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Support Felipe's Box of Flids (Reprise)

Guest JackoTC

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Guest JackoTC

Let's be honest tho Dec's, there are some parts of Norfolk, particularly Stiffkey & Blakeney, that are also full of the worst types of London cunts. Gt Yarmouth is also purulent weeping boil that wouldn't be missed if it fell into the North Sea.

The pub at Stiffkey used to have a decent Blues Band or similar on every Saturday during the summer. We camped in that little field for £4.00 a night. Now its a big campsite with loos and showers and all. Fucking poofs.

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Guest JackoTC

And your all going into Felipe's box of Flids - for turning this Nom into a Friends of Norfolk discussion group. You webbed footed fen monkies. 

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"Can we bring yesterday back around, 
'Cos I know how I feel about you now. 
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down, 
But I know how I feel about you now."

You've reduced yourself to the likes of Snatch. A nothing... a fucking nothing. In the blink of an eye, one of the few cunts I held any respect for reduced to the likes of a bum. Disappointed. Boxed. 

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Jackie once again you've inspired me to get back in the studio and create a masterpiece like no other... a mini Snatch on my new 4D printer. A one of a kind thick weasel... a buck toothed, one eyed, round headed flid with a cigarette butt nose and flippy-floppy ears. 

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Guest MikeD

Jackie once again you've inspired me to get back in the studio and create a masterpiece like no other... a mini Snatch on my new 4D printer. A one of a kind thick weasel... a buck toothed, one eyed, round headed flid with a cigarette butt nose and flippy-floppy ears. 

Fuck me, how will everyone cope with these attacks on their character?

I know, by not giving a fuck.


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Guest MikeD

Attack?... it's merely an observation. You the best Mike. 

At least you're not one of those deluded fuckers who think they're above everyone but actually do fuck-all but slag people off on the internet.

Wait, hang on a minute......

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At least you're not one of those deluded fuckers who think they're above everyone but actually do fuck-all but slag people off on the internet.

Wait, hang on a minute......

Don't be daft MikeFuckingD, of course I don't think I'm above everyone... in reality. I know I am. As far as the Corner is concerned, the majority of members are far superior. That's how I like it. 

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Right now the thinking is jamón ibérico, salade tomate and Alhambra beer. Then I'm thinking frisbee. 

Just had a couple of Negra Modelos (the proper Mexican import, not some brewed-in-Romford shite.) I doubt I'll eat before tonight; something deep fried around midnight, probably. 

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Guest JackoTC

I swear I never saw it coming ......'Baws boxed. Its a fucking travesty of justice. Worry not though, his Papist lawyer chums will clear his name........

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Guest JackoTC

Not Round House Park I hope. Well I suppose it could have been worse, he could be living in Hethersett, or heaven forbid, Wymondham.

I try to keep away from the area Doc. Deco hangs about waiting for strangers to venture in..............I suspect he rapes and eats them.

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Guest Snatch

a mini Snatch on my new 4D printer. A one of a kind thick weasel... a buck toothed, one eyed, round headed flid with a cigarette butt nose and flippy-floppy ears. 

Why thank you Frank. It seems I possess alot more qualities than your good self.

Have a fuck off on me.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I'm from the north-east of Scotland, don't talk to me about inbreeding, you fucking amateurs!

..and I raise you one Yorkshire Dales...


Right now the thinking is jamón ibérico, salade tomate and Alhambra beer. Then I'm thinking frisbee. 

You had me, right up until the plastic dinner plate throwing episode, now you can fuck off.... unless there is some Torta de Aceite to follow?

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Bawsey you've been boxed.. you know the rules. Any further correspondence will be considered null and void. Fuck off. 

I wouldn't worry too much, I don't think it changes much, in fact it sounds better in than out, ignored by the 'uk gold' of cunts corner...bliss.

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Why is there a fucking love heart near the like button, all a bit gay...considering it's mostly moaning old men cuntbreeds on here, Jackoff what the fuck is that all about ?

So going by the above post..Felipe wants to anal pleasure Eddie, that's what it looks like, has admin turned in to a fucking hippie, answers jackoff !! i want them ?

Bend, Lisson Grove... 2 bed 2 bath lateral conversion two doors up from the Seashell... opposite zizi's place (007). Can I have an estimate please ... preferably in English you semi-illiterate sap. 

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