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Tight fisted old cunts

Guest nobgobbler

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Guest nobgobbler

I dont have anything against old folk in general, I open doors for them and give way when they're trying to cross a busy road, but I cannot stand these old cunts, especially the fucking rich ones, who play the pensioner card to get everything for nothing. Got an item for sale on eBay for £120 starting price plus £15 postage. This old cunt just asked me if I will sell her it for £100 and post it for free because she says her five grand kids have given her £20 each for her birthday. So she wants me to give her £35? Fucking cheek. Now look here Gwendolyn you wrinkly old skinflint, go to the post office with the biggest shopping bag you can find, withdraw this weeks state pension plus the entire contents of your life-long savings account in cash, ram it all in said bag, and get fucking mugged on the way home.

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I shouldn't fret too much.come January the tight old biddy will probably have croaked in her arm chair cos she didn't want to turn up the thermostat above 6 degrees to save her sheckles.Old cunts who dont spend money fuck me right off,You cant take it with you for fucks sake so open your fucking purse you fucking minge bags.

Its not just old cunts,I'm flogging 4 Bob Dylan tickets at face value(£90 each) and some tight arsed fuckwit says "would you accept £150 for the lot?",I know I'm a cunt but surely its not tatooed on my fucking forehead and I cant see it!

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Guest Wizardsleeve

These tight bastards chap my arse cheeks.  They think they are doing a favour by hoarding the cash away under their fucking mattress, and will make the list of beloved members long gone when they kick off, and leave the money to however many hands extended outward cunt relatives there are.  They won't fucking lift a finger for one that was just made redundant, bank is taking his or her fucking flat, and they can't afford the electric AND rent.  No, they think the hardship will make you a better person.  Fuck right off you miserable old crone!  Becoming homeless and starving is not cool or trendy.  People will love you if they know you give a fuck.  

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Guest nobgobbler

You heartless cunt, Gobbler, these old cunts need to save every penny to put towards a soon-to-be-needed plywood coffin.

Winter is coming!

You heartless cunt, Gobbler, these old cunts need to save every penny to put towards a soon-to-be-needed plywood coffin.

Winter is coming!

Cardboard more llike... and free post and packing from China

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I had an aunt who was like this. When I was a kid she'd 'buy' me a pretty 'new' dress for my birthdays. In fact it was hand me down dresses that belonged to my older cousin.

What was worse however was the only biscuits she had were rich tea and I fucking hate them.

rich tea ! ..rich tea ! ... luxury ... i was force fed fucking garibaldis at my nans for years , also the hand me down used miners lamp and canary made me feel a right twat with my mates at school ...tell that to kids these days and they don't believe you.

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I had an aunt who was like this. When I was a kid she'd 'buy' me a pretty 'new' dress for my birthdays. In fact it was hand me down dresses that belonged to my older cousin.

What was worse however was the only biscuits she had were rich tea and I fucking hate them.

+1 . I had an aunt who used to give me a Christmas present that she probably got for a shilling at Walthamstow Market and put a 10 shilling price tag on it. Christ she was a tight fisted old bitch. Her minge was used as much as her purse and that's what drove my uncle to drink.

rich tea ! ..rich tea ! ... luxury ... i was force fed fucking garibaldis at my nans for years , also the hand me down used miners lamp and canary made me feel a right twat with my mates at school ...tell that to kids these days and they don't believe you.

Garibaldi , you posh cunt. Say dead fly biscuits like us commoners . I bet your canary was alive as well.

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Guest nobgobbler

Great nom!

They only made 50 pence pieces that shape so they could get them out my granny's hands with a spanner.

When she finally croaks, them skinny little fingers of hers will snap off real easy, then you'll be laughing.

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I dont have anything against old folk in general, I open doors for them and give way when they're trying to cross a busy road, but I cannot stand these old cunts, especially the fucking rich ones, who play the pensioner card to get everything for nothing. Got an item for sale on eBay for £120 starting price plus £15 postage. This old cunt just asked me if I will sell her it for £100 and post it for free because she says her five grand kids have given her £20 each for her birthday. So she wants me to give her £35? Fucking cheek. Now look here Gwendolyn you wrinkly old skinflint, go to the post office with the biggest shopping bag you can find, withdraw this weeks state pension plus the entire contents of your life-long savings account in cash, ram it all in said bag, and get fucking mugged on the way home.

The rich old cunts do get their comeuppance from time to time. It is very satisfactory to watch an old bat having a kerfuffle on getting out of her Range Rover and pirouetting to the ground smashing her ricket sticks.

Edited by White Cunt
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rich tea ! ..rich tea ! ... luxury ... i was force fed fucking garibaldis at my nans for years , also the hand me down used miners lamp and canary made me feel a right twat with my mates at school ...tell that to kids these days and they don't believe you.

That's nothing: My mum bought my clothes from the Army & Navy stores. You see what it was like going to school dressed as a Russian admiral

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Guest Bill Stickers

That's nothing: My mum bought my clothes from the Army & Navy stores. You see what it was like going to school dressed as a Russian admiral

Were your family those weird survivalist cunts that stock up on spam and baked beans every time there is an elevated pandemic alert issued?

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Guest nobgobbler

That's nothing: My mum bought my clothes from the Army & Navy stores. You see what it was like going to school dressed as a Russian admiral

You should have insisted on a japanese snipers helmet:o

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Guest Gong Farmer

Pensioners think they're owed something. "I've paid in all my life!' and all that old bollocks. They paid into the system to support the old cunts and unemployed at the time they were paying into it, not for their own 'I'm entitled' bastard. Fuck 'em, most of the scrounging parasitic old cunts should have had the forethought of paying into a private pension scheme like I fucking well have to do so I don't have to suck off the state in my old age. I'm a staunch libertarian which means that one provides for one's self and not  have rely on the rest of society to feed, clothe and keep a roof over your head. Fucking cunts voting fucking conservative and expect socialism. Own your own fucking problems you scrounging old cunts and fuck clean off you pissy panted burdens of society and the greater good. 

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Guest luke swarm

. Fucking cunts voting fucking conservative and expect socialism. 

Ain,t that the fucking truth.


I see the old cunts in Marks and Spencers spending twice what they need to because they are too snobbish to go into Aldi, And before anyone gives me an earful. their £10 meal deal thing is worth a tenner of any cunts money. However I do see cunts buying this meal deal and opting for the bottled water  option instead of plonk....there's no end of daft cunts out there.    



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Pensioners think they're owed something. "I've paid in all my life!' and all that old bollocks. They paid into the system to support the old cunts and unemployed at the time they were paying into it, not for their own 'I'm entitled' bastard. Fuck 'em, most of the scrounging parasitic old cunts should have had the forethought of paying into a private pension scheme like I fucking well have to do so I don't have to suck off the state in my old age. I'm a staunch libertarian which means that one provides for one's self and not  have rely on the rest of society to feed, clothe and keep a roof over your head. Fucking cunts voting fucking conservative and expect socialism. Own your own fucking problems you scrounging old cunts and fuck clean off you pissy panted burdens of society and the greater good. 

And don't get me started on those OAP Syrian cunts that make their children carry them thousands of miles across deserts and continents just so they can get a pensioner meal deal in 'Spoons.

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Yer but no but, everybody knows my fanny goes sideways.

Can I have a go please?

Errr ...... no.

Somebody shag him, for fuck sake. That isn't all just two week old shit and piss in his nappy. Somewhere, hidden under a grotesque layer of groin blubber is a maggot that's never known the sweet touch of another human being. If you won't do it Gobbler, he'll be propositioned by The Judge sooner or later, and he's weak willed enough to give in. I don't want that for the lad so have a heart. It might be like copulating with a lethargic cetacean, but he did say please.

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Guest DingTheRioja

That's nothing: My mum bought my clothes from the Army & Navy stores. You see what it was like going to school dressed as a Russian admiral

Posh cunt.. I was only a Corporal....

No. We just hid under the wagon and shot at anything that moves


Sounds like Fatty.. oh sorry.. he hid under a wagon and knocked one out over anything that moves...

You should have insisted on a japanese snipers helmet:o

...I want to comment on that.. I really do.... however.... something tells me that the sin-bin may open its' doors if I do...

Either that or you'll put me in the same grouping as Fatty...

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