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The vote against individual right to die

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

How out of touch can this government be? Surely it is a no brainer that assisted dying is humane and taking away that right to control your own destiny is wrong. It can be done in a controlled and safe manner to stop people being forced into it.

When you watch a loved one fading away painfully and slowly then you know what it is truly like. These politicians are not in touch with reality and true public opinion. Religion has put its fucking deluded opinions into the ring, showing divisions amongst them all. 

I for one can think of a few suicides I would like to urge and perhaps assist. No names mentioned so as not to break house rules.

Edited by Alfie Noakes
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Guest DingTheRioja

I'll mention names, you fucking pussy!!!


Any MP will do.... and most of the Lords, plenty in the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Any Fucking Tele, a few million "pop stars", half a dozen of my neighbours, some in-laws....

..and that's just to start us off on Monday morning...


Ok.. maybe it wasn't names.. but I don't think there is space for all the names.. so generalised groupings will have to do...


Note To Self : Need a new supply of Zyklon B or similar...

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Guest luke swarm

I'll mention names, you fucking pussy!!!


Any MP will do.... and most of the Lords, plenty in the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Any Fucking Tele, a few million "pop stars", half a dozen of my neighbours, some in-laws....

..and that's just to start us off on Monday morning...


Ok.. maybe it wasn't names.. but I don't think there is space for all the names.. so generalised groupings will have to do...


Note To Self : Need a new supply of Zyklon B or similar...

And in the words of Decimus , there's always room for Lenny Fucking Henry 

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I'll mention names, you fucking pussy!!!


Any MP will do.... and most of the Lords, plenty in the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Any Fucking Tele, a few million "pop stars", half a dozen of my neighbours, some in-laws....

..and that's just to start us off on Monday morning...


Ok.. maybe it wasn't names.. but I don't think there is space for all the names.. so generalised groupings will have to do...


Note To Self : Need a new supply of Zyklon B or similar...

I was thinking more of a few on here. Hence house rules.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

It is unbelievably cruel to force people to endure prolonged pain and suffering when the hipocratic oath is to do no harm. The western society politicians and religious zealots pulling their strings and making them fucking dance deserve a long, drawn out agonizing death, perhaps seated in front of judge and profb and made to ensure their raving idiocy, or does that cross the line of inhuman torture?

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Guest luke swarm

It is unbelievably cruel to force people to endure prolonged pain and suffering when the hipocratic oath is to do no harm. The western society politicians and religious zealots pulling their strings and making them fucking dance deserve a long, drawn out agonizing death, perhaps seated in front of judge and profb and made to ensure their raving idiocy, or does that cross the line of inhuman torture?

Now steady on old son.....there's cruelty and cruelty for cruelty's sake.    

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Now steady on old son.....there's cruelty and cruelty for cruelty's sake.    

I'm in a bit of a mood today. One of the low level hourly cunts buggered our departments mailings today. The daft bunt will have us all in tomorrow sorting the mess she made. 

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  • Rick_B changed the title to The vote against individual right to die
Guest Wizardsleeve

At the first sign of dementia, I will be swift with pulling the plug. I don't fancy ending up looking like Fatty, with the loving care provided by the likes of Keith. Fuck that.

That's the one thing about getting old Judge is looking forward to.  From what I've read in old Keith's posts, he'll be in hog heaven being Judge's carer.  Kebabs in exchange for blowies!  

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It's just another thing, like legalising drugs and prostitution that they wont do. They are just cunts, they like being cunts and will always be cunts.

What it boils down to db is that the press would destroy them for it, so they'd be fucked for a good few years politically. We need someone in power to stick their fucking neck out and do the right thing for once regardless of the political consequences. 

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Guest nobgobbler

It's just another thing, like legalising drugs and prostitution that they wont do. They are just cunts, they like being cunts and will always be cunts.

Indeed. They just have to go through the motions of open discussion as if it in some way appeases the masses, then make the yes/no vote go their own way. Political magicians, corrupt, cheating, manipulating cunts. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Indeed. They just have to go through the motions of open discussion as if it in some way appeases the masses, then make the yes/no vote go their own way. Political magicians, corrupt, cheating, manipulating cunts. 

You forgot, lying, coniving, useless, out of touch, elitist, power hungry, deluded, deliberately deaf and uncaring.

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Here's my view on the drug situation. There is, and has been for years, a cocaine epidemic in this country. All of western Europe is the same. It's fucking everywhere. you can go into pretty much any fucking pub anywhere on a weekend, hang about, have a few drinks and someone in there will be selling sniff. I find evidence of it in the toilets at work on a weekly basis. Shitloads of people I know do it, people they know do it. Everyfuckingbody does it.

Now, this isn't a few Kilos being smuggled in here and there by some wideboys from Essex, this shit arrives by the container load, by the tonne. This is being done by very high up, important people, proably with the help of the armed forces. If the Govt legalise it, or decriminalise it, they will lose money. And I'm not even including crack in that.

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Guest Bill Stickers

The audacity of some people, mostly religious fuckwits, who think they have a right to tell other people when they can or can't die....


What business is it of theirs for crying out loud? Cunts without exception.

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Here's my view on the drug situation. There is, and has been for years, a cocaine epidemic in this country. All of western Europe is the same. It's fucking everywhere. you can go into pretty much any fucking pub anywhere on a weekend, hang about, have a few drinks and someone in there will be selling sniff. I find evidence of it in the toilets at work on a weekly basis. Shitloads of people I know do it, people they know do it. Everyfuckingbody does it.

Now, this isn't a few Kilos being smuggled in here and there by some wideboys from Essex, this shit arrives by the container load, by the tonne. This is being done by very high up, important people, proably with the help of the armed forces. If the Govt legalise it, or decriminalise it, they will lose money. And I'm not even including crack in that.

Which is why computer-driven cars should be on our roads ASAP. Every pisspot and junkie will make it safety to work and back.

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There would be copious checks and balances, although I note that the lazy self-serving cunts on the GMC advise their members never to participate. The Nurses union is neutral on the subject - draw your own conclusions.

One concern is that no matter how well-controlled the process is some old dears might feel obliged to shuffle off early because they didn't want to be a burden. I don't actually see that as a problem - the selfish, asset-hogging, coffin-dodging senile old cunts can't fucking die fast enough as far as I'm concerned. (Did I mention that Mrs Baws' mother was visiting this weekend?)

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Guest luke swarm

I had a close relative who committed suicide, took him two years to do it and cost a fortune in bottles of Famous Grouse Whisky. A terrible time for his family but he managed it in the end. Cant help thinking how much cheaper and easier on the family it would have been should the Swiss option had been available.

I f people want to end it then that should be up to them, I wonder what the life insurance pay out implications are before I start leaving the leaflets around the house for Mrs Swarm to find.  

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Guest DingTheRioja

What it boils down to db is that the press would destroy them for it, so they'd be fucked for a good few years politically. We need someone in power to stick their fucking neck out and do the right thing for once regardless of the political consequences. 

Good luck with that.. meanwhile, I will be basking on the beach at Copernicus with approximately 14 models from Victorias Secrets, a Mega-Land-Yatch, a full lunar-biodome city, a swimming pool full of Krug, and a packet or two of Quavers....

....well... it's more likely that I'll get what I want than you.... B)

You forgot, lying, coniving, useless, out of touch, elitist, power hungry, deluded, deliberately deaf and uncaring.

Stop arse licking and being so nice to them ffs...

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Joe Cunt doesn't want to think about this subject, even if they have the capacity to understand it. Those who debate it on our behalf will not have done some hard labour in a hospital or a nursing home and have very little insight into the ageing process and the misery chronic illness can inflict. It doesn't help when the Christian faith puts in it's two bobs worth either. Until we advance further than seeing it as bumping off old dears, then the law will never fucking change.   

Amen to that, brother.

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