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Cunts that move next-door to gig venues and pubs and then petition the council over noise

Guest Bill Stickers

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Guest Bill Stickers

You aim your bilious abuse and opinion first at me and now Wizardsleeve. Do you have an unhealthy interest in FGM?

You're a cunt, and I've verbally mutilated you: Female Genital Mutilation.

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Racism's rife Bawsy. A friend of mine has got a racist dog. He has to avoid visiting me with his dog at the same time as my black friends coz the little fucker tries to bite them. And my black angel fish eats all the other fish in the tank including its own babies. It must be one of those Zulu canibal types.

Sure the dogs owner isn't a closet bnp, gobbler? Dogs pick up on these things, he probably senses that his owner is uncomfortable around these coloured chappies, and naturally attacks them.



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Guest Bill Stickers

Bill, go have a cup of coffee, don't waste your anger on these cunts!

Brilliant. Your input has been sorely missed on here in recent days.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Bill, go have a cup of coffee, don't waste your anger on these cunts!

Or a cup of bromide to suppress those testosterone levels. Although its a mystery to me how you produce any without any fucking bollocks.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Or a cup of bromide to suppress those testosterone levels. Although its a mystery to me how you produce any without any fucking bollocks.

Please try and remain completely calm. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve


At least PunkApe was an invented character. You're just a cliché of a cliché.

You've made a fair number of posts, but I can't for the life of me recall any of them being genuinely witty. This suggests to me that you make up the numbers on this site, and it would be best for all concerned if you fucked off for good.

Residing in a council flat or bedsit then, billy?  

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Guest Fatty

Or a cup of bromide to suppress those testosterone levels. Although its a mystery to me how you produce any without any fucking bollocks.

Very intelligent Fuck Knuckle

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Guest Bill Stickers

Residing in a council flat or bedsit then, billy?  

No, afraid not.

It is you who seem to be frequenting the area in which they are built. Killing prozzies again?

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Guest Wizardsleeve

No, afraid not.

It is you who seem to be frequenting the area in which they are built. Killing prozzies again?

"Killing prozzies?"  That's all you were able to concoct for a post?  I suppose thanks are in order, as you have proven yourself well beneath the bottom rung of the intellectual ladder.  I can't be bothered with cunts like you, a monosyllabic, mongoloid cunt.  Don't feel restrained if the urge to fuck off strikes.  Off you go, then!  

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"Killing prozzies?"  That's all you were able to concoct for a post?  I suppose thanks are in order, as you have proven yourself well beneath the bottom rung of the intellectual ladder.  I can't be bothered with cunts like you, a monosyllabic, mongoloid cunt.  Don't feel restrained if the urge to fuck off strikes.  Off you go, then!  

would this be a god time to say .....Tattoo?

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Guest Bill Stickers

I can't be bothered with cunts like you, a monosyllabic, mongoloid cunt.  

Ah. The classic "you're too stupid for me to engage with" line. Even funnier that it is followed by a couple of polysyllabic words, in a very transparent attempt to try and prove your intellectual superiority.

What you don't realise, you thick cunt, is that it is the intellectual equivalent of running away from a slagging match.

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I know this is nowt to do with noise but there was a legal battle locally between a cricket club and the adjacent tennis club. Cricket balls were being dispatched into the tennis court during matches and the tennis club insisted that the cricket club erected fences at their own expense. So a legal wrangle started with solicitors letters flying everywhere. It went to court and the judge asked the year when each club was founded. The tennis club was founded in 1948. When he asked when the cricket club was established he was told 1870. He threw out the tennis clubs claim.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I thought tennis was played with racquets not clubs! 

This area must be the most uninspired area in the UK to have two cuntish clubs next to each other. The only thing that could make this worse was if they were next door to a golf course and a council estate

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I thought tennis was played with racquets not clubs! 

This area must be the most uninspired area in the UK to have two cuntish clubs next to each other. The only thing that could make this worse was if they were next door to a golf course and a council estate

There is a golf course actually. Dennis Thatcher was a member there.


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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

There is a golf course actually. Dennis Thatcher was a member there.


I would even take up golf to get me out of that household. Are any of them left or are they doing something useful now like feeding plants.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

would this be a god time to say .....Tattoo?

As with everything, Spot, no better time than the present.  

Ah. The classic "you're too stupid for me to engage with" line. Even funnier that it is followed by a couple of polysyllabic words, in a very transparent attempt to try and prove your intellectual superiority.

What you don't realise, you thick cunt, is that it is the intellectual equivalent of running away from a slagging match.

Poor Bill, talk about being a thick cunt!  If you are stuck at such a stunted, underdeveloped intellectual level as that, there couldn't possibly be a worthwhile slagging match, because you wouldn't be able to hold up your end.  It's like trying to start a physical row with a handicapped child in a wheelchair that called you a name you don't like.  You do need to grow up, Bill.  You heard it from somebody that has no interest in your well being or existence whatsoever, so a more objective character summary you will never find.  

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At least PunkApe was an invented character. You're just a cliché of a cliché.......


Avoid cliches like the plague.


Ah. The classic "you're too stupid for me to engage with" line. Even funnier that it is followed by a couple of polysyllabic words, in a very transparent attempt to try and prove your intellectual superiority.

I know some big words too ....... Like, corrugated and marmalade.

Edited by cuntspotter
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