Watson is going to be doing PMQs instead of Corbyn which tells you something about who is really in charge. 

I don't condone terrorism, but the IRA wasn't blowing shit up for the fun of it. England's enemies? Hardly any wonder when Ireland was completely raped the shit out of for centuries in a brutal colonial occupation. What goes around comes around.

The Irish sucked the British tit when it suited them. 

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"I don't condone terrorism. but..." - what the fuck? I suppose we got what we deserved on 7/7 too? At least you had the good grace to wait until after 9/11 before punting out this little platitude.

If you intentionally try and change the demographic of a country, then treat its indigenous population as second class citizens for centuries, you have to expect animosity. Yes the IRA killed thousands of people, but how many Irish men and women have been killed by the British over the years, directly or indirectly? The British government created the environment from which the IRA was born and unfortunately they then had to deal with the consequences. 

So no, I don't condone terrorism, but I do understand the reasons that might drive someone towards becoming a terrorist.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit


If you intentionally try and change the demographic of a country, then treat its indigenous population as second class citizens for centuries, you have to expect animosity. Yes the IRA killed thousands of people, but how many Irish men and women have been killed by the British over the years, directly or indirectly? The British government created the environment from which the IRA was born and unfortunately they then had to deal with the consequences. 

So no, I don't condone terrorism, but I do understand the reasons that might drive someone towards becoming a terrorist.

That's a rather narrow view of Anglo/Irish history there. When you say "intentionally try and change the demographic of a country" I assume that you are pulling the old famine chestnut out of the fire?

Edited by Couldn't give a shit
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Guest luke swarm

The result has been described as a "protest" and a "backlash" by none other than "Lord" Mandelson. He seems to be quite genuinely unaware that it's oily, creepy-looking, shit-stabbing, mendacious, manipulative, opportunistic cunts like him that brought the votes flooding Corbyn's way in the first place.

AHH, Mandelson.....a real cunts cunt.   The English Ooxford dictionary should formulate a new word that encompasses all the qualities you have identified above and call it a Mandelson.  As in :

"That chap Anthony Blair and his good lady wife are a right fucking pair of Mandelsons" 


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That's a rather narrow view of Anglo/Irish history there. When you say "intentionally try and change the demographic of a country" I assume that you are pulling the old famine chestnut out of the fire?

You're absolutely right, it is a lot more complex than playing the blame game and pointing fingers. As for the famine, undoubtedly the British could have done more, but I don't buy into the wholesale notion that it was a case of ethnic cleansing by neglect. If you look at the evidence, it's quite clear that this theory was used by Irish nationalists as a tool to stir up hatred against the British, and they adulterated the facts somewhat. What I'm talking about are the protestant plantations in Ulster. Surely you would agree that they were put there to change the demographic of the population? No plantations, no Northern Ireland, no problems. Again, rather simplistic, but a united Ireland at independence would have spared us The Troubles.

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We've been fucking the Irish for years. Why do you think so many of them went and fought with the Scots against Edward I? Do you know what Cromwell did to them? No wonder they fucking hate us, like the Welsh hate us, like the Scots hate us. No condoning terrorists here, but you can where the hatred comes from.


Edited by deebom
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We've been fucking the Irish for years. Why do you think so many of them went and fought with the Scots against Edward I? Do you know what Cromwell did to them? No wonder they fucking hate us, like the Welsh hate us, like the Scots hate us. No condoning terrorists here, but you can where the hatred comes from.


Spot on. If you kick a dog enough times it will turn around and bite you. It's just a shame that blind, uninformed patriotism can lead to you being labelled a terrorist sympathiser or traitor if you show a slight bit of empathy towards these people. This country has a lot to answer for, more than Irish terrorists, more than muslim extremists, and more than most other nations on the planet.

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Spot on. If you kick a dog enough times it will turn around and bite you. It's just a shame that blind, uninformed patriotism can lead to you being labelled a terrorist sympathiser or traitor if you show a slight bit of empathy towards these people. This country has a lot to answer for, more than Irish terrorists, more than muslim extremists, and more than most other nations on the planet.

at least leave me Benjamin Netanyahu and the welsh to hate...

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Corbyns bog trotter mates blew up my city centre a few years back. Including some pubs. Cunts. They might blame me for a failed chip harvest, after all it was only decades before I was born, but that is a bit extreme. Let's face it, Corbyn along with his commie fellow travellers would love the Gulags back for cunts like me and most other Brits, certainly anyone who doesn't sing his party song. Fuck the obnoxious commie cunt. The total English hating cunt.
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Guest luke swarm
Corbyns bog trotter mates blew up my city centre a few years back. Including some pubs. Cunts. They might blame me for a failed chip harvest, after all it was only decades before I was born, but that is a bit extreme. Let's face it, Corbyn along with his commie fellow travellers would love the Gulags back for cunts like me and most other Brits, certainly anyone who doesn't sing his party song. Fuck the obnoxious commie cunt. The total English hating cunt.

I believe there already is a "gulag" in place for cunts like you, it your present location....maybe the IRA were trying to set you free from there Manky?

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Not if it's on hunger strike it won't. And if it does... well, it's bullet time for Old Yeller..


I heard that there were a number of large donations made to the foundation by those lovely lads in the parachute regiment. It must have meant a lot to the parents to receive support from a regiment that played such a vital role in securing peace and stability in Northern Ireland.  

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

You're absolutely right, it is a lot more complex than playing the blame game and pointing fingers. As for the famine, undoubtedly the British could have done more, but I don't buy into the wholesale notion that it was a case of ethnic cleansing by neglect. If you look at the evidence, it's quite clear that this theory was used by Irish nationalists as a tool to stir up hatred against the British, and they adulterated the facts somewhat. What I'm talking about are the protestant plantations in Ulster. Surely you would agree that they were put there to change the demographic of the population? No plantations, no Northern Ireland, no problems. Again, rather simplistic, but a united Ireland at independence would have spared us The Troubles.

In my opinion, the intention of the plantation was to Anglicise the Irish not exterminate them.  It could even be argued that the Scots/English settlers merely saw Ulster as easy pickings because it was practically empty. It may seem aggressive by today's standards but imagine how attractive thousands of acres of underused farmland right on the doorstep looked back then to powerful men who even regarded their own less well off countrymen as little more than a source of income or manpower to fight in their wars. The Irish certainly didn't help themselves by getting involved in the English civil war as this provided Oliver Cromwell and other well known religious fanatics with a pretext for further expansionism at the expense of the entire Irish Catholic population. To put it bluntly, the plantation was a 17th century style land grab like many others that took place in Europe at the time under the cloak of religion, not a campaign of genocide against the Irish. 

To link the plantation with the modern conflict in Northern Ireland is rather like me blaming today's economic problems in cities like Manchester and Leeds on the French for the harrying of the North. I'm pretty certain that there would have been plenty of emigration from Britain to Ireland without any organized policy because there was plenty of unoccupied land. This would have caused tensions and no doubt armed conflict but I think the outcome in the long run would have been the same simply through weight of numbers.

If the six counties had been included in the Irish Free State there would have been a bloodbath. Not only in Ireland but most likely Scotland as well which is why Lloyd-George in the end, bullied the Irish delegation into signing the Anglo-Irish treaty knowing full well that Britain would have no option but to use hundreds of thousands of British troops to restore order if the Unionists rose in armed rebellion (Which they had the capability to do) and began fighting the IFS government and the IRA. So really a united Ireland would not have brought peace but instead in all likelihood, a reoccupation of the whole of Ireland using the entire might of the British empire.



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Corbyns bog trotter mates blew up my city centre a few years back. Including some pubs. Cunts. They might blame me for a failed chip harvest, after all it was only decades before I was born, but that is a bit extreme. Let's face it, Corbyn along with his commie fellow travellers would love the Gulags back for cunts like me and most other Brits, certainly anyone who doesn't sing his party song. Fuck the obnoxious commie cunt. The total English hating cunt.

What city center would this be then? You are aware that a number of IRA bombings were in fact committed by our lovely security services? Just to keep their hand in. Like you do.

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In my opinion, the intention of the plantation was to Anglicise the Irish not exterminate them.  It could even be argued that the Scots/English settlers merely saw Ulster as easy pickings because it was practically empty. It may seem aggressive by today's standards but imagine how attractive thousands of acres of underused farmland right on the doorstep looked back then to powerful men who even regarded their own less well off countrymen as little more than a source of income or manpower to fight in their wars. The Irish certainly didn't help themselves by getting involved in the English civil war as this provided Oliver Cromwell and other well known religious fanatics with a pretext for further expansionism at the expense of the entire Irish Catholic population. To put it bluntly, the plantation was a 17th century style land grab like many others that took place in Europe at the time under the cloak of religion, not a campaign of genocide against the Irish. 

To link the plantation with the modern conflict in Northern Ireland is rather like me blaming today's economic problems in cities like Manchester and Leeds on the French for the harrying of the North. I'm pretty certain that there would have been plenty of emigration from Britain to Ireland without any organized policy because there was plenty of unoccupied land. This would have caused tensions and no doubt armed conflict but I think the outcome in the long run would have been the same simply through weight of numbers.

If the six counties had been included in the Irish Free State there would have been a bloodbath. Not only in Ireland but most likely Scotland as well which is why Lloyd-George in the end, bullied the Irish delegation into signing the Anglo-Irish treaty knowing full well that Britain would have no option but to use hundreds of thousands of British troops to restore order if the Unionists rose in armed rebellion (Which they had the capability to do) and began fighting the IFS government and the IRA. So really a united Ireland would not have brought peace but instead in all likelihood, a reoccupation of the whole of Ireland using the entire might of the British empire.



There is an arguement that a lot of the immigration to Ulster was made by the free flow of population between western Scotland and the north of Ireland. And yes, this movement of people was primarily in response to land being made available, and not for political and religious reasons. But if the plantations were not established to start off with, it would have been less attractive for settlers to make the journey to Ulster as they would have been surrounded by an openly hostile population of native Irish. The ones who did make the journey would most likely have integrated and become indistinguishable from the native population, much like the original English settlers of Ireland before the Tudor reconquest. So without the plantations I doubt there would have been anything but a small protestant minority in Northern Ireland and there would have been no legitimate reason for partition.I agree it had to happen to stop the inevitable blood letting that would have followed, but I disagree that partition and the need for it cannot be linked back to the plantations. There just wouldn't have been anywhere near enough protestants to make Northern Ireland a viable part of the U.K. without them.

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Guest DingTheRioja

So we can put the blame firly and squarely on the Scots... fine, Devolution and let the cunts take the blame...

..besides which, what the IRA termed as 'legitimate targets' was pure and unadulterated civilian mass murder with no real attempt to target the Govt who were 'hard' targets rather than 'soft' targets, like 20,000 Saturday shoppers.

I'll do Corbyn on another post.. he deserves some real fun...

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So the Security Forces blew up English Cities. The fuck they did you conspiracist cunt. You will fit in well in Corbyns La-La land movement.( Note to Jezza, 1st job. Organise a pro asylum seeker rally. Show the English what contempt you hold them in)
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Guest luke swarm
So the Security Forces blew up English Cities. The fuck they did you conspiracist cunt. You will fit in well in Corbyns La-La land movement.( Note to Jezza, 1st job. Organise a pro asylum seeker rally. Show the English what contempt you hold them in)

I should calm down mate....he is only just been made leader of the labour party and not replacing your beloved Cameron as PM, as previously surmised he may not even run the course.....go and have a read of the mail on sunday...that should calm you down or not as the case may be.   

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