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Ferguson Missouri , Land of Cunts

Guest Manila

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To be apposed to a community demographic changing beyond recognition and then be labeled racist is lazy. The racism tag is thrown about to easily, stock defence for some. Is it thick not to welcome economic migrants with open arms. I for one dont believe multiculturalism is working in great Britain as does Trevor Philips  that other well known thick racist...

There is much in what you say. It is bone idle politicians unwillingness / tardiness to apply the laws of the land and amend ineffective and out of date procedures that have provoked the public at large to make their disparate voices heard. However, politicians seem to choose to draw attention only to the flagrantly antagonistic and then brand everyone who protests as an extremist. But....... Protest is one thing... Intemperate , disrespectful abuse of every person who is a different colour or of a different nationality is quite another. 

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There is much in what you say. It is bone idle politicians unwillingness / tardiness to apply the laws of the land and amend ineffective and out of date procedures that have provoked the public at large to make their disparate voices heard. However, politicians seem to choose to draw attention only to the flagrantly antagonistic and then brand everyone who protests as an extremist. But....... Protest is one thing... Intemperate , disrespectful abuse of every person who is a different colour or of a different nationality is quite another. 

yes but it must be accepted that universal hatred of the welsh is tolerated , if not encouraged.

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yes but it must be accepted that universal hatred of the welsh is tolerated , if not encouraged.

Especially if they have arses like mine. I picked a bowl of nettles earlier today and sweated them down with garlic and butter... I then knocked up a saag aloo. I now have got wind like you wouldn't fucking believe!

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Guest judgetwi

Yes, this is ridiculous. In futurearrow-10x10.png say your piece and maybe post a link rather than copy and paste someone else's chapter and verse. I've pruned your OP accordingly. Also avoid using the word negroid. Finally, there seems to be a common thread to your posts which I find disturbing......

I think we all know the word he was bursting at the seams to use. I can't see anything wrong with the word "negroid". As far as i am aware it is a technical term used in Anthropology and is not used in a derogatory way. However what i find disturbing is the phrase "the dark ones". Now that is fucking creepy. I don't want to be anywhere near some nerdy fucking weirdo who talks like that. Total cunt.

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. However what i find disturbing is the phrase "the dark ones". Now that is fucking creepy. I don't want to be anywhere near some nerdy fucking weirdo who talks like that. Total cunt.

I'd hazard a guess he's well into Lord of the Rings and/or World of Warcraft and equates orcs with black people. In between bouts of trying to wank himself to death.

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Guest Manila

A nine year old girl was recently killed there by a stray bullet probably fired by a negro.The issue was ignored .


Why no  outrage over that ?


Blacks get  all upset about white cops shooting them but ignore the much larger number of times one of the brothers shoots another brother or his women .


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Guest Bill Stickers

A nine year old girl was recently killed there by a stray bullet probably fired by a negro.The issue was ignored .

Why no  outrage over that ?

Blacks get  all upset about white cops shooting them but ignore the much larger number of times one of the brothers shoots another brother or his women .

As someone else has already pointed out, this isn't fucking Stormfront you complete cunt.

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Guest luke swarm

A nine year old girl was recently killed there by a stray bullet probably fired by a negro.The issue was ignored .


Why no  outrage over that ?


Blacks get  all upset about white cops shooting them but ignore the much larger number of times one of the brothers shoots another brother or his women .


I think you will find that its not Negro but as you quite rightly pointed out in another post its a Negroid .

You never did get over the fact that your mother preferred Black cock did you Manila....you illiterate Cunt

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Guest deebom

Black people don't shoot other black people because they're black. They shoot each other because of lots of reasons, but mostly because they can get away with it and they are men. Cops shoot, beat and kill black people because they are black, and can get away with it, and because they are men.

If you cant see that the root cause of both these problems is due to racism, then you are a fucking idiot.

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